TOSFOS DH Lo Shanu Ela she'Lo Shiyer Bo Kedei Ma'afores...
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ùðå àìà ùìà ùééø áä ëãé îòôåøú... (äîùê)
î''î é''ì ãèìéú åáâã ãùîòúéï ùàðé ùäí ëìé åùí ëìé òìéäï åëùð÷øòå ëéåï ãàæéì ùí ëìé îéðééäå èäøå ìâîøé
Answer: Even so, we can say that the Talis and garment of our Sugya are different, for they are Kelim, and they are called Kelim, and when they are torn, since they lose the status of Kelim, they are totally Tahor;
àáì ááäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï ãó òá:) îééøé áçúéëú áâã ãòìîà åàéï ùí ëìé òìéå åìà èäø îîâò îãøñ àò''ô ùèäåø îï äîãøñ
However, in Chulin (72b), we discuss a mere piece of a garment, and it is not called a Kli, and it is not Tahor from Maga Midras, even though it is Tahor from Midras.
åáô' äòåø åäøåèá (ùí ãó ÷ëâ:) ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãääéà ãàáì èîà îâò îãøñ ëùäéä áå á' èåîàåú îãøñ äçîåøä åîâò æá
Answer #2 (to Question (b), 94b - Rashi in Chulin 123b): The case of "but it is Tamei Maga Midras" is when there were two Tum'os - severe Midras, and it touched a Zav;
åàäðé äçìå÷ä ìáèì äîãøñ ãúå ìà çæå ìéä åôùà ìéä èåîàú îâò ãçæéà ìùìù àöáòåú
The division helps to be Mevatel the [Tum'as] Midras, for it is no longer proper for it. Tum'as Maga remains, for it is proper for [a garment of at least] three fingers;
àáì áäòåø åäøåèá (ùí) îééøé ãìéëà àìà çãà èåîàä àå îâò æá áìà äëáãä àå îâò ùøõ åðáìä åçã ùîä äåé
However, the case there (Chulin 123b) discusses when there was only one Tum'ah - either a Zav touched it without pressing down on it (so there is no Midras), or it touched a Sheretz or Neveilah, and it is one name [of Tum'ah];
åëåìä èåîàä (ãùìùä òì ùìùä) (ö"ì ãùìù òì ùìù - ç÷ ðúï) äéà å÷øéòä îäðéà ìáèåìé ùîä îéðä åúå ìà ôù òìä îéãé
It is all Tum'ah of three by three fingers, and tearing helps to be Mevatel its name from it, and no [Tum'ah] remains on it.
åàéï æå ùåí ñáøà ìçì÷ áéï èåîàä àçú ìùúé èåîàåú ãëéåï ùðùàø áèìéú ùìù òì ùìù ùæäå ùéòåø èåîàú îâò äéàê éäéä èäåø
Rebuttal: There is illogical to distinguish like this between one Tum'ah and two Tum'os. Since three by three fingers remains in the Talis, which is the Shi'ur of Tum'as Maga, how does it become Tahor?!
åáúçéìú äñåâéà ôé' ùí á÷åðèøñ èìéú ùäúçéì áä ì÷åøòä åìáèìä îúåøú èìéú îàçø ùàéï øàåé ìîìàëä øàùåðä åàéï ùîä òìéä îéèäøú
Answer #3: At the beginning of the Sugya there, Rashi explained that a Talis that he began tearing it and to be Mevatel it from the law of a Talis, once it is not proper for its initial use, and its name is not on it, it becomes Tahor;
àò''ô ùéù áùéøéí ùìù òì ùìù åòãééï øàåééï ì÷áì èåîàä èäøå îèåîàúï øàùåðä ãåîéà ãëìé çøñ ãùáéøúå îèäøúå åùáøéå î÷áìéï èåîàä ëãàîø áàìå èøéôåú (ùí ãó ðã:) äï å÷ø÷øåúéäï
Even though the remnants are three by three fingers, and it is still proper to receive Tum'ah, it is Tahor from its first Tum'ah, similar to a Kli Cheres. Breaking it is Metaher it, and its shards receive Tum'ah, like it says in Chulin (54b) "they and their bottoms [receive Tum'ah if they can hold enough to anoint a small limb]."
