How do we know there is an obligation to mention rain?
- מאימתי מזכירין גבורות גשמים (Berachos)
- מראש השנה סליק דתנן ובחג נידונין על המים
- Svoro.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
When do we stop mentioning rain in Tefilah?
- Never.
- Erev Pesach.
- First day Pesach Shacharis.
- First day Pesach Musaf.
- Machlokes all but C.
How do we know we must pray for rain 'גבורות גשמים'?
- אתיא 'חקר'-'חקר' מברייתו של עולם
- Sevara.
- It was before umbrellas.
- אסמכתא בעלמא
- Machlokes A&B.
Assuming one starts on the first day of Succos where would he start?
- Ma'ariv.
- Shacharis.
- Musaf.
- No such opinion.
- Machlokes B&C.
How many keys are never given over permanently to man?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- B or C.
- A or B.
Why would we start mentioning rain on the sixth day of Succos ?
- ונסכיה of that day is a Ribui for wine and water.
- The letters of MaYiM are spelled out in the Torah alluding to the Nisuch ha'Mayim.
- הלכה למשה מסיני
- Machlokes A&B.
- A&B.