


Answer #2 (Abaye): Reish Lakish and R. Yochanan discuss a Menorah composed of rings (one may not move it lest it come apart and he will fix it, making a Kli).


Question: If so, why does Reish Lakish permit a small Menorah?


Answer: He means, they discuss a Menorah with grooves, it looks like it has rings;


A Menorah of rings is forbidden, whether big or small;


All forbid a big Menorah with grooves, for people will think that it is of rings;


They argue about a small Menorah with grooves - Reish Lakish forbids, R. Yochanan does not (people will not think that it is of rings).


Question: But R. Yochanan says that the Halachah follows a Stam Mishnah (and there is a Stam like R. Shimon!)


(Mishnah): If the Ofan of a Sheidah comes off [easily]:


It is not considered attached, it is not measured with it, it does not shield from Tum'as Mes with it, one may not drag it on Shabbos when there are coins on it.


Inference: One may drag it if there are no coins on it, even if there were coins on it Bein ha'Shemashos!


Answer (R. Zeira): To avoid a contradiction in the words of R. Yochanan, we explain that it may be moved if coins were not on it [for at least part of] Bein ha'Shemashos.


(R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Once, Rebbi went to a certain place and ruled about a Menorah, like R. Shimon regarding a Ner.


Question: Does this mean, he permitted [moving] a Menorah, like R. Shimon permits regarding a Ner (Rashi; Tosfos - and he permitted a Ner, like R. Shimon);


Or, did he rule about a Menorah (that it is forbidden), and permitted a Ner, like R. Shimon?


This question is not resolved.


Rav Malkiyah visited the house of R. Simlai, and moved a Ner (after it extinguished) - R. Simlai was upset.


R. Yosi of Galil visited the area of R. Yosi b'Rebbi Chanina and moved a Ner - R. Yosi b'Rebbi Chanina was upset.


When R. Avahu would visit the area of R. Yehoshua ben Levi, he would move Neros; when he would visit the area of R. Yochanan, he would not.


Question: Either way you say, this is difficult!


If he holds like R. Yehudah, he should not move them anywhere; if he holds like R. Shimon, he should move them everywhere!


Answer: He holds like R. Shimon - he was stringent in the area of R. Yochanan on account the honor of R. Yochanan (who forbids).


(Rav Yehudah): One may move an oil lamp, but not a kerosene lamp (it smells terrible, people do not use it for anything else);


(Rabah and Rav Yosef): One may move even a kerosene lamp.


Rav Avya visited Rava's house; his feet were muddy, he sat on a bed in front of Rava - Rava was upset, and wanted to pain him.


Question (Rava): Why do Rabah and Rav Yosef permit moving a kerosene lamp?


Answer (Rav Avya): It may be used to cover a Kli.


Question (Rava): If so, it should be permitted to move rocks in the Chatzer, they may be used to cover Kelim!


Answer (Rav Avya): A kerosene lamp is a Kli, rocks are not;



(Beraisa): Bracelets, nose-rings and rings are like regular Kelim, one may move [but not wear] them in a Chatzer [even though Chachamim decreed not to wear them in Reshus ha'Rabim, lest one take it off to show someone and carry it].


(Ula): This is because they are Kelim.


Here also, we are more lenient about a kerosene lamp, because it is a Kli!


Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak: Blessed is Hash-m, who did not allow Rava to embarrass Rav Avya!




Question (Abaye - Beraisa): Leftover oil in a Ner or bowl [that was burning when Shabbos began] is forbidden;


R. Shimon permits it.


This shows that R. Shimon permits Muktzeh.


Contradiction (Mishnah - R. Shimon): [If a Bechor Behemah was found to have a Mum on Yom Tov], if the Mum was not known from before Yom Tov [one may not slaughter it on Yom Tov], for it was not Muchan (prepared for use on Yom Tov).


Answer (Rabah): He permits leftover oil, for a person waits for a Ner to go out so he can use the remaining oil;


A person does not wait for a Bechor to get a Mum so he can slaughter it (because it is very unlikely):


Nothing suggests that it will get a Mum; even if it will get a Mum, nothing suggests that the Mum will be Kavu'a (permanent); even if it will get a Mum Kavu'a, nothing suggests that he will find a Chacham [to inspect the Mum and permit the animal, R. Shimon forbids this on Yom Tov]!


Question (Rami bar Chama - Beraisa): Vows may be annulled [by a husband] on Shabbos, for the need of Shabbos.


Even if a vow [not to eat a food] is annulled, the food should be forbidden, for she did not plan to eat it - nothing suggests that her husband will annul it! (Tosfos - if she forbade the food to herself, it should be forbidden for her to eat it, but even she may move it; Ran - it should be forbidden for anyone to move it. Rashash - this is a Beraisa (Nedarim 77A), it is like the opinion that a husband has 24 hours to annul from when he heard the vow, therefore he may annul only for the sake of [eating the food on] Shabbos (if not, he can annul on Motzei Shabbos). We could not ask from the Mishnah, which includes the bracketed words discussing Heter (permission of vows by a) Chacham, for it only requires Heter to be for the sake of Shabbos - annulment need not be for the sake of Shabbos, like the Tana that a husband may annul only until nightfall (therefore he may annul on Shabbos even if the food will be Muktzeh).)


Answer: She expects her husband to annul it, like Rav Pinchus taught:


(Rav Pinchus): A woman vows on condition that her husband will agree to it.


Question (Mishnah): One may ask [a Chacham] to permit vows on Shabbos, if they are for the need of Shabbos.


The food should be forbidden, for he did not plan to eat it - nothing suggests that he will find a Chacham to permit it!


Answer: If he does not find a Chacham, he can get three commoners to permit it.


Question (Abaye - R. Shimon - Mishnah): One may move any Ner, except for one burning on Shabbos.


One may not move a Ner that is burning, lest he extinguish it while moving it.


But R. Shimon permits Davar she'Eino Miskaven!


(Beraisa - R. Shimon): One may drag a bed, chair or bench, as long as he does not intend to make a furrow;


Answer #1: If doing an action with intent would be an Isur mid'Oraisa, R. Shimon decrees to forbid Davar she'Eino Miskaven; if with intent it is only an Isur mid'Rabanan, he permits Davar she'Eino Miskaven l'Chatchilah.


Objection (Rava - Mishnah): One who sells garments [with Sha'atnez] may sell normally [he wears it to display it], as long as he does not intend that it will protect him from the sun or rain [or cold];


Tzenu'im (who are careful to avoid suspicion) hang such garments on a stick in back of them.


Even though intent to benefit from Kil'ayim is an Isur mid'Oraisa, R. Shimon permits Davar she'Eino Miskaven!


Answer #2 (Rava): Rather, R. Shimon forbids moving a burning Ner, because it, the oil and wick are all Basisim for something forbidden (the flame).