
(a)What does Resh Lakish learn from the Pasuk "v'Hu Lo Panim Kilkel" (with regard to a Talmid's learning)?

(b)What is the antidote, based on "v'Chayalim Yigaber"?

(c)What do we learn from the conclusion of the Pasuk "v'Yisron Hachsher Chochmah"?

(d)Why would ...

1. ... Resh Lakish prepare his Mishnayos for forty days before going to learn the Gemara from Rebbi Yochanan?

2. ... Rav Ada bar Ahavah prepare his for twenty-four days before going to learn the Gemara from Rava?


(a)Resh Lakish learns from the Pasuk "v'Hu Lo Panim Kilkel" - that if a Talmid has problems with understanding a Sugya (i.e. he has many Kashyos on what he has learned) it is because he has not mastered the text properly (or because he made textural errors that cause him to misconstrue what he learned).

(b)The antidote, based on "v'Chayalim Yigaber" is - to sit for a long time in the Yeshiva (so that the other Talmidim can help him straighten out his learning).

(c)We learn from the conclusion of the Pasuk "v'Yisron Hachsher Chochmah"- that it would have been better had he learned it properly the first time (because it is difficult to rid oneself of errors that have crept into one's learning).


1. Resh Lakish would prepare his Mishnayos for forty days, before going to learn the Gemara from Rebbi Yochanan - corresponding to the forty days in which the Torah was given.

2. Rav Ada bar Ahavah would prepare his for twenty-four days before going to learn the Gemara from Rava - corresponding to the twenty-four books of Tanach.


(a)What does Rava learn from the Pasuk "v'Hu Lo Panim Kilkel" (in connection with a Rebbe and a Talmid)?

(b)What is the antidote, based on "v'Chayalim Yigaber"?

(c)What do we learn from the conclusion of the Pasuk "v'Yisron Hachsher Chochmah"?


(a)Rava learns from the Pasuk "v'Hu Lo Panim Kilkel" - that if a Talmid has difficulty with understanding a Sugya that he learns from his Rebbe, it is because his Rebbe has not given him proper attention.

(b)The antidote, based on "v'Chayalim Yigaber" - is to obtain many friends, who will prevail upon his Rebbe to teach him thoroughly.

(c)We learn from the conclusion of the Pasuk "v'Yisron Hachsher Chochmah" - that it would have been far better had he been in his Rebbe's good books to begin with, in which case he would have taught him properly the first time.


(a)The eighth reason for Hash-m withholding the rain is because of "Lo Lachesh" (Koheles). What does that mean?

(b)What do we then learn from ...

1. ... "Yagid Alav Rei'o"?

2. ... "u'Mah Yisron l'Ba'al ha'Lashon"?

3. ... "va'Yetzav Alav b'Mafgi'a"?

(c)What will happen if, after Hash-m accepts his prayers and sends rain, he becomes conceited?

(d)Why does Hash-m bring the Ba'al ha'Lashon to the snake?


(a)The eighth reason for Hash-m withholding rain is because of "Lo Lachesh" - which means that people do not Daven properly.

(b)We learn from ...

1. ... "Yagid Alav Rei'o" - that the antidote is to request from someone who does know how to Daven, to Daven on one's behalf (and, as we learned earlier, Hash-m sends rain even for a Yachid).

2. ... "u'Mah Yisron l'Ba'al ha'Lashon?" - that someone who knows how to Daven but declines to do so gains nothing.

3. ... "va'Yetzav Alav b'Mafgi'a" - that if he did Daven but his prayers were not answered, then one should go to a Gadol ha'Dor to Daven on one's behalf.

(c)If, after Hash-m accepts his prayers and sends rain, he becomes conceited - the whole world will feel the vent of Hash-m's anger.

(d)Hash-m brings the Ba'al ha'Lashon to the snake - because the snake was the first to speak Lashon ha'Ra (about his Creator), and all those who subsequently follow in his footsteps will share in his humiliation.


(a)What does Rava say about two Talmidei-Chachamim who live in the same town but who decline to communicate in Halachah?

(b)How does Resh Lakish explain the Pasuk in Koheles ...

