(a)Rebbi Eliezer permits fitting a cloth strainer across the vessel to which it is attached, on Yom-Tov - but not on Shabbos.
(b)The Chachamim forbid it even on Yom-Tov.
(c)The basis of their Machlokes is - whether one is permitted to perform Machshirei Ochel-Nefesh that one could have performed before Yom-Tov, on Yom-Tov (Rebbi Eliezer) or not (the Chachamim).
(d)Rebbi Eliezer permits however - placing the dregs of wine into a strainer that is already fitted (even on Shabbos) ...
(e)... since this is not the way one usually strains wine.
(a)The Chachamim forbid both. They permit however, placing wine into a strainer that is already fitted on Yom-Tov.
(b)They forbid ...
1. ... fitting a strainer on Yom-Tov - because a. It is making a temporary Ohel; b. It resembles a weekday occupation (Uvdin de'Chol).
2. ... pouring the wine into the strainer on Shabbos - because it is a Toldah of Borer (selecting) or Meraked (sifting flour).
(c)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)The Mishnah permits pouring water on to dregs in a strainer on Shabbos - provided the dregs were placed there before Shabbos.
(b)One does this - in order to drain all the wine from the wine (so that the dregs remain clear).
(c)Alternatively, 'Nosnim Mayim al-Gabei Shemarim Bish'vil she'Yeitzalu' means - that one may pour water over the dregs in a barrel, so that it adopts the taste of the wine that is in the dregs (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Mishnah permits filtering wine in a cloth that is stretched over an Egyptian (wickerwork) basket.
(b)We are not afraid that one will come to squeeze the grapes - because the fact that one is not using a regular filter will serve as a reminder not to do so (Meleches Sh'lomoh).
(c)The Tana forbids making a cavity in the filter, to allow the juice to flow more freely - because of 'Uvdin de'Chol'.
(d)One is permitted to raise the filter (see Tos-Yom-Tov) on Shabbos - provided it remains less than a Tefach from the floor of the K'li.
(e)The Tana - permits pouring a beaten egg into a strainer that contains mustard - to brighten up the color.
(b)Why are we not afraid that one will come to squeeze the grapes (See Meleches Sh'lomoh) ?
(c)Why does the Tana forbid making a cavity in the filter, to allow the juice to flow more freely?
(d)On what condition is one permitted to raise the filter (see Tos-Yom-Tov) on Shabbos?
(e)And what does the Tana say about pouring a beaten egg into a strainer that contains mustard? Why does one do that?
(a)The Tana Kama permits making Anumlin (or Yeinumlin) - comprising wine - honey and peppers on Shabbos.
(b)Rebbi Yehudah concedes that this is permitted on Yom-Tov, even in a bottle whereas on Shabbos - one may only make it in a glass.
(c)Rebbi Tzadok says that it is based on the guests.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)The Mishnah forbids soaking Chiltis - (a food that is eaten hot by people who live in cold climates) in warm water.
(b)The Tana forbids it - because it looks like Uvdin de'Chol (See also Tiferes Yisrael).
(c)He permits however - placing it in vinegar.
(a)The Tana also forbids soaking Karshinim - (vetch or horse-beans) in water on Shabbos.
(b)When one soaks it - the refuse floats to the top.
(c)He forbids ...
1. ... soaking it and ...
2. ... rubbing it to remove the refuse - because it falls under the Melachah of 'Borer'.
(d)He permits one to - place it in a sieve or a basket, even though some of the refuse sometimes falls out by itself.
(a)Besides placing straw in a sieve (to remove the chaff), the Mishnah also forbids - placing it on top of a slope, so that the chaff should roll away.
(b)The Tana allows however - placing it in a sieve (similar to the previous case) and then putting in the feeding-trough.
(a)Rebbi Dosa permits sweeping the feeding-trough before a 'P'tam' - (a calf that is in the process of being fattened) on Shabbos.
(b)He permits ...
1. ... it - because if the earth mixes with the straw and the barley that one serves the ox, it will become disgusted and refuse to eat.
2. ... moving an excessive amount of straw to the side - because otherwise, it may walk in it and dirty it with its droppings.
(c)The Chachamim - forbid both cases.
(a)Rebbi Dosa concedes that it is forbidden - there where the feeding-trough is made of earth (as opposed to a K'li) ...
(b)... since we then suspect that the owner might come top fill in holes.
(c)The Chachamim - decree a case where the feeding-trough consists of a K'li because of one that is made of earth, whereas Rebbi Dosa doesn't.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)The Tana permits taking food that one animal has started eating and placing it in front of another animal on Shabbos ...
(b)... because animals do not tend to become sickened by food that another animal started eating.
(c)He forbids moving it however - from a cow to a donkey ...
(d)... since the latter is sickened by the excessive spittle that the former leaves behind.
(a)The Mishnah forbids moving straw that is lying on a bed - because it is Muktzah.
(b)He nevertheless permit one to move it with his body (e.g. with his shoulders) - as this is classified as 'Tiltul min ha'Tzad', which is permitted.
(c)There where the straw was designated (before Shabbos) as animal fodder - he permits it anyway.
(d)He also permit moving it with his hands - if he placed a cushion or a sheet on the bed before Shabbos.
(e)The reason for these latter rulings is - because they both leave the realm of Muktzah on account of their having been designated, the former, as animal food, the latter, as a mattress.
(a)The Mishnah permits loosening a 'Machbeish' - (an old-time iron) that retains the creases) of Ba'alei-Batim.
(b)It worked by - placing one's folded clothes in between two boards, and pressing them tightly together by means of screws (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Tana permits loosening it - which is for the needs of Shabbos, but forbids tightening it - which is needed only for after Shabbos.
(a)The Tana Kama - forbids even loosening the Machbeish of a laundry-man ...
(b)... because he tightens it so professionally that loosening it is akin to demolishing.
(c)Rebbi Yehudah rules - that if it was partially loose when Shabbos came in, one is permitted to loosen it completely on
(d)The Halachah is like the Tana Kama.