


(Mishnah - Chachamim): [Both of these are forbidden...]


Question: If one hung it, what is the law?


Answer #1 (Rav Yosef): He is Chayav Chatas.


Objection (Abaye): If so, if someone hung a flask on a peg, is he [also] Chayav?


Answer #2 (Abaye): It is forbidden mid'Rabanan, lest one behave as if it is a weekday.


Abaye consolidated laws from several Beraisos:


The following are forbidden, but if one did them he is exempt - stretching out a leather pouch on pegs (this is like making an Ohel), hanging a Meshameres, spreading Kilah (a canopy over a bed), and assembling a chair that comes apart;


If one made a permanent Ohel, he is Chayav Chatas;


The following are permitted - putting a bed (that was on its side) on its legs, and opening a folding chair or toilet seat.


(Mishnah): One may not put wine in a hanging Meshameres on Shabbos.


Question: If one strained wine through it, what is the law?


Answer #1 (Rav Kahana): He is Chayav Chatas.


Objection (Rav Sheshes): It is unreasonable that R. Eliezer permits something for which Chachamim Mechayev Chatas!


Counter-objection (Rav Yosef): Why is this unreasonable? R. Meir is Mechayev Chatas for wearing Ir Shel Zahav [in Reshus ha'Rabim], and R. Eliezer permits!


(Beraisa - R. Meir): A woman may not go out wearing Ir Shel Zahav - if she did [in Reshus ha'Rabim], she is Chayeves Chatas;


Chachamim say, she may not go out with it; if she did, she is exempt;


R. Eliezer permits going out with it.


Answer (Abaye): R. Eliezer does not respond to R. Meir, rather, to Chachamim, who forbid and exempt. (Tosfos ha'Rosh - there is a 'Tana Kama' who forbids; Chachamim argue with him. R. Eliezer and R. Meir argue about the argument - R. Meir says that the Tana Kama is Mechayev Chatas, and Chachamim forbid but exempt; R. Eliezer says that the Tana Kama forbids but exempts, and Chachamim permit. If both R. Meir and R. Eliezer themselves forbid but exempt, there is not really a wide argument, just one holds that there is a Tana who is Mechayev, the other holds that there is a Tana who permits - PF. Alternatively, perhaps Chachamim forbid even in a Chatzer (like Rav and the Stam Mishnayos 57A and 64B), and R. Eliezer permits (like R. Yishmael, 64B). Rashash - it is not a wide argument - R. Meir holds that because it is forbidden l'Chatchilah, it is no longer a Tachshit, therefore one is liable.)


Question: For which [Av] Melachah do we warn him [for straining? Surely, if he was warned incorrectly he is not killed; Tosfos (Bava Kama 2A ul'R. Eliezer) is unsure whether or not one must be warned for the Av.]


Answer #1 (Rabah): We warn him for Borer.


Answer #2 (R. Zeira): We warn him for Meraked (sifting out Pesoles).


Support (Rabah, for himself): Straining resembles Borer, to take the food and leave the Pesoles (the wine comes through, the dregs are left in the Meshameres. Tosfos - it is the way to take the food only when there is more Pesoles.)


Support (R. Zeira, for himself): Straining resembles Meraked, the food goes to the bottom, the Pesoles is left on top. (Rambam rules that he is liable for Meraked or Borer.)




(Rami bar Yechezkeil - Beraisa): One may not spread a Talis on four pegs - if he did, he is exempt.


If it was wrapped on a pole by a thread or string from before Shabbos, one may spread it on Shabbos (he adds to a temporary Ohel).


Question (Rav Kahana): What is the law concerning Kilah?


Answer (Rav): Even [some] beds are forbidden (this will be explained).


Question (Rav Kahana): What is the law concerning a bed?


Answer (Rav): Even [some] Kilos are permitted.


Question (Rav Kahana): What are the laws concerning Kilah and a bed?


Answer (Rav): Kilah is forbidden, a bed is permitted.


Resolution: Rav forbade even beds regarding assembling a bed that comes apart; he permitted even Kilos like Rami bar Yechezkeil (they are on strings, he merely extends them); he forbade Kilah and permitted a bed in the usual case (Kilah without a string, and standing a bed on its legs).


(Rav Yosef): I saw the Kilos of Rav Huna's house - on Shabbos night they were spread, on Shabbos morning they were [dismantled] on the floor.


(Rav citing R. Chiya): It is permitted to spread a curtain [in a doorway] and to take it down.


(Shmuel citing R. Chiya): It is permitted to spread Kilas Chasanim (a canopy spread over a pole running lengthwise above the middle of the bed, it slopes down on both sides) and to take it down.



