[23a - 55 lines; 23b - 52 lines]
1)[line 4]ככליותKELAYOS- kidneys
2)[line 7]"עונותיכם הטו אלה וחטאותיכם מנעו הטוב מכם""AVONOSEICHEM HITU ELEH, V'CHATOSEICHEM MAN'U HA'TOV MI'KEM"- "[And they did not say in their hearts, 'Let us fear now HaSh-m Who gives rain in its right time, Who guards for us the weeks of harvest.'] Your [intentional] sins turned all these away, and your [unintentional] sins withheld from you the good" (Yirmeyahu 5:24-25) - Having refused to acknowledge that HaSh-m governs their Parnasah via His control of the elements, HaSh-m punished the people using those very elements. He turned the laws of nature against them for their intentional sins, and withheld from them good on account of the sins that they committed unintentionally (based on the MALBIM).
3)[line 17]"על משמרתי אעמדה ואתיצבה על מצור""AL MISHMARTI E'EMODAH V'ETZYATZVAH AL MATZOR"- "I will stand in my place, and will make myself motionless [like a watchman] upon a tower, [and will watch to see what He will say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved]" (Chabakuk 2:1).
4)[line 22]ראינוך ולא נמותRE'INUCHA V'LO NAMUS- (a) may we continue to see you and [you will pray for us so that we do] not die (RASHI); (b) we have seen [that] you [have brought rain; but with this type of rain,] will we not die anyway? (RABEINU GERSHOM, BA'AL HA'TZEROROS)
5)[line 33]כמהין ופטריותKEMEIHIN, PITRIYOS- types of boletes, such as mushrooms, morels and truffles
6)[line 35]מתחטא לפני המקוםMISCHATEI LIFNEI HA'MAKOM- (a) (O.F. forfais - doing wrong) do wrong before the Omnipresent (RASHI); (b) long for (BARTENURA); (c) are pampered (ARUCH); (d) plead (RABEINU GERSHOM)
7)[line 35]"ישמח אביך ואמך ותגל יולדתך""YISMACH AVICHA V'IMECHA, V'SAGEL YOLADTECHA"- "Your father and mother will rejoice, and the one who bore you will be jubilant" (Mishlei 23:25) - Having just denigrated the person who lives to eat, drink, and sleep, and praised the one who acquires Torah, wisdom, Musar, and understanding, Mishlei now stresses that it is the latter who brings joy to his parents, not the former.
8)[line 37]"ותגזר אמר ויקם לך ועל דרכיך נגה אור""V'SIGZAR OMER V'YAKAM LACH V'AL DERACHECHA NAGAH OR"- "And when you issue a decree, He will establish it for you, and on your path He will shine light" (Iyov 22:28).
9)[line 37]אפרסקםAFARSEKIM- (O.F. persches) peaches
10a)[line 40]"כי השפילו ותאמר גוה...""KI HISHPILU VA'TOMER GEVAH..."- "When people are downtrodden, you shall say, 'Arise'..." (Iyov 22:29)
b)[line 40]"... ושח עינים יושיע""V'SHACH EINAYIM YOSHI'A"- "... and He shall save the humble person" (Iyov 22:29).
11)[line 40]"שיר המעלות בשוב ה' את שיבת ציון היינו כחלמים""SHIR HA'MA'ALOS B'SHUV HASH-M ES SHIVAS TZIYON HAYINU K'CHOLMIM" - "A Song of Ascents: When HaSh-m returned the captivity of Zion, we were like dreamers" (Tehilim 126:1) (RETURNED FROM GALUS WITH JOY)
(a)The Jewish people were supposed to have returned from the exile in Bavel with the same joy and elation as when they left Egypt. This did not materialize, Chazal explain, due to their sins. From the moment they arrived in Eretz Yisrael, they were beset with troubles, as described in the books of Ezra and Nechemyah.
(b)We will merit, however, to experience that Simchah when the current Galus comes to an end, may it happen speedily in our days.
12a)[line 41]"ימלט אי נקי...""YIMALET IY NAKI..."- "He saves the blameless man..." (Iyov 22:30)
b)[line 41]"... ונמלט בבור כפיך""V'NIMLAT B'VOR KAPECHA"- "... and you will be saved through the purity of your hands" (Iyov 22:30).
13)[line 42]במעשה ידיך הברוריןB'MA'ASEH YADECHA HA'BERURIN- with the pure deeds of your hands
14)[line 43]מי איכא דניים שבעין שנין בחלמא?MI IKA D'NAYIM SHIV'IN SHENIN B'CHALMA?- is there anyone who sleeps and dreams seventy years?
15)[line 44]חרובאCHARUVA- a carob tree
16)[line 44]עד כמה שנין טעיןAD KAMAH SHENIN TA'IN?- after how many years does it bear fruit?
