(a)The Mishnah says that 'All Zevachim (Korbanos [See Tosfos Yom Tov] that are Shechted she'Lo li'Sheman are Kesherim (with the exception of two)'. What does 'she'Lo li'Sheman' mean?
(b)What are the ramifications of 'Kesherim'?
(c)What is the one reservation to this ruling?
(d)The Tana learns this from the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei "Motzei Sefasecha Tishmor ve'Asisa Ka'asher Nadarta la'Hashem Elokecha Nedavah". What is the problem with the latter half of the Pasuk?
(e)How does he solve it?
(a)The Mishnah says that 'All Zevachim (Korbanos [See Tosfos Yom Tov]) that are Shechted (See Tosfos Yom Tov) she'Lo li'Sheman - (as a different Korban [e.g. an Olah as a Shelamim]) are Kesherim' (with the exception of two).
(b)'Kesherim' means that - one sprinkles the blood and sacrifices the animal on the Mizbe'ach (See Tosfos Yom Tov [since the Kedushah of the Korban remains intact]).
(c)The one reservation to this ruling is that - the owner has not fulfilled his obligation and must bring another Korban.
(d)The Tana learns this from the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei "Motzei Sefasecha Tishmor ve'Asisa ka'asher Nadarta la'Hashem Elokecha Nedavah". The problem with the latter half of the Pasuk is - how a Korban can be a Neder and a Nedavah at one and the same time.
(e)He solves it by explaining that - if the animal is not brought according to the specifications of the Neder that he vowed to bring (Lish'mo) then it becomes a Nedavah (a gift), and he remains obligated to bring the Neder that he promised to bring.
(a)To which category of Korban does the latter ruling not apply?
(b)Why is that?
(c)On what condition is the owner Yotzei even by a Korban Yachid, even though the Korban is not Shechted specifically Lish'mo?
(d)What are the two exceptions (to which we referred earlier) to the basic ruling?
(a)The latter ruling does not apply - to a Korban Tzibur ...
(b)... because the Shechitah 'draws it to wherever it belongs (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(c)The owner is Yotzei even by a Korban Yachid however, even though the Korban is not Shechted specifically Lish'mo - in the event that the Shochet Shechts it S'tam.
(d)The two exceptions (to which we referred earlier) to the basic ruling are - the Korban Pesach and a Korban Chatas (where one is not Yotzei at all).
(a)One of the Pesukim with regard to the Pesach is the Pasuk in Re'ei "ve'Asisa Pesach". How do we learn it from there?
(b)What is the second Pasuk (in Bo, that we quote at the Seider)?
(c)Why do we need two Pesukim to teach us that she'Lo Lish'mo by Pesach is Pasul?
(a)One of the Pesukim with regard to the Pesach is the Pasuk in Re'ei "ve'Asisa Pesach" from which we extrapolate that - all the Avodos must be performed in the name of a Pesach.
(b)The second Pasuk (in Bo, that we quote at the Seider) is - "Va'amartem Zevach Pesach Hu".
(c)We need two Pesukim to teach us that she'Lo Lish'mo by Pesach is Pasul - one for when it is brought not as a Pesach, the other, when it is brought for somebody else.
(a)On what condition is the owner Yotzei even by a Korban Pesach that is Shechted she'Lo Lish'mo?
(b)Which period does she'Lo bi'Zemano incorporate?
(c)Why is that?
(a)The owner is Yotzei even by a Korban Pesach that is Shechted she'Lo Lish'mo - when it is brought 'she'Lo bi'Zemano' (not at the right time).
(b)'she'Lo bi'Zemano' incorporates - before midday of the fourteenth (See Tosfos Yom Tov DH 'ha'Pesach bi'Zemano') of Nisan and after the time that is called 'Erev'.
(c)The reason for this is because - before and after that period it has the Din of a Shelamim.
(a)By the Chatas too, there are a number of Pesukim which teach us the current ruling. From the dual Pasuk in Vayikra "ve'Shachat osah le'Chatas" and "ve'Lakach ha'Kohen mi'Dam ha'Chatas" we learn that one must Shecht it and receive and sprinkle its blood for the sake of a Chatas. What do we learn from the Pasuk there ...
1. ... "ve'Chiper alav ha'Kohen"?
2. ... "me'Chataso asher Chata"?
(b)If the current Din pertains to a Chatas that is Shechted in the name of another Korban, what will be the Din regarding a Chatas that is Shechted in the name of Chulin?
(c)How do we learn this from the Pasuk there "ve'Lo Yechal'lu es Kodshei b'nei Yisrael"?
(d)How can the owner be Yotzei by bringing a Chatas in the name of Chulin?
(a)By the Chatas too, there are a number of Pesukim which teach us the current ruling. From the dual Pasuk in Vayikra "ve'Shachat osah le'Chatas" and "ve'Lakach ha'Kohen mi'Dam ha'Chatas" (See Tosfos Yom Tov DH 'u'Min ha'Chatas') we learn that one must Shecht it and receive and sprinkle its blood for the sake of a Chatas. We learn from the Pasuk there ...