1. ... "Im Yishach ha'Nachash b'Lo Lachash"?

2. ... "Mah Yisron l'Ba'al ha'Lashon"?

(c)Why does Hash-m bring the Ba'al ha'Lashon to the snake?


(a)Rava warns that two Talmidei-Chachamim who live in the same town but who decline to communicate in Halachah - evoke Hash-m's anger on themselves.

(b)Resh Lakish explains the Pasuk ...

1. ... "Im Yishach ha'Nachash b'Lo Lachash" - that in time to come, all the wild animals will gather together and say to the snake 'the lion kills its prey and eats it immediately; the wolf first takes his prey to his lair and eats it there (i.e. they both enjoy the benefits of their kill), but why do you kill (seeing as you get nothing out of it)?

2. ... "Mah Yisron l'Ba'al ha'Lashon" - to be the snake's answer. After all, he is the forerunner and symbolical of the person who speaks Lashon ha'Ra. So he will tell the other animals to go and ask the Ba'al Lashon ha'Ra what he benefits from speaking Lashon ha'Ra.

(c)Hash-m brings the Ba'alei ha'Lashon to the snake - so that they should all suffer embarrassment for their terrible sin together.


(a)'A person's Tefilah is not accepted, says Rava, unless he is 'Meisim Nafsho b'Chapo'. What does this mean (see Agados Maharsha)?

(b)How do we reconcile this with Shmuel, who Darshened that even though "va'Yefatuhu b'Fihem u'vi'Leshonam Yechazvu Lo v'Libam Lo Nachon Imo" (Tehilim), nevertheless "v'Hu Rachum Yechaper Avon" (that Hash-m listens to Tefilah anyway - even if one's heart is not so sincere)?

(c)Hash-m only sends rain, says Rav Ami, because of the Ba'alei Amanah. Who are the Ba'alei Amanah?

(d)And he stresses the importance of 'Ba'alei Amanah' from the story of a weasel and a pit. What is the story?


(a)A person's Tefilah is not accepted, says Rava, unless he is 'Meisim Nafsho b'Chapo' - meaning that his heart and his mouth act in unison (Agados Maharsha).

(b)Shmuel, who Darshens that even though "va'Yefatuhu b'Fihem u'vi'Leshonam Yechazvu Lo v'Libam Lo Nachon Imo" (Tehilim), nevertheless "v'Hu Rachum Yechaper Avon" (that Hash-m listens to Tefilah anyway, even if one's heart is not so sincere) - is referring to a Tefilas Tzibur, whereas Rava is talking about a Tefilas Yachid.

(c)Hash-m only sends rain, says Rav Ami, because of the Ba'alei Amanah - because of the people whose word is sacrosanct.

(d)And he stresses the importance of 'Ba'alei Amanah' from the story of a weasel and a pit, where a young man promised a girl that he would marry her, and for want of better witnesses, he declared that the weasel and the pit who had witnessed his vow, would be their witnesses. Time passed, and he forgot his vow and married someone else. She bore him two sons, one was taken by a weasel, the other, fell into a pit and died. He later kept his promise, divorced his wife and married the first woman.


(a)Rebbi Ami based his previous statement on the Pasuk in Tehilim "Emes me'Eretz Titzmach, v'Tzedek mi'Shamayim Nishkaf". What does Rebbi Yochanan learn from the same Pasuk?

(b)How does Rav Huna learn the same thing from the Pasuk in Tehilim "u'che'Yir'ascha Evrasecha"?

(c)What does someone who rejoices in his suffering achieve?


(a)Rebbi Ami based his previous statement on the Pasuk in Tehilim "Emes me'Eretz Titzmach, v'Tzedek mi'Shamayim Nishkaf". Rebbi Yochanan learns from the same Pasuk - that when someone perfects his deeds in this world, Hash-m judges him to the letter and punishes him for all his actions (so that he can receive the full reward for his Mitzvos in the World to Come (as will be explain later).

(b)Rav Huna learns the same thing from the Pasuk in Tehilim "u'che'Yir'ascha Evrasecha" - meaning the more fear (that a person has towards Hash-m) the more fury (Hash-m displays towards him in this world).