17)[line 45]דחייתD'CHAYAS- that you will live
18)[line 45]עלמא בחרובא אשכחתיהALMA B'CHARUVA ASHKACHTEI- I found the world (when I was born) with a carob tree
19)[line 45]דשתליSHASLEI- planted
20)[line 46]קא כריך ריפתאKA KARICH RIFTA- he was breaking (starting to eat) bread
21)[line 46]שינתאSHEINSA- sleep
22)[line 46]אהדרא ליה משוניתאAHADRA LEI MESHUNISA- a marble bluff formed around him
23)[line 46]איכסי מעינאICHSI ME'EINA- he became hidden from view
24)[line 48]רמכי רמכיRAMACHEI RAMACHEI- several herds [of donkeys]
25)[line 50]נהירן שמעתתין כבשני חוני המעגלNERIHAN SHEMA'ATIN KEV'SHNEI CHONI HA'ME'AGEL- his Torah-learning is as clear as in the days of Choni ha'Me'agel
26)[line 52]יקראYEKARA- honor
27)[line 52]כדמבעי ליהKED'MIBA'EI LEI- as is befitting to him
28)[line 52]או חברותא או מיתותאO CHEVRUSA O MISUSA- either companionship or death
29)[line 53]משדריMESHADREI- send
30)[line 54]זוגא דרבנןZUGA D'RABANAN- a pair of scholars
31)[last line]בדבראDABRA- field
32)[last line]רפיקRAFIK- hoe
33)[line 1]ולא אסבר להו אפיהV'LO ASBAR LEHU APEI- and he did not [even turn to] face them
34)[line 1]בפניאB'FANYA- towards evening
35)[line 2]דרא ציבי ומראDARA TZIVEI U'MARA- he lifted up sticks of wood and the hoe [onto his shoulder]
36)[line 2]וגלימאGELIMA- his cloak
37)[line 3]לא סיים מסאניLO SAYEM MESANEI- he did not put on his shoes
38a)[line 4]להיזמיHIZMEI- prickly shrubs or trees
b)[line 4]והיגיHEIGEI- prickly bushes
39)[line 5]דלינהו למניהDALINHU L'MANEI- he raised [the edge of] his garments
40)[line 9](תו) [אייתו] כרוכו(TU) [AISU] KERUCHU- come [here] and break (start to eat) [bread]
41)[line 9]פלג ריפתא לינוקיPALAG RIFTA L'YENUKEI- he divided the bread for his children [as follows:]
42)[line 10]לקשישאL'KASHISHA- for the older one
43)[line 11]ניסק לאיגראNEISAK L'IGRA- let us climb up to the roof
44)[line 14]סקוSAKU- they climbed up
45)[line 14]זויתאZAVISA- corner
46)[line 24]לא איפגרLO IFGAR- I should not waste any [of my employer's] time
47)[line 28]מעלה ארוכהMA'ALEH ARUCHAH- heals
48)[line 30]דלא בדקיתו ליD'LO BADKISU LI- you (i.e. your morality and virtue) have not been investigated by me
49)[line 34]ומקרבא הנייתהMEKARVA HANAYASAH- the benefit they receive from her is more immediate
50)[line 34]ביריוניBIRYONEI- ruffians
51)[line 35]בשיבבותןSHIVEVUSAN- our neighborhood
52)[line 36]ינוקי דבי רבYENUKEI D'VEI RAV- children who learn Torah in a Yeshiva
53)[line 37]בשיפולי גלימיהSHIPULEI GELIMEI- the lower parts of his cloak
54)[line 41]ניכניף הדדיNICHNIF HADADEI- (a) we should assemble [the people] together [to pray]; (b) we (you and I) should get together [to pray]
55)[line 43]גואלקיGO'ALKI- (O.F. tasche) my sack
56)[line 43]עיבוראIBURA- grain
57)[line 43]נפיק לבראNAFIK L'VARA- went outside
58)[line 43]עמיקתאAMIKTA- a low place
59)[line 44]ומכסי בשקאMICHSI B'SAKA- he put on sackcloth
60)[line 45]רווח עלמאRAVACH ALMA- the land will be fruitful [and prices are going to go down]
61)[line 47]אינקוט כרעא דסוסוותייהוINKUT KAR'A D'SUSVASAIHU- the feet of their horses became stuck (as if they were grabbed)
62)[line 48]אמר ליה עתירי דבי חמיAMAR LEI, ASIREI D'VEI CHAMI...- Rebbi Mani said to Rebbi Yitzchak ben Elyashiv, "The wealthy people of my father-in-law's house..."
63a)[line 48]ליענוLEI'ANU- May they become poor
b)[line 49]ליעתרוLEI'ASRU- May they become rich
64)[line 49]לא מיקבלי עלי אינשי ביתיLO MIKABLEI ALAI INSHEI BEISI- I do not like the way that my wife looks
65)[line 49]תתייפי חנהTISYAPI CHANAH- May Chanah become beautiful
66)[line 50]קא מגנדרא עליKA MEGANDERA ALAI- she is putting me down [because of her extreme beauty]
67)[line 50]לשחרוריתהL'SHACHRURISAH- to her ugliness (lit. her blackness)
68)[line 51]עמי היתה ושלחתיהIMI HAYESAH U'SHELACHTIHA- I used to have it (the power to pray for something and get it) but I sent it away (i.e., now my prayers are not answered as much)