Why are early rains called יורה ?
- They teach (Moreh) people to prepare for winter.
- They saturate.
- They come gently.
- They are harsh like a Rebbe.
- All but D.
When do the Yechidim begin fasting for rain according to Rebbi Yossi?
- תשרי
- ראש חדש ניסן
- שבעה במרחשון
- שלשה במרחשון
- ראש חדש כסליו
One makes a Neder "until the rain comes". When is he free from the vow?
- First drop.
- רביעה ראשונה
- שניה
- שלישית
- Machlokes A&B.
What are נמושות ?
- Old men with walking-sticks.
- After the poor have been with their children.
- Dough fried in honey.
- Rotten fruit.
- Machlokes A&B.
When may one walk on a private path in anothers field freely?
- Never.
- Until רביעה ראשונה .
- Until רביעה שניה
- Until שלשה במרחשון .
- Always.
It is a good year if Teves is dry.
- True.
- False.
- Only if there was already rain.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.