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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
Email - daf@shemayisrael.co.il
Shabbos Chart #15
(A) MAGA |
(B) MASA |
RABAH | ||||
1) | RABANAN | yes | yes | no |
2) | REBBI AKIVA | yes | yes | yes |
3) | RABANAN | yes | no | no |
4) | REBBI AKIVA | yes | yes | no |
(1) This refers to the actual article of Avodah Zarah itself, and not to
items used for serving Avodah Zarah. Items used for serving Avodah Zarah
(Tashmishei Avodah Zarah) are Metamei only with Maga according to everyone,
and not with Masa nor Even Mesama.
(2) "Heset" in this context refers to an article of Avodah Zarah which
carries something else (for example, both items were placed on opposing
sides of a scale, and the Avodah Zarah lifts, so to speak, the other item,
by outweighing it. This is in contrast to Masa, which refers to when others
carry the Avodah Zarah. The Gemara (83a) states that the laws of Heset are
identical to the laws of Even Mesama, and those who maintain that Avodah
Zarah is Metamei with Even Mesama will maintain that it is also Metamei
with Heset.
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