1. ... "ve'Chiper alav ha'Kohen", "alav" - 've'Lo al Chavero' (specifically in the name of the owner).
2. ... "me'Chataso asher Chata" that - it must be brought specifically for the sake of the sin that he transgressed.
(b)The current Din pertains to a Chatas that is Shechted in the name of another Korban. A Chatas that is Shechted in the name of Chulin is - Kasher.
(c)We learn this from the Pasuk there "ve'Lo Yechal'lu es Kodshei b'nei Yisrael" - which implies that Kodshim desecrate Kodshim, but not Chulin.
(d)The owner is not Yotzei however and remains obligated to bring anotheer Chatas.
(a)On what basis does Rebbi Eliezer equate the Din of Asham with that of Chatas?
(b)On which Pasuk in Tzav is this comparison based?
(c)On what grounds does the Tana Kama disagree with Rebbi Eliezer?
(d)Why do they not consider the Pasuk "Asham Hu" a Miy'ut (to exclude she'Lo Lish'mo?
(a)Rebbi Eliezer equates the Din of Asham with that of Chatas - since it too, atones for a sin.
(b)This comparison is actually based on the Pasuk in Tzav - "ka'Chatas ka'Asham".
(c)The Tana Kama disagrees with Rebbi Eliezer - since there is no Miy'ut (to preclude she'Lo Lish'mo) by Asham in the way that there is by Chatas (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(d)They do not consider the Pasuk "Asham Hu" a Miy'ut - because it is written after the burning of the Emurim on the Mizbe'ach, and not before, as it ought to have been.
(a)What does Yossi ben Choni say about other Korbanos that are Shechted ...
1. ... on the fourteenth in the name of a Pesach?
2. ... any time in the name of a Chatas?
(b)Why is that?
(c)How will he therefore qualify the opening Mishnah 'Kol ha'Zevachim she'Nizb'chu le'Shem she'Lo Lisheman, Kasher'?
(a)According to Yossi ben Choni, other Korbanos that are Shechted ...
1. ... on the fourteenth in the name of a Pesach, or ...
2. ... any time in the name of a Chatas - are Pasul (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(b)... in the same way as the latter are Pasul if they are Shechted in the name of any other Korban.
(c)He will therefore qualify the opening Mishnah 'Kol ha'Zevachim she'Nizb'chu le'Shem she'Lo Lisheman, Kasher' by concluding - 'u'Bilevad she'Lo Yishchatem Lo Leshem Pesach ve'Lo Leshem Chatas'.
(a)Shimon Achi Azaryah has another approach altogether. Why was he called by that name?
(b)What distinction does he draw between Kodshei Kodshim that one Shechts as Kodshim Kalim and vice-versa?
(c)How does he learn this from the Pasuk in Emor "ve'Lo Yechal'lu es Kodshei B'nei Yisrael, eis asher Yarimu la'Hashem"?
(a)Shimon Achi Azaryah has another approach altogether. He was called by that name - because they made a Yisachar-Zevulun pact whereby Azaryah would sustain his brother Shimon, in return for which he would receive a portion in Shimon's learning.
(b)He rules that whereas Kodshei Kodshim that one Shechts as Kodshim Kalim - are Pasul, Kodshim Kalim that one Shechts as Kodshei Kodshim - are Kasher (see Tosfos Yom Tov).
(c)And he learns this from the Pasuk in Emor "ve'Lo Yechal'lu es Kodshei B'nei Yisrael, eis asher Yarimu la'Hashem" - which implies that if (in one's mind) one elevates the status of a Kodshim animal it does not become Pasul, only if one lowers it (See also Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)By the same token, he rules that B'chor and Ma'aser that one Shechts as a Shelamim are Kasher, but that vice-versa is Pasul. One of the reasons for this is because a Shelamim requires more Matanos (sprinklings of blood) than B'chor and Ma'aser. How many Matanos does one perform with the blood of ...
1. ... a Shelamim?
2. ... a B'chor and Ma'aser?
(b)Besides S'michah (leaning one's hands on the head of the animal) and Nesachim (a wine libation that one brings with the Korban) which a Shelamim requires but which the other two do not, which additional Chumra is a Shelamim subject to which they are not?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)By the same token, he rules that B'chor and Ma'aser that one Shechts as a Shelamim are Kasher, but that vice-versa is Pasul. One of the reasons for this is because a Shelamim requires more Matanos (sprinklings of blood) than B'chor and Ma'aser. One perform with the blood of ...
1. ... a Shelamim - two Matanos (two that are four), but with the blood of a ...
2. ... a B'chor and Ma'aser - only one.
(b)Besides S'michah (leaning one's hands on the head of the animal) and Nesachim (a wine libation that one brings with the Korban) which a Shelamim requires but which the other two do not, a Shelamim is also subject to - Tenufas Chazeh ve'Shok (waving the chest and the right calf before giving them to the Kohen), which they are not.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama (who does not differentiate).
