
(a)The Gemara asks whether we should learn the amount of ashes to be taken for the Terumas ha'Deshen from Terumas Ma'aser or from Terumas Midyan (see Tosfos as to why we do not learn from Terumah Gedolah that there is no specific Shi'ur at all). What are the ramifications of the She'eilah?

(b)In fact, we learn from neither. The Beraisa learns a Gezeirah Shavah from the Minchah. How much will the Kohen then have to take? Is this amount fixed i.e. no more, no less?


(a)If we learn the amount of ashes to be taken for the Terumas ha'Deshen from Terumas Ma'aser - then the Kohen will need to take one tenth (some say, one hundredth), but if we learn it from Terumas Midyan - then he will need to take only one five hundredth.

(b)In fact, we learn a Gezeirah Shavah from the Minchah, in which case, the Kohen will be obligated to take at least a fistful - though if he wants, he is permitted to take more.


(a)According to Rav, a Zar (a non-Kohen) is Chayav Misah (at the Hand of Hash-m) for only four of the Avodos, two of them which are Zerikah (sprinkling the blood) and Haktarah (burning the Korban on the Mizbe'ach). Which are the other two?

(b)Does this mean that the Zar is permitted to perform all other Avodos?

(c)What does Rav preclude from the Derashah (in the Pasuk in Korach which ends "v'ha'Zar ha'Karev Yumas") ...

1. ... "Avodas Matanah"?

2. ... "va'Avadtem" ?

(d)Which Avodah does Levi add to the list from the phrase "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach"?


(a)According to Rav, a Zar (a non-Kohen) is Chayav Misah (at the Hand of Hash-m) for only four of the Avodos: Zerikah (sprinkling the blood), Haktarah (burning the Korban on the Mizbe'ach), Nisuch ha'Mayim (the water libation on Sukos) and the Nisuch ha'Yayin (which accompanied the Korban Tamid).

(b)This does not necessarily mean that the Zar is permitted to perform all the other Avodos - only that he is not Chayav Misah if he does.

(c)Rav precludes from the Derashah ...

1. ... "Avodas Matanah" - 've'Lo Avodas Siluk' (i.e. the Terumas ha'Deshen).

2. ... "va'Avadtem" - 'Avodah Tamah - v'Lo Avodah she'Yesh Achareha Avodah' (i.e. Shechitah, Kabalah and Holachah).

(d)From the phrase "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach" - Levi adds the Terumas ha'Deshen to Rav's list.


(a)On what grounds does Levi include the Terumas ha'Deshen in the Chiyuv Misah for a Zar, although it constitutes removing rather than giving?

(b)Rav includes (from "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach") the four occasions that one sprinkles seven times towards the Paroches. Which four occasions?

(c)How does Levi learn both Derashos from "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach"?


(a)According to Levi, we do not preclude an Avodas Siluk - provided it is an Avodah Tamah.

(b)Rav includes (from "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach") the four occasions that one sprinkles the blood of the bull seven times towards the Paroches: 1. the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur (when the community transgress on a sin that carries with it a Chiyuv Kares; 2. the Par Mashi'ach (when the Kohen Gadol sins ... ) 3. the bull of Yom Kipur; 4. the bull of a Metzora.

(c)Rav learns his original Derashah from " Devar ha'Mizbe'ach", and the latter Derashah of Rav from the word "Chol".


(a)Based on the Pasuk "el mi'Beis la'Paroches", how does Levi learn the 'Klal u'Frat' - "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach", "Avodas Matanah" (to preclude Avodas Siluk)? Which Avodah does 'Avodas Siluk' refer to?

(b)Which Avodah Tamah (in the Kodesh Kodshim) is included in "va'Avadtem", and which Avodah of the Avodos Penim is precluded?

(c)Seeing as "va'Avadtem" is written by the Avodas Penim (just like "Avodas Matanah"), how does Levi know that also by the Avodas Chutz (e.g. during the year) we require Avodah Tamah for a Zar to be Chayav (any more than Avodas Siluk)?


(a)According to Levi, "l'Chol Devar ha'Mizbe'ach" is a Klal, and "Avodas Matanah" a Prat, to teach us that inside the Kodesh Kodshim, a Zar is only Chayav for performing an Avodas Matanah, but not an Avodas Siluk (i.e. removing the fire-pan with the Ketores from the Kodesh Kodshim - even though he is Chayav anyway, for entering the Kodesh Kodshim). However, he then infers from "u'li'mi*'Beis* la'Paroches", that this exemption does not apply to the Avodos Siluk outside the Kodesh Kodshim.

(b)The Avodah Tamah (in the Kodesh Kodshim) that is included in "va'Avadtem" - is that of placing Ketores on to the fire in the fire-pan. And the Avodah that is precluded (because it is not Avodah Tamah) is that of taking the pan inside (since the Chafinah and the burning have still to follow).

(c)Even though "va'Avadtem" is written by the Avodas Penim (just like "Avodas Matanah" is), Levi nevertheless rules that also by the Avodas Chutz (e.g. during the year) we require Avodah Tamah for a Zar to be Chayav (even though this is not the case by Avodas Siluk) - because of the 'Vav' in "va'Avadtem" which comes to teach us that the concession of Avodah Tamah applies to Chutz too.



(a)Rava asks whether, according to Levi, we compare Avodas Siluk in the Heichal to Avodas Siluk in the Kodesh Kodshim, where, as we just saw, a Zar is Patur, or to that of the Azarah, where he is Chayav. What is the case of Avodas Siluk in the Heichal?

(b)How do we resolve the She'eilah from the Pasuk "u'le'mi'Beis la'Paroches"?