åàéï (æå) îùí øàéä ãäúí îééøé ëùééçã äùáøéí àç''ë àáì áìà ééçåã ìà ëãôøéùéú ùí
Objection: There is no proof from there. There it discusses when he designated the shards afterwards, but without designation, no (they are not Mekabel Tum'ah), like I explained there.
åðøàä ìôøù ã÷øéòä ãáâã åèìéú îééøé úøåééäå ëù÷åøò ÷øòéí äøáä åàéï áëì àçã øåçá (ùìùä) (ö"ì ùìù - âîøà òåæ åäãø) åìäëé ÷àîø èäåøä ìâîøé
Answer #4: It seems that tearing a garment or Talis, both discuss when he tears it into many pieces, and each is not three fingers. Therefore it says that it is totally Tahor;
àò''â ùòãééï ëì ä÷øéòåú îçåáøéï áñåôï ìàå çéáåø äåà
Even though all the pieces are connected at theirs ends, this is not considered connected;
ëéåï ùëì ÷øò å÷øò (ù÷øò òã øåáä ùì èìéú áôçåú îùìùä òì ùìùä) ]ö"ì ð÷øò òã øåáä ùì èìéú áôçåú îùìù òì ùìù - öàï ÷ãùéí[ äåé ëàéìå âîø ëì àçã åàçã òã ñåôï
Since each tear was torn until the majority of the Talis, less than three by three fingers, it is as if each [tear] finished until the end;
åëâåï ùìà ùééø áèìéú áàåúå îéòåè ùìà ð÷øò ëãé îòôåøú ãàí ùééø äåé èîà îãøáðï ëãîñ÷éðï äëà
The case is, there did not remain in the minority of the Talis (that was not cut) enough for a turban. If enough remained, it is Tamei mid'Rabanan, like we conclude here.
åæäå úéîä î''ù ãìòðéï èåîàä ìà îé÷øé áâã îï äúåøä àò''â ãùééø áä ëãé îòôåøú åìâáé ]ö"ì ãí[ çèàú î÷øé áâã
Question: This is astounding! Why is Tum'ah different, that mid'Oraisa it is not considered a garment, even though he left enough for a turban, and regarding Dam Chatas it is considered a garment?
åëîå ëï ÷ùä áñîåê âáé ëìé çøñ ùðéèîà [ëå' ðå÷áå ëå'] [ãôøéê] ëìé àîø øçîðà åäàé ìàå ëìé äåà åîùðé ãð÷éá ìéä áëãé ùåøù ÷èï åäùúà
Similarly, it is difficult below about a Kli Cheres that became Tamei... He punctures it... [The Gemara] asks [why must he break it?] "The Torah said [to break] a Kli, and this is not a Kli!", and answers that he punctures enough for a small root [to leave];
à''ë ìàå ëìé äåà ùäøé îéèäø îèåîàúå
If so, it is not a Kli, for it became Tahor from its Tum'ah!
åðøàä ìôøù ëéåï ùîåòéì ìå ééçåã ìàåúå áâã ùùééø áå ëãé îòôåøú ùìà äáãéì ä÷øòéí òì ôðé ëåìå
Answer: It seems that since designation helps for that garment in which he left enough for a turban, that he did not totally separate the pieces to tear them totally off...
åìàåúå ëìé ùðé÷á áùåøù ÷èï ùàí äéä îéçãå ìæéúéí àå ìøéîåï äéä î÷áì èåîàä îëàï åìäáà çùéá äåà ëìé åáâã ìòðéï ãí çèàú ëéåï ãàéï îçåñø îòùä àìà ééçåã áòìîà
And for the Kli punctured enough for a small root, if he would designate it for olives or pomegranates, it would receive Tum'ah from now and onwards, it is considered a Kli or a Beged for Dam Chatas, since it is not lacking an action, rather, mere designation.
