How long is סתירה here?
- נשיקת אבר
- טומאתה וארצותה
- העראה וארצותה
- גמר ביאה
- Machlokes all of the above.
חזרה ברוח Is this the time to return to its initial position, or the time to come to rest?
- Return.
- Come to rest.
- תיקו
- Sofek.
- Machlokes A&B.
ר' יהושע says כדי מזיגת הכוס in another place he says to drink it. How do we reconcile them?
- He changed his mind.
- They are the same.
- He means the time to mix and drink.
- Talmid Toeh.
- Machlokes A&C.
If בן עזאי never married how would he know the שיעור?
- He married but seperated.
- מרביה שמיע
- סוד ה' ליראיו
- Kashya.
- Machlokes all but D.
When washing before the meal, one must tilt his hands _____ .
- down
- up
- not at all
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
One who is haughty is as if he _________ .
- עובד עבודת כוכבים
- כפר בעיקר
- בא על כל העריות
- בנה במה
- Machlokes all of the above.