

תוספות ד"ה מיתיבי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our Gemara did not ask its question from our Mishnah.)

אומר הר"ם לפי' הקונטרס שפי' במתני' החזן רואה היכן התינוקות קורין לאור הנר הא דלא פריך ליה ממתני'


Implied Question: The Ram notes why, according to Rashi who explains in the Mishnah that the Chazan sees where the children are reading by the light of the candle, the Gemara does not ask its question from our Mishnah. (Why indeed?)

משום דאיכא למימר דקורין באיסור ואין מוחין בידם אבל הכא דקתני מסדרין משמע שמותרין לעשות כן


Answer: This is because it is possible to say that they are not allowed to do so, and nobody is protesting their action. However, the Tosefta that states, "they would organize" implies that this is permitted.



תוספות ד"ה רבא אמר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it was common to find people who did not take Ma'asros from their produce.)

וא"ת האמרי' בפרק בתרא דסוטה (דף מח.) שיוחנן כהן גדול גזר על הדמאי לפי ששלח בכל גבול ישראל וראה שלא היו מפרישין אלא תרומה גדולה בלבד


Question: Didn't we say in Sotah (48a) that Yochanan Kohen Gadol decreed Dmai was forbidden, as he sent messengers around the borders of Israel and saw that only Terumah Gedolah was being taken?

וי"ל דה"ק שלא היו מפרישין כולם אלא תרומה גדולה אבל רובן היו מעשרים


Answer: This means that the only thing that everyone was taking was Terumah Gedolah. However, most people were indeed taking Ma'asros as well.

והא דחשו הכא טפי למיעוט מבמקום אחר


Implied Question: They suspected the minority of people who did not take Ma'asros in our Gemara. (Why suspect a person is part of the minority?)

משום דהויא מיעוט דשכיח טובא והיו הרבה נכשלים


Answer: This is because it was a very common (i.e. significant) minority, and there were indeed many who were eating food that had not been tithed.

ומה שקשה דאביי אדאביי ודרבא אדרבא מפורש בפ"ב דכתובות (דף כד. ושם) גבי חיישינן לגומלים


Observation: The contradiction in Abaye and Rava is explained in Kesuvos (24a) in the discussion about suspecting those who help (in order to get Terumos and Ma'asros, see there).



תוספות ד"ה מה אשת

(SUMMARY: Tosfos and Rashi argue regarding why it is forbidden for a man and a married woman to be in the same bed while clothed.)

והתם סברא הוא לאסור לפי שיצרו תוקפו ומתגבר עליו ביותר


Explanation #1: It is logical to forbid this, as a person has a strong evil desire in such a situation (to be with his friend's wife).

ורש"י פי' אפי' ביחוד נמי אסור מדאורייתא


Explanation #2: Rashi explains that they are even forbidden to be secluded together according to Torah law (and this is the reason why they cannot be in the same bed together).

ואין נראה דמשמע דרוצה לאסור יחוד בנדה תימה דיחוד דאסור מן התורה לא ילפי' מאשת איש ושרי בנדה כדכתיב סוגה בשושנים (סנהד' פ"ד לז.)


Question: This does not seem to be correct, as it implies he wants to forbid a person from being secluded with any Nidah. This is difficult, as we do not derive the Torah prohibition of Yichud (regarding a person's wife who is a Nidah) from a married woman, and we say it does not apply to a (person's wife who is a) Nidah as the Pasuk states, "Fenced in by roses" (see Sanhedrin 37a).

והוא בבגדו והיא בבגדה דלא הוי אפי' באשת איש אלא מדרבנן אסור בנדה מהיקשא טפי הוה לן למיסר יחוד מהיקשא ולמישרי הוא בבגדו והיא בבגדה בלא יחוד כגון שפתח פתוח לרה"ר מסוגה בשושנים


Question (cont.): The fact that he is forbidden to be in the same bed with her even when they are wearing clothes is only a Rabbinic law, even when it is regarding someone else's wife. It is difficult to say we are going to compare a person's wife who is a Nidah to a married woman due to Yichud and therefore forbid this with one's wife, as it would be more understandable to use this comparison to forbid Yichud with one's wife but permit them to be in the same bed together with their clothes on when there is no Yichud, such as when there is a door open to the public domain. This would be permitted due to the Pasuk, "Fenced in by roses" (that Pasuk is used in Sanhedrin ibid. to indicate that there is a case where one can be lenient with his wife, as they are careful not to transgress).