(a)What does Rebbi Yehoshua mean when he declares Kasher a Pesach that is Shechted she'Lo Lish'mo on the morning of the fourteenth, just like one that is Shechted on the thirteenth? What is its status?
(b)Why is that?
(c)What does ben Beseira say?
(d)Why is that?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)When Rebbi Yehoshua declares Kasher a Pesach that is Shechted she'Lo Lish'mo on the morning of the fourteenth, just like one that is Shechted on the thirteenth, he means that - it a Kasher Shelamim ...
(b)... because the morning of the fourteenth is not the time to bring the Korban Pesach.
(c)According to ben Beseira - it is Pasul as if it was brought in the afternoon ...
(d)... because, since part of the same day is fit for the Korban Pesach, it is considered like a Pesach in its right time (See Tosfos Yom-Tov).
(e)The Halachah is - like ben Beseira.
(a)Shimon ben Azai issued a testimony that he received from the seventy-two Zekeinim. Why did he refer to them as 'Zakein' in the singular?
(b)What auspicious event took place on the day that he heard it?
(c)With reference to the opening Mishnah 'Kol ha'Zevachim she'Nizb'chu she'Lo Lishman, Kesheirim Chutz ... ', he added the word 'ha'Ne'echalim'. What is the significance of the change?
(d)What is the sole ramification of the change?
(a)Shimon ben Azai issued a testimonial that he received from the seventy-two Zekeinim, which he referred to as 'Zakein' (in the singular) - because they issued the statement unanimously, as one man.
(b)The day that he heard it was - the day on which they appointed Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah as head of the Sanhedrin in place of Rabban Gamliel.
(c)With reference to the opening Mishnah 'Kol ha'Zevachim she'Nizb'chu she'Lo Lishman, Kesheirim Chutz ... ', he added the word 'ha'Ne'echalim' - confining the principle to Korbanos that are eaten exclusively.
(d)The sole ramification of the change is - the Korban Olah, which is Pasul she'Lo Lish'mo (like a Pesach and a Chatas).
(a)Earlier, the Tana discussed a Korban that is Shechted she'Lo Lish'mo. What if a Kohen receives the blood (Kibel), carries it (Halach) to the Mizbe'ach or sprinkles (Zarak) it she'Lo Lish'mo (Note that throughout the Masechta, 've'Shachat' could refer to the owner or to anybody else, whereas 'Lakach [Halach and Zarak] refers to the Kohen exclusively), assuming the Korban is ...
1. ... a Pesach or a Chatas?
2. ... any other Korban?
(b)What does the Mishnah say in a case where he has in mind both Lish'mo and she'Lo Lish'mo?
(c)What is an example of the case?
(a)Earlier, the Tana discussed a Korban that is Shechted she'Lo Lish'mo. If a Kohen receives the blood (Kibel), carries it (Halach) to the Mizbe'ach or sprinkles (Zarak) it she'Lo Lish'mo (Note that throughout the Masechta, 've'Shachat' could refer to the owner or to anybody else, whereas 'Lakach [Halach and Zarak] refers to the Kohen exclusively), assuming the Korban is ...
1. ... a Pesach or a Chatas - it is also Pasul.
2. ... any other Korban - it is also Kasher, but the owner has not fulfilled his obligation.
(b)The Mishnah rules in a case where he has in mind both Lish'mo and she'Lo Lish'mo - the same as he does if he has in mind she'Lo li'Shemo only.
(c)The case is - where he Shechted or received the blood, carried it or sprinkled a Pesach having in mind both a Pesach and a Shelamim.
(a)Regarding which Avodah does Rebbi Shimon hold that even a Pesach le'Shem Pesach and le'Shem Shelamim is Kasher?
(b)Why is that?
(c)On what grounds does the Tana Kama disagree with him?
(d)From where do they know that Hiluch is an Avodah?
(a)Rebbi Shimon holds that even a Pesach le'Shem Pesach and le'Shem Shelamim is Kasher - if he does so during the Hiluch ...
(b)... because Hiluch is dispensable (where the Kohen is already standing next to the Mizbe'ach).
(c)The Tana Kama disagrees with him - since when all's said and done, when Hiluch is performed, it is an Avodah ...
(d)... since the Torah writes "Vehikrivu B'nei Aharon ha'Kohanim es ha'Dam", from which Chazal extrapolate that from the Kabalas ha'Dam and onwards may be performed only by Kohanim (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)Rebbi Eliezer makes a compromise in that Machshavah renders Pasul if the Kohen is walking where he is supposed to but not if he isn't. What does he mean by 'where he isn't'?
(b)What if, according to him, after walking away, he has a Machshavah on the way back?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Rebbi Eliezer makes a compromise in that Machshavah renders Pasul if the Kohen is walking where he is supposed to, but not if he isn't - (away from the Mizbe'ach).
(b)If, according to him, after walking away, he has a Machshavah on the way back - the Korban will be Pasul.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.