åäà ã÷àîø áñîåê âáé ëìé ðçùú ôåçúå ëìé àîø øçîðà åäàé ìàå ëìé äåà åîùðé ãøöéó ìéä îøöéó
Citation: It says below regarding a copper Kli that he makes a big hole in it, [and asks] "the Torah said Kli, and this is not a Kli!", and answers "d'Ratzif Lei Martzif";
àéï ìôøù ëîå øöôéðäå îøöéó ãô''÷ ãùáú (ãó èæ:) ôé' ùéú÷ï äôçéúä ùîëä òìéå á÷åøðåñ åîçáøå åçæø ùí ëìé òìéå
Implied suggestion: [D'Ratzif Lei Martzif] means like Ratzfinhu Martzif in Shabbos (16b), i.e. that he fixes the opening, that he beats on it with a sledge hammer, and it returns to be called a Kli.
ãà''ë áâã ðîé ìéùðé äëé ùçæø åúôøå ìàçø ù÷øòå
Rejection: If so, we should answer so also for a Beged, that he returned to sew it after he tore it!
àìà ò''ë äåà çùéá áâã çãù åëìé çãù åëàéìå àéðå øàùåï
Explanation: Rather, you are forced to say that it is considered like a new Beged or a new Kli, and it is not the first;
åøöéó ìéä äééðå ùäåôê öã ôðéí ìöã çåõ åöã çåõ ìöã ôðéí åðòùä úåëå âáå åâáå úåëå åîéèäø áëê îèåîàúå
Ratzif Lei means that he reverses the inside to the outside and the outside to the inside, and the inside becomes the outside and the outside becomes the inside, and this is Metaher it from its Tum'ah.
å÷öú úéîä îä ùééê áàåúå ùéòåø ãùåøù ÷èï ìòðéï èäøú ëìé ùàåúå ùéòåø äåà ìòðéï äëùø æøòéí áñåó äîöðéò (ùáú ãó öä:)
Question: What is the connection of the Shi'ur for a small root to Taharah of a Kli? That Shi'ur is for Hechsher of Zera'im, in Shabbos (95b)!
åàí äëìé îéåçã ìàåëìéï ùéòåøå áæéúéí àáì áùåøù ÷èï ìà
If the Kli is special for food, the Shi'ur [of the hole to be Metaher] is for olives [to fall out], but not for a small root!
åàí äåà îéåçã ìîù÷éï ùéòåøå ëëåðñ îù÷éï
If it is special for liquids, the Shi'ur is for liquid to enter!
åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù ãùåøù ÷èï àéëà ìî''ã ùæäå ùéòåø ð÷éáúå ìéèäø
Answer #1: Rashi explained that there is an opinion that enough for a small root is the Shi'ur of a puncture to be Metaher.
åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãäà ôìåâúà ãàîåøàé äåà áñåó äîöðéò (ùí ãó öä:) ãëãé ùåøù ÷èï åëãé îåöéà øéîåï åôé' ùí á÷åðèøñ ãôìéâé ìòðéï äëùø æøòéí
Rebuttal: One cannot say so. Amora'im argue about this in Shabbos (95b, whether the Shi'ur is) enough for a small root, or enough for pomegranates to fall out. Rashi explained there that they argue about Hechsher Zera'im;
ãìòðéï èåîàä îùðä äéà áîñëú ëìéí (ô''â) ãòùåé ìàåëìéï ùéòåøå ëæéúéí åîù÷éï ëëåðñ îù÷ä
[They cannot argue about Tum'ah, for] regarding Tum'ah, a Mishnah in Kelim (3:1) teaches that [a Kli] made for food, its Shi'ur is olives. [If it is made] for liquids, the Shi'ur is for liquid to enter.
åîéäå âí ìàåúå ôé' ÷ùä ãîúðé' äéà áîñ' òå÷öéï (ô''á î''é) ãìäëùéø æøòéí áùåøù ÷èï
Question: Also that Perush (of Rashi in Shabbos) is difficult, for a Mishnah in Uktzin (2:10) teaches that to be Machshir Zera'im, the Shi'ur is for a small root. (How could Amora'im argue about this?)
åîôøù ø''ú ãìòðéï öîéã ôúéì ôìéâé ìéçùá ôúç áñúí ëìéí àáì ìòðéï èåîàä ìà ôìéâé
Answer (R. Tam): They argue about a Tzamid Pasil (a hermetic seal on a Kli Cheres), to be considered an opening in Stam Kelim (they were not designated for pomegranates), but they do not argue about [being Mekabel] Tum'ah.
