[17a - 47 lines; 17b - 13 lines]

1)[line 24]ה''י דגביה דריבויא ריבויא היא'HEI' D'GABEI D'RIBUYA, RUBUYA HI- The letter "Hei" that is attached to a word that is a Ribuy (an inclusion, i.e. a qualification that enlarges the scope of the law) is also a Ribuy

2)[line 26]והא לית ליה לרבי מאיר מכלל לאו אתה שומע הןV'HA LEIS LEI L'REBBI MEIR "MI'CHELAL LAV ATAH SHOME'A HEN"- see Insights

3)[line 26]מכלל לאו אתה שומע הןMI'CHELAL LAV ATAH SHOME'A HEN

(a)From a statement expressing a negative, the counter positive can be implied and vice versa. This is a Halachic concept included in the laws of Tena'im (stipulations). It also applies in other places where speech is needed, such as Nedarim.

(b)This principle is the subject of a Machlokes between Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yehudah. Rebbi Meir rules that we cannot infer the counter expression from his statement, but rather, it must be explicitly articulated. The Gemara (Shevuos 36a) discusses whether Rebbi Meir holds that the opposite cannot be inferred only in cases of Mamon (monetary matters) or even in cases of Isur (non-monetary matters).

4)[line 29]ודאשה עדיפא מדאישUD'ISHAH ADIFA MID'ISH- and the fire that consumes the wife is fiercer and consumes sooner

5)[line 30]מצרףMITZRAF- the letters 'Alef' and 'Shin' of 'Esh' are together

6)[line 46]"... כמעשה לבנת הספיר וכעצם השמים לטהר""... K'MA'ASEH LIVNAS HA'SAPIR, UCH'ETZEM HA'SHAMAYIM LA'TOHAR."- "... like the sapphire brickwork and like the very heavens for purity." (Shemos 24:10)

7)[last line]הלוחHA'LU'ACH- the wooden tablet

8)[last line]הניירHA'NEYAR- the paper


9)[line 1]הדיפתראHA'DIFTERA- the hide that is treated with salt and flour, but not with gall nuts (Afatzim). In addition, the outer side of the hide has not been separated from the inner side.

10)[line 2]בקומוסKUMOS- an ink prepared with the sap/gum of the Acacia tree

11)[line 2]בקנקנתוםKANKANTUM- (O.F. adrement) vitriol, black ink used by shoemakers

12)[line 10]כי דכתיבאKI D'CHESIVA- like they are written (i.e. in order)

13)[last line]כתבה איגרתKASVAH IGERES- if he wrote it like a letter without Shirtut/Sirtut, i.e. without etching or marking lines into the parchment as a guide for writing straight (a requirement when writing more than three words of the Torah)