חליפי פירות שביעית are Podeh _______ .
- not at all.
- מקח
- חילול
- B or C.
- Machlokes A&D.
If someone wishes to purchase a shirt with a Sela of Shevi'is, what problem will he encounter?
- Mekach Taos.
- It will survive Biur.
- Too cheap.
- He can only buy in the Shuk.
- Machlokes A&B.
מדאורייתא when may we now eat חדש ?
- Never.
- Always
- משהאיר המזרח
- בליל י"ז
- Machlokes C&D.
דרבנן when may we now eat חדש ?
- Never.
- Always
- משהאיר המזרח
- End of the day.
- Machlokes C&D.
מתנה על מנת להחזיר שמה מתנה
- True.
- False.
- Only דרבנן .
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
A woman may shake Lulav on יום טוב .
- True.
- False, Muktze.
- If she promises to be careful.
- As long as she doesn't bite off the Pitum.
- As long as the children don't see.