(c)Someone who rejoices in his suffering - brings salvation to the world.



(a)What does Resh Lakish quoting Bar Kapara, learn from the fact that 'Atzirah' is mentioned both in connection with a woman ("Ki Atzor Atzar Be'ad Kol Rechem - in Vayera), and in connection with the rain ("v'Atzar es ha'Shamayim ... ")?

(b)We also find 'Leidah' mentioned by both ("va'Tahar va'Teled Ben" in Vayetzei, and "v'Holidah v'Hitzmichah" in Yeshayah). Which other expression do we find by both a woman and the rain?


(a)Resh Lakish quoting Bar Kapara, learns from the fact that 'Atzirah' is mentioned both in connection with a woman ("Ki Atzor Atzar b'ad Kol Rechem - in Vayera), and in connection with the rain ("v'Atzar es ha'Shamayim ... ") - that just as a woman suffers pains when she needs to give birth but cannot, so too, when the heaven ought to give rain but cannot, there is suffering (because it is the result of sin).

(b)We also find 'Leidah' mentioned by both ("va'Tahar va'Teled Ben" - Vayetzei, and "v'Holidah v'Hitzmichah" - [Yeshayah] - as well as 'Pekidah' ("va'Hashem Pakad es Sarah" - [Vayera] by the one, and "Pakadta ha'Aretz, v'Teshokekeha ... " [Tehilim] by the other). The sequence stresses the role that prayer plays in these maters.


(a)What is the "Peleg Elokim Malei Mayim" that David ha'Melech refers to in Tehilim?

(b)Iyov, in describing rain, speaks of a 'Shevet' (a rod of punishment), of 'le'Artzo' (moderate), and of 'l'Chesed' (to an act of kindness - see Agados Maharsha). According to Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni, where does it fall when it is referred to as ...

1. ... a Shevet'?

2. ... 'Chesed'?

3. ... 'le'Artzo' (see Agados Maharsha)?

(c)On what does the rain fall when it is referred to as ...

1. ... a Shevet?

2. ... 'le'Artzo'?

3. ... 'Chesed'?


(a)The "Peleg Elokim Malei Mayim" that David refers to in Tehilim - is a tent-like structure in heaven in which the rain that will later fall on the earth is stored.

(b)Iyov, in describing rain, speaks of a 'Shevet' (a rod of punishment), of 'l'Artzo' (moderate), and of 'le'Chesed' (to an act of kindness - see Agados Maharsha). ). According to Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni, when it is referred to as ...

1. ... a Shevet' - it falls in the mountains and the hills (where it goes to waste).

2. ... 'Chesed' 'l'Artzo' - it falls in the fields and the vineyards (where it is most useful).

3. ... 'l'Artzo' - it falls part in the one and part in the other.

(c)When the rain is referred to as ...

1. ... a Shevet - it will fall on the trees.

2. ... 'l'Artzo' - on the seeds.

3. ... 'Chesed - it will fill the pits and trenches.


(a)In the days of Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni, there was a drought and a plague of pestilence. They did not want to pray for the removal of both Tzaros at the same time. Some quote Daniel as the source. How do others learn it from the Pasuk in Ezra "v'Natzuma u'Nevakshah me'Elokeinu al Zos"?

(b)They opted to pray for the removal of the pestilence. Why did Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni disagree? Which Pasuk in Tehilim did he quote?

(c)In the days of Rebbi Zeira, the Nochrim issued a decree of Shemad, and they forbade them to fast (in order to nullify the decree [Rabeinu Chananel]). What did Rebbi Zeira advise them to do?

(d)Hash-m told Daniel that from the day that he had decided to fast, He had already accepted his fasts. What do we learn from there?


(a)In the days of Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni, there was a drought and a plague of pestilence. They did not want to pray for the removal of both Tzaros at the same time. Some quote Daniel as the source. Others learn it from the Pasuk in Ezra "v'Natzuma u'Nevakshah me'Elokeinu al Zos" - implying for this Tzarah, but not for others Tzaros that struck simultaneously.

