[16a - 37 lines; 16b - 35 lines]

1a)[line 1]מטמאת חבילהMITAMA'AS CHAVILAH- can become Tamei only when complete

b)[line 5]ומטהרת חבילהU'MITAHERES CHAVILAH- and can become Tahor through immersion in a Mikvah only when while complete

2)[line 2]אבריםEVARIM- in pieces (see Insights)

3a)[line 5]למסמכינהו אגודאL'MISMECHINHU A'GUDA- a) to place them a beds-width (pr length) from a wall (RASHI); b) to lean them against a wall (ARUCH Erech Shad #1)

b)[line 5]ולמיתב עלייהוUL'MEISEIV ALAIHU- a) and to place [sticks] into [the corners of] the beams [with the other end of the sticks resting upon the wall] (RASHI); b) and to sit upon them (ARUCH ibid.)

c)[line 6]ומשדא אשליU'MISHDA ASHLEI- a) and to weave a network of ropes [along the frame suitable as a mattress, at which point the structure can become Tamei] (RASHI); b) and to spin [flaxen] ropes [which can only be accomplished while sitting on a raised seat] (ARUCH ibid.)

4)[line 6]בלאי כליםBELA'EI BEGADIM- rags [made of natural fibers (that are therefore valid as Sechach) that are not currently Mekabel Tum'ah, although they were when part of a garment]

5a)[line 8]מטלניותMATLANIYOS- pieces of cloth

b)[line 8]שאין בהם שלש על שלשSHE'EIN BA'HEM SHALOSH AL SHALOSH- that are smaller than three by three Etzba'os (this equals approximately 6 cm (2.37 in.) or 7.2 cm (2.88 in.), depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

6)[line 10]מחצלתMACHATZELES- a mat

7a)[line 11]שיפאSHIFA- (O.F. lesche) rush; a slender-stemmed marsh plant

b)[line 11]גמיGEMI- (O.F. jonc) bulrush

8)[line 11]שיריהSHIYAREHAH- leftover bits of it

9)[line 12]שיעורהSHI'URAH- its [minimum] size [for it to be Mekabel Tum'ah]

10a)[line 12]מחצלת הקנים גדולהMACHATZELES KANIM GEDOLAH- a large reed mat [which one may presume was constructed to be used as Sechach]

b)[line 13]קטנהKETANAH- a small reed mat [which one must presume was constructed to be slept upon]

11)[line 16]חלל טפח במשך שבעהCHALAL TEFACH B'MESHECH SHIV'AH- a seven-by-seven Tefach space one Tefach high [upon which the haystack was heaped]

12)[line 18]הרי זה סוכהHAREI ZEH SUKAH- it is a [kosher] Sukah [once enough straw has been removed that the Sechach is ten Tefachim high]

13)[line 21]איכא דרמי ליה מירמאIKA D'RAMI LEI MIRMA- there are those who posed it as a contradiction

14)[line 26]המשלשל דפנותHA'MESHALSHEL DEFANOS- (O.F. trecier - to plait) one who weaves partitions [of a Sukah]

15)[line 27]שלשה טפחיםSHELOSHAH TEFACHIM (LAVUD)

(a)The Torah requires Mechitzos (partitions) for various Halachos (e.g. defining a Reshus ha'Yachid for the purposes of carrying on Shabbos and creating a Kosher Sukah). A Mechitzah must be ten Tefachim high.

(b)Certain Halachos l'Moshe mi'Sinai allow one to consider certain incomplete Mechitzos as complete for Halachic purposes (Sukah 5b). One of these applications is Lavud (lit. a branch or connection). This Halachah states that when there is a space less than three full Tefachim between the Mechitzah and the surface (or object) next to, above, or below it, we consider it to be a complete Mechitzah in which the surfaces or objects are connected without any gaps. (The space itself is not ignored, but rather measured along with and as a part of the existing segment of the partition.)

16)[line 34]בור שבין שתי חצירותBOR SHE'BEIN SHTEI CHATZEROS- a well that straddles [the border of] two courtyards [which has the wall dividing the courtyards pass over its center]

17)[line 34]אין ממלאין ממנה בשבתEIN MEMAL'IN MI'MENU B'SHABBOS (ERUVEI CHATZEIROS)

(a)According to Torah law, in a Chatzer (courtyard) containing different houses owned by different people, each homeowner may transfer objects from his own house into the common courtyard and into another's house on Shabbos. Although each house is a separately owned Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain) and the Chatzer is a jointly owned Reshus ha'Yachid, it is permissible to move objects from one Reshus ha'Yachid to another.

(b)King Shlomo decreed that transferring objects from a Reshus ha'Yachid owned by one party to that owned by another is forbidden, unless an "Eruv Chatzeros" (lit. a mixing of the courtyard, Rambam Hil. Eruvin 1:6, or fraternization of the courtyard, Eruvin 49a) is created on Friday, before Shabbos begins (Shabbos 14b, Eruvin 21b). (The equivalent of an Eruv Chatzeros for an alley or a city is called a "Shituf Mevo'os".) This is accomplished by all of the neighbors collectively setting aside a loaf of bread in a common container in one of the houses of the courtyard (or, in the case of Shituf, in one of the courtyards of the alleyway). This demonstrates that all of the neighbors have an equal share in all of the Reshuyos ha'Yachid, just as they each have an equal share in the bread. Through this act, their respective houses can be considered as one Reshus (RAMBAM ibid. 1:4-9).

(c)Since there is no barrier separating the water in one half of the well discussed in this Mishnah from that in the other, all of the well's water is considered to be in a jointly owner Reshus ha'Yachid. Therefore, neither owner may draw any of the water up into his Chatzer.

18a)[line 36]מלמעלהMIL'MAILAH- above [the bottom of the well, but still in contact with the water]

b)[line 36]מלמטהMIL'MATAH- on the bottom [of the well]

c)[last line]בתוך אוגנוB'SOCH OGNO- [well above the water, but still] within the lip of the well


19)[line 2]לא תהא מחיצה גדולה מן הכותל שביניהןLO TEHEI MECHITZAH GEDOLAH MIN HA'KOSEL SHE'BEINEIHEM- any partition [within the well] is no more effective than the wall between the courtyards

20)[line 12]שבת דאיסור סקילהSHABBOS D'ISUR SEKILAH- Although the discussion of the well concerns an Eruv Chatzeros which is a Rabbinic enactment, Rebbi Yosi is of the opinion that any stringency associated with Melachah on Shabbos must be applied to any decree associated with that Melachah.

21)[line 13]מעשה שנעשה בציפוריMA'ASEH SHE'NA'ASAH B'TZIPORI- the occurrence [in which hanging partitions were utilized] in Tzipori (a city in the lower Galilee, near Tiberias)

22)[line 17]פירסו סדיניןPIRSU SEDININ- they spread (i.e., hung) sheets

23)[line 18]עמודיםAMUDIM- pillars

24)[line 22]ארבעה ומשהוARBA'AH U'MASHEHU- four [Tefachim] plus a bit [high, and as wide as necessary to complete a wall of the Sukah]]

25)[line 29]סוכה גדולהSUKAH GEDOLAH- a Sukah taller than ten Tefachim

26)[line 31]פס ארבעה ומשהוPAS ARBA'AH U'MASHEHU- a board [at least ten Tefachim tall] that is four [Tefachim] plus a bit [wide]

27)[last line]משךMESHECH- the breadth (and length)