SUKAH 46 (14 Elul 5781) - This Daf has been dedicated in honor of the Yahrzeit of Yisrael (son of Chazkel and Miryam) Rosenbaum, who passed away on 14 Elul, by his son and daughter and families.

THE MITZVAH OF ARAVAH IN THE TEMPLE (Cont'd) (Yerushalmi Halachah 3 Daf 19a)

א''ר אבהו (תהילים פ) ולכה לישועתה לנו. לך (יודייה)[קרי]


R. Abahu: We also learn from the following Pasuk that Hash-m's salvation is the salvation of Yisrael (Tehilim 80, 3), "it is for You to save us''. Even though the word is written "לכה'' (to walk), it is read as "לך'' (for you).

דרש רבי בא סרונגיה (זכריה יב) והושע ה' אל אהלי יהודה בראשונה. והושע כתיב


R. Ba Serungiya expounded (Zechariya 12, 7), "Hash-m will first save the tents of Yehudah''. The word is read as "Vehoshiya'' - "He will save'', but it is written as "Vehivasha'', as if it says - "'He will save himself'with the tents of Yehudah''.


(Note: This entry follows the explanation of Rav Chaim Kanievski.)

דרש ר' זיכיי (מיכה ד) כי עתה תצאי מקריה ושכנת בשדה ושכינתי בשדה


R. Zichai expounded (Michah 4, 10), " now you will leave the city and "Veshachanta'' - you will dwell in the field'' - it should be read as "Veshechinasi'' - "My Divine presence will be with you in the field''.

חנניה בר אחי ר' יהושע אומר (שמות כ) אנכי ה' אלהיך אשר הוצאתיך מארץ מצרים. הוצאתיך כתיב


Chananya the nephew of R. Yehoshua says (Shemos 20, 2), "I am Hash-m your G-d who "Hotzeisicha'' took you out from the land of Egypt'' - it is written as "Hutzascha'' - as if it says that Hash-m took Himself out of Egypt together with Bnei Yisrael.

רבי ברכיה רבי ירמיה בשם ר' חייה בר בא דריש לוי בר סיסי בנהרדעא (שמות כא) ויראו את אלהי ישראל ותחת רגליו כמעשה לבנת הספיר וכעצם השמים לטהר


R. Berachya/ R. Yirmiyah quoting R. Chiya bar Ba: Levi bar Sisi expounded in Neharda'a - (Shemos 24, 10), "They saw the G-d of Israel and underneath His feet was like sapphire bricks and like the heavens in purity''.

זו עד שלא נגאלו אבל משנגאלו איכן דרכה של לבנה להינתן שם היא נתונה


It was only before they were redeemed (from Egypt) that "underneath His feet was sapphire bricks'', as Hash-m was empathizing with Bnei Yisrael in their suffering. But after they were redeemed, the brickwork was returned to its correct place and it was replaced, underneath his feet, with an appearance "like the heavens in purity''.

אמר ר' ברכיה מעשה אין כתיב כאן אלא כמעשה. הוא וכל ארגלייה שלה היא וכל פרקמטי' שלה


R. Berachiya: The Pasuk does not say that it was sapphire bricks but rather, it was like sapphire bricks - in addition to the brickwork, there were images representing the various accessories needed in order for Bnei Yisrael to build.

אמר ר' מיישה בבבל כתיב (יחזקאל א) כמראה אבן ספיר ובמצרים כתיב (שמות כד) כמעשה לבנת הספיר ללמדך שכשם שהאבן קשה מן הלבינה כך שיעבודה של בבל היה קשה משיעבודה של מצרים


R. Maysha: In Bavel, in the vision of Yechezkel, the Pasuk states (Yechezkel 1, 26), "like the appearance of a sapphire stone''; in Egypt, the Pasuk states (Shemos 24, 10), "like sapphire bricks''. This teaches that just as a stone is harder than a brick, the servitude of Bavel was harsher than the servitude of Egypt.

תני בר קפרא עד שלא נגאלו ישראל ממצרים היתה רשומה ברקיע משנגאלו עוד לא נראית ברקיע


Beraisa (Bar Kafra): Before Bnei Yisrael were redeemed from Egypt, the brickwork was visible in the heavens; after they were redeemed, it was no longer visible.

מה טעמא וכעצם השמים לטוהר.


Question: What is the meaning of "like the heavens in purity''?

שמייא כד אינון נקיין מן עננין


Answer: Like the sky when empty of clouds.

תני בשם ר' ליעזר ע''א עברה עם ישראל בים מה טעמא (שמואל ב ו) מפני עמך אשר פדית לך ממצרים גוים ואלהיו


Beraisa (R.Eliezer): An idol passed through the Red Sea with Bnei Yisrael, as the Pasuk states (Shmuel 2, 7, 23), "before Your nation that You redeemed for Yourself from Egypt, a nation and its god''.

אמר לו ר' עקיבה ח''ו אם אומר את כן נמצאת עושה את הקודש חול. מה ת''ל אשר פדית לך ממצרים. כביכול כאילו עצמך פדית


Response (R. Akiva): Heaven Forbid! If you say this, you have profaned that which is holy (by translating the word Elohav as "god'' rather than as Hash-m). Rather, what is the meaning of "that You redeemed "לך'' from Egypt'' - it is as if You redeemed Yourself from Egypt.

אותו היום מקיפין את המזבח שבע פעמים


The Mishnah had taught: They circled the Mizbeach seven times.

א''ר אחא זכר ליריחו


Rav Acha: This was done in remembrance of the conquest of Yericho when they did the same.