[25a - 44 lines; 25b - 40 lines]

1)[line 7]בקלא דפסיקKALA D'FASIK- a rumor that has stopped or has been contradicted

2)[line 10]אמרה לי אםAMRAH LI EM- my "mother" told me (Abaye was an orphan and he called his nursemaid "Em")

3)[line 10]דומי דמתא יומא ופלגאDUMEI D'MASA YOMA U'FALGA- the scandal of a town lasts for a day and a half

4a)[line 17]משום שם רעMISHUM SHEM RA- because of a rumor that she committed adultery

b)[line 17]משום נדרMISHUM NEDER- because of a vow that she made, i.e. he divorced her because he did not want to be married to a woman who is accustomed to making vows

5)[line 26]התם אלומי אלמיה לקלאHASAM ALUMEI ALMEI L'KALA- in that case of our Mishnah, the suspected adulterer strengthened (and certified) the rumor by marrying her

6)[line 27]קם ביה בקלא וליתיהKAM BEI B'KALA V'LEISEI- the husband [investigated the matter and] ascertained that the rumor was false

7)[line 35]אשה דייקא ומינסבאISHAH DAIKA U'MINSEVA- a woman investigates [the situation until she is certain that her husband has died] before she gets married

8)[line 36]התם ליכא כתבאHASAM LEIKA KESAVA- in that case (of death) there is no written document [so we have to rely solely on the word of the witness]

9)[line 41]פלוני רבעני לאונסיPELONI REVA'ANI L'ONSI- So-and-so performed sodomy on me against my will


10)[line 1]גזלן דדבריהםGAZLAN D'DIVREIHEM - a person who is classified as a thief mid'Rabanan

(a)A person who steals must return the objects that he stole and do Teshuvah for his sins. Certain sins of theft also require that the thief bring a Korban (Vayikra 5:21-26). As long as he has not repented, he is defined as a Rasha (a wicked person) and is disqualified to judge or to give testimony in Beis Din mid'Oraisa (Sanhedrin 27a).

(b)Certain individuals are classified as thieves mid'Rabanan because they engage in activities that are prohibited mid'Rabanan out of their lust for money. Some of these Gazlanim mi'Divreihem are:

1.Mesachek b'Kuvya - a person who gambles with dice (or other forms of gambling - RAMBAM Hilchos Edus 10:4) as his only livelihood.

2.Mafrichei Yonim - people who race pigeons (or any other animal - RAMBAM ibid.) as their only livelihood.

3.Malvei b'Ribis - those who lend money without a pre-specified amount of interest (RAMBAM ibid.). According to TOSFOS Sanhedrin 24b DH v'Elu even if he lends money and specifies the Ribis, he is only disqualified mid'Rabanan, since people are not aware that they are transgressing the prohibition against taking Ribis when the borrower pays of his own free will.

4.Socharei Shevi'is - people who buy and sell produce of Shevi'is (see Background to Rosh Hashanah 22:3 and Insights to Sukah 39:2) nowadays.

11)[line 14]במגיזת קפוטקיאMEGIZAS KAPOTKIYA- Megizah (Pass), Mazaca, later Caeserea, capital of Cappadocia, a district of Asia Minor

12)[line 16]ללודLUD- Lud, Lydia, a district of Asia Minor

13)[line 19]שנתפס ע''י לסטיותSHE'NISPAS AL YEDEI LISTIYUS- who was arrested together with a band of robbers

14)[line 27]התרת נדריםHATARAS NEDARIM

When a person makes a Neder (or designates Chalah, Terumah or Kodshim) or Nezirus, he may have it revoked by a Beis Din of three (if they are not outstanding authorities) or a Yachid Mumcheh (an outstanding authority). The general method used is that Beis Din investigates whether the person would not have made the Neder in the first place had he been aware of a particular fact.

15)[line 30]ביחיד מומחהYACHID MUMCHEH- an outstanding Torah authority

16)[line 39]גמרא או סבראGEMARA O SEVARA- did you learn this ruling from a teacher or did you deduce it from your own reasoning?