(b)They opted to pray for the removal of the pestilence. Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni ruled that they should pray for the removal of the drought - on the basis of the Pasuk "Pose'ach es Yadecha ... ", which teaches us that when Hash-m sends a blessing, He does it with goodwill. Consequently, if the drought was dispelled, it would be for life and not for death (and the pestilence would cease automatically).

(c)In the days of Rebbi Zeira, the Nochrim issued a decree of Shemad (to convert), and they forbade them to fast (in order to nullify the decree [Rabeinu Chananel]). Rebbi Zeira advised them - to undertake to fast as soon as the decree would be nullified.

(d)Hash-m told Daniel that from the day that he had decided to fast, He had already accepted his fasts, from which we learn - that a person who is in trouble but is unable to fast, should undertake to fast when the trouble is over, and it will be considered as if he had already fasted.


(a)Why is rain on Erev Shabbos a sign of curse, even following a three year drought (like that of the days of Eliyahu)?

(b)What would Rav Shilo have done regarding rain that fell on Friday, if not for the fact that the rain was needed so badly?

(c)What does Rebbi Yitzchak say about sunshine on Shabbos?

(d)What happens to a Prutah in one's purse on the day of rain?


(a)Rain on Erev Shabbos a sign of curse, even following a three year drought (like that of the days of Eliyahu) - because it prevents the people from going to the market to make their purchases in honor of Shabbos.

(b)If not for the fact that the rain was needed so badly - Rav Shilo would have prayed for the rain that was falling on Erev Shabbos, to stop.

(c)Rebbi Yitzchak says that sunshine on Shabbos - is a blessing for the poor (because that is the day on which they are able to relax and enjoy its warmth and its other beneficial qualities.

(d)On the day of rain - even a Prutah in one's purse (which does not need the rain) is blessed.


(a)What does Rebbi Yitzchak learn from the Pasuk in Ki Savo "Yetzav Hash-m Itcha es ha'Berachah ba'Asamecha"?

(b)From where does Tana d'Bei Rebbi Yishmael learn that Berachah is confined to something that is not visible to the eye?

(c)Someone who enters his granary to measure his corn, says the Tefilah "Yehi Ratzon ... she'Tishlach Berachah b'Ma'aseh Yadeinu". What does he say when he actually begins to measure it?

(d)What does the Beraisa say about reciting a Tefilah after having measured the corn?


(a)Rebbi Yitzchak learns from the Pasuk "Yetzav Hash-m Itcha es ha'Berachah ba'Asamecha" - that Hash-m's blessing is restricted to something of unknown quantity.

(b)Tana d'Bei Rebbi Yishmael learn that Berachah is confined to something that is not visible to the eye - from the same Pasuk (the one interprets 'ba'Asamecha' to mean 'hidden from one's knowledge', the other, 'hidden from the eye').

(c)Someone who enters his granary to measure his corn, says the Tefilah "Yehi Ratzon ... she'Tishlach Berachah b'Ma'aseh Yadeinu". When he actually begins to measure it - he recites the Berachah 'Baruch ... ha'Sholei'ach Berachah ba'Kri ha'Zeh'.

(d)The Beraisa states - that reciting a Tefilah after having measured the corn is futile (as we learned in the last Perek of Berachos).


(a)What does Rebbi Yochanan learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Shuvah Hash-m es Sheviseinu ka'Afikim ba'Negev"? What are "Afikim"?

(b)And what does he claim stops on the day of rain, that makes it so great?

(c)According to Rebbi Yochanan, what makes the clouds and the wind come, but no rain?

(d)How else might we interpret Rebbi Yochanan's statement?


(a)Rebbi Yochanan learns from the Pasuk "Shuvah Hash-m es Sheviseinu ka'Afikim ba'Negev" - that the day of rain (Afikim means water or rain) is compared to the ingathering of the exiles.

(b)The day of rain is so great, because even armies stop invading on it.

(c)According to Rebbi Yochanan, what makes the clouds and the wind come, but no rain - when people promise to donate Tzedakah and then fail to do so (the ninth reason for there being no rain). So Hash-m too, makes out as if He is about to send rain, and then fails to do so).

(d)Alternatively - it causes all three not to function.