åéù ìôøù áãåç÷ ãäàé ëìé çøñ òùåé ìàåëìéï åìîù÷éï ùäøé îáùìéï áå çèàú åéù áå îø÷
Answer #2: With difficulty, we can say that this Kli Cheres is made for food and liquids, for they cook Chatas in it, and there is soup (the water in which it was cooked received taste from Chatas);
åìëê ùéòåøå áùåøù ÷èï åàéï òìéå ìà úåøú ëìé äòùåé ìîù÷éï åìà úåøú ëìé äòùåé ìàåëìéï
Therefore, its Shi'ur is for a small root. It does not have the law of a Kli made for liquids, and not the law of a Kli made for food.
åìà ãîé ìäà ãâøñé' áîñ' ëìéí (ô''â î''à) äòùåé ìëê åìëê îèéìéï àåúå ìçåîøà ëæéúéí
Implied question: Why is this unlike the text [of the Mishnah] in Kelim (3:1, a Kli) made for this and this (food and liquids), we are stringent [that it is Tahor only through a hole that lets out] olives?
äééðå áùòä ùîðéçéí áå îù÷éï àéï îðéçéï áå àåëìéï åëùîðéçéï áå àåëìéï àéï îðéçéï áå îù÷éï àìà ùîðéçéï áå àåëìéï áôðé òöîï åîù÷éï áôðé òöîï
Answer: That is when at the time they put in it liquids, they do not put food in it, and when they put in it food, they do not put liquids in it. Rather, they put in it food by itself, and [sometimes] liquids by themselves;
àáì äëà á÷ãéøä ùîáùìéï áä áùø ùòùåé ìäùúîù àåëìéï åîù÷éï òì éãé úòøåáú
However, here, a pot in which they cook meat, it is made to be used for food and liquids mixed together;
åäà ãàéï ùéòåøä ëëåðñ îù÷ä îùåí ãàëúé øàåé ìáùì áä ùéëåì ìäðéç áùø ëðâã äð÷á åâí äîø÷ (ùäàåø) (ö"ì òá åäàåø - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) îòîéã äîø÷ ùìà éöà ìëê ùéòåøä áùåøù ÷èï
The reason why the Shi'ur is not for liquid to enter is because it is still proper to cook in it, for he can put meat by the opening (to hold in the soup). Also, the soup is thick, and the fire keeps the soup from leaving. Therefore, the Shi'ur is for a small root.
åäàé ãìà ÷àîø áñåó äîöðéò (ùáú ãó öä:) ùù îãåú áëìé çøñ
Implied question: Why doesn't it say in Shabbos (95b) that there are six laws of a Kli Cheres? (There is a sixth, i.e. a Kli for food and liquids together!)
îùåí ãîãä æå ùì ùåøù ÷èï ÷çùéá (æä) (ö"ì ùí - öàï ÷ãùéí) ìòðéï äëùø æøòéí
Answer: This law of a small root was [already] taught regarding Hechsher Zera'im.
åîéäå ÷ùä ãáäãéà úðï áîñ' ëìéí (áô''â î''á) äàéìôñ åä÷ãéøä ùéòåøï ëæéúéí
Question: It was taught explicitly in Kelim (3:2) that the Shi'ur for a frying pan and pot is k'Zeisim!
åàé äåä àîéðà ãùéòåø æéúéí ãáòéðï îãøáðï äåä ðéçà ëã÷àîø âáé áâã àáì îãàåøééúà àí ðé÷á áùåøù ÷èï èäåø
Answer: If we would say that the Shi'ur of olives is needed [to be Metaher] mid'Rabanan, it would be fine, like it says about a garment (if most was torn, and he left enough for a turban, mid'Oraisa it is Tahor, but mid'Rabanan it is connected and still Tamei. Also here,) mid'Oraisa if it was punctured the size of a small root, it is Tahor.
TOSFOS DH Me'il she'Nitma Machniso b'Pachos mi'Shalosh Al Shalosh u'Mechavso
úåñôåú ã"ä îòéì ùðèîà îëðéñå áôçåú îùìù òì ùìù åîëáñå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when the Shi'ur for Ashirim and Aniyim is different.)