(a)Avodas Siluk in the Heichal - refers to the removal of the ashes from the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores or from the Menorah (both Avodos Tamos).

(b)We resolve the She'eilah (whether we compare Avodas Siluk in the Heichal to Avodas Siluk in the Kodesh Kodshim - where a Zar is Patur [according to Levi], or to the Avodas Siluk in the Azarah - where he is Chayav) - from the extra 'Vav' in "u'le'mi'Beis la'Paroches", which gives the Heichal the same Din as the Kodesh Kodshim (to exempt a Zar).


(a)Seeing as we compare the Avodah in the Heichal to the Avodah in the Kodesh Kodshim, in which case we will presumably render a Zar who performs an Avodah Tamah in the Heichal, why will a Zar not be Chayav for ...

1. ... placing the loaves on the Table?

2. ... placing the bowls of frankincense next to the loaves on the Table?

(b)And why will he not be Chayav for ...

1. ... arranging the lamps of the Menorah in the morning?

2. ... for placing the wick on the Menorah?

3. ... for pouring in the oil in the Menorah?

4. ... for kindling the Menorah?

(c)What does the Tana of the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk in Vayikra "v'Nasnu Bnei Aharon ha'Kohen Esh al ha'Mizbe'ach v'Archu Etzim al ha'Esh"?

(d)Why is a Zar not Chayav Misah ...

1. ... for arranging the wood on the Ma'arachah?

2. ... for arranging the two blocks of wood on the Mizbe'ach?


(a)Even though we compare the Avodah in the Heichal to the Avodah in the Kodesh Kodshim (in which case we will presumably render Chayav a Zar who performs an Avodah Tamah in the Heichal), a Zar will nevertheless not be Chayav for ...

1. ... placing the loaves on the Table - because the bowls of frankincense have still to be placed (in which case, it is not an Avodah Tamah).

2. ... placing the bowls of frankincense next to the loaves on the Table - because they still need to be removed from the table to be burned (on the following Shabbos).

(b)Nor will he be Chayav for ...

1. ... arranging the lamps of the Menorah in the morning - because the wicks still need to be placed.

2. ... for placing the wick on the Menorah - because they still need to pour in the oil.

3. ... for placing the oil in the Menorah - because they still need to kindle it that evening.

4. ... for kindling the Menorah - because kindling the Menorah is not an Avodah.

(c)The Tana of the Beraisa learns from the Pasuk "v'Nasnu Bnei Aharon ha'Kohen Esh al ha'Mizbe'ach v'Archu Etzim al ha'Esh" - that setting fire to splinters of wood, in order to re-light one of the fires on the Mizbe'ach, is considered an Avodah - yet kindling the Menorah is not (see Tosfos Yeshanim).

(d)A Zar is not Chayav Misah ...

1. ... for arranging the wood on the Ma'arachah - because the two blocks of wood still need to be arranged on the Mizbe'ach.

2. ... for arranging the two blocks of wood on the Mizbe'ach - because the Korbanos have yet to be arranged on the Mizbe'ach.


(a)Rebbi Yochanan disagrees with Rav. According to him, a Zar is Chayav in the previous case. In what point does he argue with Rav's reasoning?


(a)Rebbi Yochanan disagrees with Rav. According to him, a Zar who arranges the two blocks of wood on the Mizbe'ach is Chayav - because, in Rebbi Yochanan's opinion, arranging the Korbanos on the Mizbe'ach is a new Avodah, which renders the Sidur Shnei Gizrei Etzim an Avodah Tamah.


(a)Is a Zar Chayav Misah if he performs Haza'ah with the blood of a Chatas ha'Of, or Mitzuy (squeezing the blood on the Mizbe'ach) or Haktarah of an Olas ha'Of?

(b)The Tana declares a Zar Chayav Misah even for bringing a Pasul Korban on the Mizbe'ach. What sort of Pesul is he referring to?


(a)A Zar is Chayav Misah if he performs Haza'ah with the blood of a Chatas ha'Of, or if he performs Mitzuy (squeezing the blood on the Mizbe'ach) or Haktarah of an Olas ha'Of - since these are Avodos Tamos.

(b)The Tana declares a Zar Chayav Misah even for bringing a Pasul Korban on the Mizbe'ach - provided the Pesul falls under the category of Pesulo ba'Kodesh, in which case once it is taken up to the Mizbe'ach, it is not taken down.


(a)What is the connection between the four Paysos and the Pasuk in Tehilim "Asher Yachdav Namtik Sod, b'Veis Elokim Nehalech b'Ragesh"?

(b)Rav Nachman holds that, when the Paysos were performed, the Kohanim wore their weekday clothes. Why?

(c)What does Rav Sheshes say, and what is his reason?


(a)"Asher Yachdav Namtik Sod, b'Veis Elokim Nehalech b'Ragesh" - teaches us that it is a Mitzvah to create an aura of excitement in the Beis-Hamikdash. That is the source of the four Paysos, when all the Kohanim gather together to determine which Avodah goes to which Kohen.

(b)Rav Nachman holds that, when the Paysos were performed, the Kohanim wore their Bigdei Chol (weekday clothes) - because if they were wearing their Bigdei Kehunah, we are afraid that the tough Kohanim might go ahead and perform the Avodah immediately (even though they did not merit in the Payis).

(c)Rav Sheshes says that the Kohanim wore the Bigdei Kehunah for the Paysos - because if they would wear Bigdei Chol, we are afraid that the Kohanim who merited, in their excitement, will forget and start with the Avodah immediately (and if they are wearing Bigdei Chol, they will be Chayav Misah).