תוספות ד"ה ופליגא דר' פדת

(SUMMARY: Tosfos presents three possible explanations of the opinion of Rebbi Pedas.)

תימה מנא ליה דפליגי דילמא מדרבנן אסור אפי' הוא בבגדו


Question: This is difficult. How do we know they argue? Perhaps even if they are both wearing clothes it is forbidden by Rabbinic law?

ורש"י דפירש כאן כיון דמדאורייתא לא אסור אלא תשמיש ממש מדרבנן לא אסור אלא קירוב בשר


Opinion #1: Rashi explains here that since according to Torah law the only thing that is prohibited is actual relations, according to Rabbinic law the only thing that is prohibited is if their skins touch.

לא נהירא דמסתמא לא פליגי אמתני' דלא יאכל הזב עם הזבה


Question #1: This is unclear, as Rebbi Pedas probably does not argue on the Mishnah that says that according to Rabbinic law a Zav may not eat together with a Zavah (even though their skins are not touching)!

ועוד וכי לית ליה דאשת רעהו הוא בבגדו והיא בבגדה אסור


Question #2: Additionally, doesn't Rebbi Pedas agree that it is forbidden to be in the same bed as a married woman if both people are wearing clothes?

ומפרש ר"ת דפליגא דר' פדת דכיון דלא אסרה תורה אלא קריבה של גילוי עריות בלבד א"כ אין לנו לאסור ולגזור אלא כעין שאסר הכתוב


Opinion #2: Rabeinu Tam explains that when the Gemara says "he argues on Rebbi Pedas" it means that since the Torah only forbade being close in a manner of forbidden relations, we should only make decrees forbidding situations that are like the Torah prohibition.

דהיינו דיעות בלא שינוי כגון לא יאכל הזב עם הזבה אבל הוא בבגדו והיא בבגדה דאיכא דיעות ושינוי לא יסבור ר' פדת דאפי' באשת איש הוא בבגדו והיא בבגדה שרי


Opinion #2 (cont.): This is in a case where there are two people together and they are engaging in a normal behavior, such as the Mishnah's law that a Zav should not eat together with a Zavah. However, if they are each wearing their clothes in bed, which is a case where they are two people together but they are engaged in an abnormal behavior (of being clothed while in bed), Rebbi Pedas will hold that even if one is doing so with a married woman it is permitted.

ור"י פי' ופליגא דר' פדת כיון דאית ליה דלא שייך לשון קריבה אלא בגילוי עריות ממש וא"כ ואל אשה נדה לא יקרב היינו תשמיש ממש שוב אין ללמוד בהיקש מאשת איש לאסור הוא בבגדו כו' לאפוקי לשון קריבה ממשמעותו


Opinion #3: The Ri explains that "he argues on Rebbi Pedas" means that since Rebbi Pedas holds that "being close" in this context only refers to actual relations, and therefore when the Torah says, "And to a woman who is a Nidah one should not come close" it is only referring to actual relations, we cannot derive using a comparison from a married woman that it is forbidden for a person to sleep in the same bed with his wife who is a Nidah while they are clothed, as this will take the term "come close" out of its context.

ודוחק הוא דהא אשת רעהו לא טמא משמע תשמיש ממש ואפילו הכי אסרי' הוא בבגדו והיא בבגדה


Question: This is forced, as "He did not make his friend's wife impure" implies he did not have relations with her, and even so we say that he cannot be in the same bed as his friend's wife even if they are both clothed.



תוספות ד"ה ופליגא דידיה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Ula did not really contradict himself.)

והוא היה יודע בעצמו שלא יבא לידי הרהור שצדיק גמור היה כדאמרינן בפרק ב' דכתובות (דף יז.) דרב אדא בר אהבה מרכיב לה אכתפיה ומרקד א"ל רבנן אנן מהו למעבד הכי א"ל אי דמיא לכון כי כשורא לחיי ואי לא לא


Explanation: Ula knew that he would not have bad thoughts while doing so, as he was completely righteous. This is as the Gemara says in Kesuvos (17a) that Rav Ada bar Ahavah would put the bride on his shoulders and dance. The Rabbanan said to him, "Can we do that?" He replied, "If you look at her as if she is merely a beam, you may. If you do not, you cannot."