(Rav Sheshes brei d'Rav Idi): This is only if the top is not a Tefach wide - otherwise, it is forbidden [on account of making an Ohel];


Even if the top is not a Tefach wide, if within three Tefachim of the top the width [between sides] is a Tefach, it is forbidden;


It is permitted only if [at the bottom] the sides are not a Tefach from the middle - if there is, it is forbidden, for a slanted Ohel is considered an Ohel. (Rashi - the total width is at most two Tefachim, it is not made to sleep under. Tosfos - perhaps the canopy rests on several poles, the width between any two must be less than a Tefach; alternatively, perhaps we are concerned only if 10 Tefachim above the bed it is a Tefach wide. Rashbam deletes this clause from the text, for a slanted Ohel is not considered an Ohel (Sukah 19B).)


It is permitted only if it does not hang a Tefach below [the sides of] the bed - if it does, it is forbidden (it makes the bed a roof with walls on two sides).


(Rav Sheshes brei d'Rav Idi): It is permitted to wear a felt hat on Shabbos.


Question: It was taught that it is forbidden!


Answer #1: It is forbidden [on account of an Ohel] only if it spreads out a Tefach from his head.


Objection: Is one liable if he (Rosh' text - is it forbidden to) spread a Talis a Tefach over his head?!


Version #1 (R. Chananel) Answer: A hat is tight (it is like an Ohel), a Talis is not tight.


Version #2 (Rashi) Answer #2: Rather, it is forbidden if it does not fit well (Rashi - lest it will blow off and he will carry it).


(Beraisa): One may spread a leather pouch with straps in its normal place.


(Rav): Two people may spread it, one may not (Rashi - he stretches it out well; Rashba - he ties one end at a time, the way Ohalim are made).


(Abaye): Kilah is forbidden even with 10 people, for it will surely be stretched.


(Beraisa): If one leg of an oven came off, the oven may be moved; if two came off, it is forbidden;


(Rav): Even if one came off it is forbidden - this is a decree lest he bang it in.




(Rav): In the future Torah will be forgotten from Yisrael - it says "V'Hifla Hash-m Es Makosecha", just like "Hineni Yosef Lehafli Es ha'Am ha'Zeh Haflei va'Fele [...v"Ovda Chachmas Chachamav]", which refers to Torah.


(Beraisa): In Yavneh they taught that in the future Torah will be forgotten from Yisrael - it says "Hinei Yomim Ba'im...v'Hishlachti Ra'av ba'Aretz...Lishmo'a Es Divrei Hash-m", and "...Yeshotetu Levakesh Es Devar Hash-m v'Lo Yimtza'u";


"Devar Hash-m" refers to Halachah, the Ketz (latest possible time for Moshi'ach to come), and prophecy.


Question: What does it mean "Yeshotetu Levakesh Es Devar Hash-m"?


Answer: A woman will take a loaf of Terumah to synagogues and Batei Medrash to find out if it is Tahor or Tamei. (In the name of Noda bi'Yhudah - she will take the loaf [and not just tell what happened], because people will not know the Halachah, they will need to look for 'clouds of Tum'ah' over it.)


Question: Even if they forgot, this is explicitly written [that all foods Mekabel Tum'ah] - "Mi'Kol ha'Ochel Asher Ye'achel"!


Answer: Rather, she will ask if it is a Rishon [l'Tum'ah] or a Sheni.


Question: Also this is explicit [Maharshal - in the Torah], like a Mishnah teaches!


(Mishnah): If a [dead] Sheretz was found in a [Cheres] oven, the bread inside is a Sheni, for the oven is a Rishon.


Answer: They will be unsure about Rav Ada bar Ahavah's question:


Question (Rav Ada): We should view the entire oven as if it was full of Tum'ah [because the Sheretz is Metamei the entire contents], and the loaf should be a Rishon!


Answer (Rava): We do not view it like this:


(Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps all Kelim are Mekabel Tum'ah from the airspace of a Kli Cheres!


Rejection: "Kol Asher b'Socho Yitma...; Mi'Kol ha'Ochel Asher Ye'achel" - food is Mekabel Tum'ah from the airspace of a Kli Cheres, Kelim are not.


(Beraisa - R. Shimon): Heaven forbid that Torah would be forgotten from Yisrael - "Ki Lo Sishakach mi'Pi Zar'o". (Maharsha - the others explain that this refers only to Shiras Ha'azinu.)


Question: How do we explain "Yeshotetu Levakesh Es Devar Hash-m"?


Answer: They will not find the Halachah and Mishnah clear [even] in one place (there will be many different opinions).