áñåó ëéøä (ùáú ãó îæ.) âáé áâã òðééí ìòðééí îùîò îúåê ôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ áùìù òì ùìù áéã òùéø ãìà î÷áì èåîàä ëìì
Citation: In Shabbos (47a), regarding "a garment of Aniyim is permitted for Aniyim [to move on Shabbos]", Rashi connotes that three by three fingers in the hands of an Ashir is not Mekabel Tum'ah at all;
åäà ãúðï (ëìéí ôø÷ ëæ î''á) ùìù òì ùìù ìèîà îú
Implied question: A Mishnah (Kelim 27:2) teaches that three by three fingers is the Shi'ur to be Mekabel Tum'as Mes!
äééðå ãå÷à áòðééí àáì áòùéøéí áòé ùìùä òì ùìùä
Answer: That is only for Aniyim, but for Ashirim, three by three Tefachim are required.
å÷ùä ìø''ú îäê ãîòéì ãôøéê òìä øá àãà îääéà ãòáéï åäøëéï
Question #1 (R. Tam): Our Sugya about the Me'il is difficult! Rav Ada challenges [Reish Lakish's teaching about the Me'il] from [the Mishnah of] thick or felt (unwoven) garments;
åäùúà ìîä ìé ìà÷ùåéé îääéà åäà áâãé ëäåðä áâãé òùéøéí äí ãàéï òðéåú áî÷åí òùéøåú åùéòåøï áùìùä òì ùìùä
Why does he ask from [that Mishnah]? Bigdei Kehunah are of Ashirim, for there is no poverty in the place of wealth (above, 85b), so their Shi'ur should be three by three Tefachim!
åòåã úðéà áô' áîä îãìé÷éï (ùáú ãó ëå:) ùìù òì ùìù îðééï ú''ì åäáâã åäúí ìà îôìéâ áéï òðééí ìòùéøéí ìà á÷øà åìà áùîòúà
Question #2: A Beraisa in Shabbos (26b) says "what is the source for three by three fingers? It says "veha'Beged". There it does not distinguish between Aniyim and Ashirim, not in the verse and not in the teaching!
åàåîø ø''ú ãìòðéï èåîàú îú åùøõ àéï çéìå÷ áéï òðééí ìòùéøéí àìà ìòðéï îãøñ àééøé äúí ãáòé ùìùä òì ùìùä ìòùéøéí
Answer (R. Tam): Regarding Tum'as Mes and Sheretz, there is no distinction between Aniyim and Ashirim. It discusses only Midras there, that it requires three by three Tefachim for Ashirim;
åäééðå èòîà ãîãøñ áééçåã úìéà îéìúà åàéï ãøê òùéø ìééçã ìîãøñ ôçåú îùìùä òì ùìùä åàôéìå ééçã áèìä ãòúå
The reason is because Midras depends on designation, and it is not normal for an Ashir to designate less than three by three Tefachim, and even if he designated it, Batlah Daito (we ignore this, since normal Ashirim do not do so).
åòåã äáéà ø''ú øàéä ãáèåîàú îãøñ äåà ãîôìâé áéï òðééí ìòùéøéí ãáîñ' ëìéí (ôø÷ ëæ î''á) úðï ãáâã îèîà îùåí ùìùä òì ùìùä ìîãøñ îùåí ùìù òì ùìù ìèîà îú
Support (R. Tam): Regarding Midras we distinguish between Aniyim and Ashirim, for in (Kelim 27:2) a Mishnah teaches that a Beged three by three Tefachim receives Tum'as Midras, and three by three fingers receives Tum'as Mes.
åáòì ëøçéï áòùéøéí àééøé ãàé áòðééí äà úðï áô' (ëç î''ç) áâãé òðééí àò''ô ùàéï áäí ùìùä òì ùìùä èîàéï îãøñ
You are forced to say that it discusses Ashirim, for if it discusses Aniyim, a Mishnah (Kelim 28:8) teaches that Bigdei Aniyim, even if they are not three by three Tefachim, receive Tum'as Midras!
åéù îùðéåú ùë' áäï àò''ô ùàéï áäï ùìù òì ùìù åãåîä ùäåà èòåú ñåôø
Remark: In some Mishnayos the text says "even if they are not three by three fingers." It seems that this is a printing mistake.