והספר לא חש לפרש ולהאריך כאן למה היה עושה


Explanation (cont.): Our Gemara did not bother to explain and further this discussion regarding why Ula did so.




תוספות ד"ה בימי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos argues with Rashi whether one may act leniently with his wife during her seven clean days, as opposed to when she is bleeding.)

לא משום שיש לחלק בין נדות לליבון


Explanation #1: He was not saying that there should be a difference between clean days (leading up to immersion) versus the days when she was seeing blood.

דהא אמר ר"ע בפרק במה אשה יוצאה (לקמן דף סד:) הרי היא בנדתה עד שתבא במים


Proof: This as Rebbi Akiva says clearly later (64b) that a woman is considered a Nidah until she goes to the Mikvah.

אלא לפי שידע אליהו שכך היה המעשה


Explanation #1 (cont.): Rather, Eliyahu knew that this man had been lenient during her clean days.

ור"ח ורש"י פירשו בפרק אע"פ (כתובות דף סא. ושם) גבי שמואל מחלפא ליה דביתהו בידא דשמאלא היינו בימי ליבונה


Opinion: Rabeinu Chananel and Rashi explained in Kesuvos (61a) regarding Shmuel that his wife would pour him a drink with her let hand during her clean days.

אין נראה כדפירשתי


Question: This does not appear to be correct, as I explained above (that there is no difference between clean days leading up to immersion and when she is seeing blood).

ור"ת פירש שהיו רגילים לטבול שתי טבילות אחת לסוף שבעה לראייתה שהיא טהורה מדאורייתא בהך טבילה ואחת לסוף ימי ליבון לכך היה מיקל אותו האיש


Explanation #2: Rabeinu Chananel explains that they used to immerse twice, once after she had seven Nidah days and was therefore pure according to Torah law, and once after she had seven clean days (and she was then pure even according to Rabbinic law). This is why this scholar was lenient.

ורש"י היה נוהג איסור להושיט מפתח מידו לידה בימי נדותה


Opinion: Rashi used to forbid handing a key from his hand to his wife's hand while she was a Nidah.

ונראה לר"י שיש סמך מסדר אליהו דקתני אמר לה שמא הבאת לו את השמן שמא הבאת לו את הפך


Proof: The Ri understands that there is somewhat of a proof to this from the Tana Dvei Eliahu (Rabah, 16). It says there that Eliyahu first asked, "Did you bring him oil, did you bring him the jug?" (This implies it would have been forbidden for her to hand him these things.)

ומיהו התם מסיים ונגע ביך באצבע הקטנה


Implied Question: However, there the Tana Dvei Eliyahu concludes, "And he touched your small finger." (It is therefore not proof that the handing itself is a problem.)

ומפרק אע"פ (שם) דאמר אביי מנח' ליה אפומיה דכובא ורבא מנח' ליה אבי סדיא


Proof: The Gemara says in Kesuvos (ibid.) that Abaye's wife used to put his cup by the mouth of the barrel, and Rava's wife used to put his cup by his pillow. (Isn't this proof that she couldn't hand it to him?)

אין ראיה כי שמא דוקא במזיגת הכוס שיש חיבה יותר כדאמר התם אבל שאר דברים לא


Question: There is no proof, as perhaps specifically regarding mixing the cup of wine here is more fondness, as stated there. However, this may not apply to other things.

ומהכא דקאמר אכל עמי ושתה עמי


Implied Question: There is no proof (against Rashi and Rabeinu Chananel in (b) above, see Maharam) from the fact that she told Eliyahu that he ate and drank with her (during the time of her clean days). (Why not? Doesn't Eliyahu's reply show that there is no difference between attempted clean days and when she is bleeding?)

יכול להיות שלא הקפיד אלא על השכיבה


Answer: It is possible that he was only upset regarding the fact that they slept in the same bed (not regarding the eating and drinking).



תוספות ד"ה מטה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Palti ben Layish acted correctly.)

ופלטי בן ליש שנעץ חרב בינו לבינה (סנהדרין פ"ב דף יט:)


Implied Question: Palti ben Layish did sleep in the same bed as Michal, and stuck a sword in between them (see Sanhedrin 19b). (How was this sufficient if they were prohibited from sleeping in the same bed?)

