Must a סוכה be built לשמה?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only for the first day.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
May a סוכה be built on חולו של מועד ?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only Pesach.
- Sofeik.
- Machlokes A&B.
_____ may not be used for Tzitzis.
- קוצין
- נימין
- גרדין
- סיסין
- D is a Machlokes.
חג הסוכות תעשה לך from this we see a סוכה _______ .
- must be built by its owner
- must be built by a Yid
- must be built on Succos itself.
- must be built לשם חג .
- may not be stolen.
A סוכה is built under a branch חמתו מרובה מצלתו what if anything must be done to make it usable?
- Nothing.
- Always Pasul.
- Must be bent and joined with the סכך כשר and me'Batul. Mutar לכתחילה .
- Must be bent and joined with the סכך כשר and me'Batul. Mutar בדיעבד .
- Machlokes C&D.
סוכה ע"ג סוכה SUKAH ABOVE A SUKAH Which scenario is possible?
- Both the upper and lower Sukos are Kesheiros.
- Both are Pesulos.
- The lower is Kesheirah and the upper is Pesulah
- The lower is Pesulah and the upper is Kesheirah.
- All of the above.