TOSFOS DH Machniso b'Pachos mi'Shalosh
úåñôåú ã"ä îëðéñå ôçåú îùìù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why all can agree to this.)
àôéìå ìîàï ãàîø áøéù ëì äôñåìéï (ìòéì ãó ìá:) áéàä áî÷öú ùîä áéàä
Implied question: According to the opinion above (32b) that Bi'ah b'Miktzas is considered Bi'ah (this should be forbidden)!
ùàðé áâã äåàéì åéëåì ìçåúëå ìà çùéá ëàéìå ðëðñ ëåìå
Answer: A Beged is different. Since one could cut it, it is not considered as if it totally entered.
TOSFOS DH v'Ha Bai Shiv'ah Simemanin
úåñôåú ã"ä åäà áòé ùáòä ñîîðéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he challenges specifically Reish Lakish.)
ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãàîúðéúéï ôøéê
Explanation #1 (Rashi): He challenges our Mishnah.
å÷ùä ãìòéì äåä ìéä ìà÷ùåéé
Question: [The Makshan] should have asked above!
åðøàä ãìøéù ì÷éù ãå÷à ôøéê ãàééøé ááâãé ëäåðä áäãéà àáì îúðé' àéëà ìàå÷åîä ááâãé äãéåè ùéëåì ìäòáéø åìëáñ ò''é öôåï
Explanation #2: He challenges only Reish Lakish, who explicitly discusses Bigdei Kehunah. We could establish our Mishnah to discuss a commoner's garments, which one can pass soap over them and launder them with soap;
àáì îòéì ãëäï âãåì àéðå éëåì ìëáñå ò''é öôåï îùåí ãàîøéðï áîñëú ðãä (ãó ñá.) ãàôéìå öáòà ðîé îòáø
However, one cannot launder the Kohen Gadol's Me'il with soap, because we say in Nidah (62a) that it removes even dye! (It would remove the Techeles from the Me'il.)
îéäå àîéìúà ãøáä áø àáåä âåôà ã÷àîø ãí çèàú åîøàåú ðâòéí öøéëéï æ' ñîîðéï [ðîé] äåä îöé ìà÷ùåéé äà àéï îëðéñéï îé øâìéí ìî÷ãù:
Observation: [The Makshan] could have challenged Rabah bar Avuha himself, who said that Dam Chatas and appearances of Tzara'as in a garment, one must pass the seven ingredients over them. He could have asked that one may not enter urine in the Mikdash!
TOSFOS DH Irah l'Socho Rose'ach Minayin... Asher Tevushal Bo Yishaver
úåñôåú ã"ä òéøä ìúåëå øåúç îðéï... àùø úáåùì áå éùáø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the ability of Iruy to cook.)
îëàï îã÷ã÷ ø''ú ãòéøåé ëëìé øàùåï îãçùéá ëîáåùì
Opinion #1: R. Tam derived from here that Iruy (pouring from a Kli Rishon) is like a Kli Rishon, since it is considered like cooking.
åðøàä ãàãøáä ÷ùä îëàï ãäà ÷øé ìéä áñîåê áìåò áìà áéùåì
Objection: Just the contrary, from here is difficult [to say that Iruy k'Kli Rishon], for below it is called absorbed without cooking!
îéäå é''ì ãçùéá ìéä áìåò áìà áéùåì ìôé ùàéðå îúáùì îçîú äëìé ãáëìé àçø ðúáùì
Answer: One can say that it is called absorbed without cooking because it does not cook due to the Kli [into which it was poured]. It was cooked in another Kli.
åøáéðå ùîåàì äéä îã÷ã÷ ãòéøåé ëëìé ùðé îäà ãúðï áôø÷ ëéøä (ùáú ãó îá:) äàéìôñ åä÷ãéøä ùäòáéøï îøåúçéï ìà éúï ìúåëï úáìéï ãîùîò äà ìòøåú îäí òì äúáìéï ùøé
Opinion #2 (Rashbam): Iruy is like a Kli Sheni, because a Mishnah (Shabbos 42b) says that if a frying pan or pot was removed from the fire boiling, one may not put spices in it. This implies that one may pour from it on the spices!