איכא למימר שרחוק ממנה היה ביותר והיה פתוח לרה"ר שלא היה משום יחוד


Answer #1: It is possible to say that he was very far away from her (in the bed). The door was open to the public domain, and therefore there was no problem of Yichud.

או שמא סבר כשאול שלא היתה מקודשת לדוד ומחמיר על עצמו היה מלבא עליה


Answer #2: Alternatively, perhaps Palti held like (King) Shaul that Michal was not Mekudeshes to Dovid, and he was merely stringent not to have relations with her.



תוספות ד"ה רש"י גריס

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites Rashi's text, along with his proof.)

ומביא ראיה דאומר במדרש (פ' משפטים) כל מקום שנאמר ואלה מוסיף על הראשונים אלה פסל את הראשונים


Proof: He brings proof from the Medrash in Mishpatin that says, "Wherever it says, "And these" it is adding onto the previous statement, as opposed to "These" (without "And") that indicates it is breaking from the previous statement."

ועל המדרש קשה לר"י דאלה דברי הברית (דברים כח) קאי אמה שכתוב למעלה


Question: The Ri has difficulty with this Medrash, as the Pasuk, "These are the words of the covenant" are referring to what was stated previously.



תוספות ד"ה ש"מ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the proof that the text is "And these.")

דלא קתני בתר הכי כדקתני במתניתין


Explanation: It does not say afterwards what it said in the previous Mishnah.)



תוספות ד"ה אוכל ראשון

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Tana stated both "food that is a Rishon" and "food that is a Sheini.")

אי תנן אוכל ראשון לחוד לא הוה ידעינן מיניה אוכל שני ואי תנא אוכל שני הוה אמינא דאוכל ראשון נמי טמויי מטמא


Explanation: If it would have merely stated "food that is a Rishon," we would not know from there that it also applies to food that is a Sheini. If the Tana would have merely said, "food that is a Sheini" I would think that food that is a Rishon also causes the Terumah to become impure (not just invalid).



תוספות ד"ה והשותה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why regarding liquids the Mishnah did not differentiate between a Rishon and Sheini.)

לא שייך בהו ראשון ושני דלעולם משקין תחלה הוו


Explanation: It is not relevant to discuss liquids that are a Rishon or Sheini, as liquids are always a Rishon.

אע"ג דאכתי לא נגזר כמו שאפרש בסמוך מ"מ היה בדעתם לגזור מיד


Explanation (cont.): Despite the fact that this was not yet decreed, as I will explain later, they intended to make this decree immediately.

וצריכא לאשמעינן משקין ואוכלין כדאמר בסמוך דהך דמשקין לא שכיח ואי תנא משקין ה"א דוקא משקין דחמירי אבל אוכל לא פסיל כלל


Explanation (cont.): The Mishnah needed to state liquids and food, as stated later, since the case of liquids was uncommon. If the Tana only said liquids, I would think that this specifically applies to liquids that are stringent, but it does not invalidate food.



תוספות ד"ה והבא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Mishnah could not suffice with the case of Tevul Yom.)

וא"ת תיפוק ליה שהוא טבול יום


Question: Why is this case necessary if he is anyway a Tevul Yom?

וי"ל דנפקא מינה דאפילו העריב שמשו פוסל עד שיחזור ויטבול


Answer: The novelty (i.e. practical difference between this case and a Tevul Yom) is that even if it was past sundown he invalidates Terumah until he immerses again.



תוספות ד"ה וטהור

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the decree regarding Mayim Sheuvim falling on a pure person.)

וא"ת מ"ש דבטהור לא גזרו כ"א בנפל ולא גזרו נמי בביאה כמו בטבול יום


Question: Why did they decree that a person who was pure invalidates Terumah only if the water fell on him, but not if his head and most of his body went into Mayim Sheuvin, like a Tevul Yom?

ונראה לר"י דבטהור לא רצו לגזור יותר אלא דוקא בנפילה כמו שרגילים להפיל עליהם מים שאובים אחר שטבלו במים סרוחים כדאמר בסמוך והיו נותנים עליהם ג' לוגים מים שאובים [וע"ע תוס' גיטין טז. ד"ה הבא]


Answer: The Ri understands that regarding a person who was pure they did not want to make a decree unless the water fell on him. This was commonly done when people bathed in dirty water, as stated later that they would put over them three Lug of Mayim Sheuvim. [See Tosfos in Gitin 16a, DH "Haba."]