brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
Email - daf@shemayisrael.co.il
Shabbos Chart #1b
1) | ANI takes object from here... | ...and then places it in BHB's hand |
ANI Chayav |
2) | ...and places it here |
ANI reaches in and takes object from hand of BHB... |
ANI Chayav |
3) | ...and places it in ANI's hand |
BHB takes object from here... | BHB Chayav |
4) | BHB reaches out and takes object from here... | ...and places it here |
BHB Chayav |
5) | ANI takes object from here and extends his hand into... | ...here, and BHB takes object from ANI's hand |
ANI Patur |
6) | ANI extends his empty hand to...
...here, and BHB places object into it, and ANI brings his hand back to... | ANI Patur |
7) | ...here, and ANI takes object from BHB's hand |
BHB takes object from here and extends his hand out to... | BHB Patur |
8) | ...here, and ANI places object into it, and BHB brings his hand back to... | BHB extends his empty hand to... ...here |
BHB Patur |
9) | (same as 5, but from BHB's perspective:) | ||
which ANI extends to him from here |
BHB takes object from ANI's hand... | BHB Patur | |
10) | (same as 6, but from BHB's perspective) | BHB Patur | |
11) | (same as 7, but from ANI's perspective) | ANI Patur | |
12) | (same as 8, but from ANI's perspective) | ANI Patur | |
13) | (same as 1, but from BHB's perspective) | BHB Patur | |
14) | (same as 2, but from BHB's perspective) | BHB Patur | |
15) | (same as 3, but from ANI's perspective) | ANI Patur | |
16) | (same as 4, but from ANI's perspective) | ANI Patur |
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