What was done with the Kalbonos?
- Same as Shekalim.
- Nedavos.
- Gold plating and adornments for the Kodesh HaKodoshim.
- The money changers would receive them as their fee.
- Transport expenses.
- Machlokes all of the above.
!!!Hadran Alach Perek B'Echad B'Adar!!!
- !!!TRUE!!!
We may switch them for gems as well as coins.
- True.
- False, easier to loose.
- False, subject to depreciation.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
One designated a Shekel and lost it. Is he required to give another?
- Yes.
- Yes, Rabbanan.
- No.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
If the money or the thief is found where is it put?
- Tiklin Chadtin
- Tikln Atikin
- Either
- Neither. Tzedakah.
- Machlokes A&B.
If a Sheli'ach, for Machtzis-ha'Shekel else, placed it there for himself accidently he is ______ .
- מעל
- Not מעל .
- אם נתרמה התרומה he is מעל .
- a Ganev