YEVAMOS 50 - Dedicated in loving memory of David J. Mizrahi (David ben Adele), whose warmth and kindness made him loved by all. Your memory is with us always. By his brother-in-law, Michael M. Missry.
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את מספר ימיך אמלא "I will complete the number of your days".
If he merits, they are fulfilled. If not, they are reduced.
If he merits, they are increased. If not, they are reduced.
If he merits, they are increased.They are never reduced.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
****הדרן עלך 'החולץ'****
גט אחר גט If a Yavam gave a Get to his Yevamah, a second Get to her Tzara ______ .
has no effect
causes him to be Assur on her relatives
means neither needs Chalitza
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
ביאה אחר ביאה If a Yavam has ביאה with his Yevamah, ביאה with her her Tzara ______ .
has no effect on her relatives
causes him to be Assur on her relatives
means neither needs Chalitza
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
בעל לראשונה, גט לשניה Bi'ah with one and gave a Get to the second what is the effect of the Get?
It causes him to be Assur on her relatives,
Assurs her on a Kohen.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
גט לראשונה, ובעל לשניה, Gives the first one a Get and lives with the second the second _______ .