åòåã äéä îã÷ã÷ îäà ã÷é''ì ëùîåàì ãàîø úúàä âáø ãúðéà ëååúéä áô' ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ãó òå.)
Additional source (Rashbam): We hold like Shmuel, who says that Tatah Gavar (when hot and cold are mixed, the law depends on whatever is on bottom. Cooking occurs only if the bottom is hot), for a Beraisa is like him in Pesachim (76a).
åäéä îúéø îúåê ëê ìòøåú øåúçéï îëìé øàùåï òì äúøðâåìú ëãé ìîåìâä
Consequence: [The Rashbam] used to permit to pour boiling [liquid] from a Kli Rishon onto a chicken in order to cook it this way.
åø''ú àåîø ãàãøáä ãå÷ îñéôà àáì ðåúï ìúåê ä÷òøä äà ìòøåú îàéìôñ òì äúáìéï àñåø
Objection #1 (R. Tam): Just the contrary, one may infer from the Seifa (Shabbos 42b) "but one may put [spices] in a bowl (a Kli Sheni)." This implies that one may not pour from a pan [onto spices!
åòåã ìãáøéå ÷ùä ääéà îùðä ìî''ã òéìàä âáø
Objection #2: According to the Rashbam, the Mishnah is difficult for the opinion that Ila'a Gavar (it depends on what is on top)!
àìà àééãé ãúðà øéùà äîéçí ùôéðäå ìà éúï ìúåëå (îéí) (ö"ì öåðï - áâìéåï) àáì ðåúï ìúåê äëåñ úðà ñéôà ðîé äàéìôñ åä÷ãéøä ìà éúï ìúåëï [úáìéï] àáì ðåúï ìúåê ä÷òøä
Rather, since the Reisha taught that if a frying pan was removed [from the fire] one may not put cold [water] in it, but one may put water in a cup (a Kli Sheni), also the Seifa taught that if a frying pan or pot was removed, one may not put spices in it, but one may put in a bowl.
åáéøåùìîé îùîò ãòéøåé ëëìé øàùåï ãàîøéðï òìä áâî' îäå ìéúï úáìéï îìîèä åìòøåú òìéäï îìîòìä øáé éåðä àåîø òéøåé ëëìé øàùåï
Support #1 (for Opinion #1): The Yerushalmi connotes that Iruy is like a Kli Rishon, for we say about this in the Gemara "may one put spices below and pour on them from above? R. Yonah says, Iruy is like a Kli Rishon";
çééìéä ãø' éåðä îï äãà åëì ëìé çøñ àùø úáåùì áå éùáø àéï ìé àìà ùáéùì áå òéøä ìúåëå øåúç îðééï ú''ì åàùø úáåùì áå éùáø î''î
Citation (Yerushalmi): R. Yonah learns from "v'Chol Kli Cheres Asher Tevushal Bo Yishaver." This teaches only about a Kli in which one cooked. What is the source to include if he poured Rose'ach (boiling water) into it? "Asher Tevushal Bo Yishaver" - in any case;
(åëä àîø äëéï à''ø) (ö"ì åãçé ø' - - öàï ÷ãùéí) éåñé úîï ëìé çøñ áåìò úáìéï àéðå îáùì ôéøåù ëìé çøñ áåìò èôé îùàø ëìéí
R. Yosi rejected this. There, a Kli Cheres absorbs, but it does not cook spices. I.e. a Kli Cheres absorbs more than other Kelim.
àéúéá øáé éåñé áø' áåï åäúðé àó áëìé ðçùú ëï àéú ìê ìîéîø ëìé ðçùú áåìò ôé' åëé áìò éåúø îùàø ëìéí áúîéä
R. Yosi bar Bun asked, it was taught "even a copper Kli is so. Will you say that a copper Kli absorbs!" I.e. does it absorb more than other Kelim?!
äùúà îãîé äúí ëîå ùáåìò òì éãé òéøåé ëîå ëï îáùì ò''é òéøåé ù''î (îéúðéà) (ö"ì îãúðéà - ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëååúéä ãøáé éåðä àìîà äéìëúà ëååúéä
Inference: Now, it compares there, just like it absorbs through Iruy, so it cooks through Iruy. Since a Beraisa supports R. Yonah, this shows that the Halachah follows him.
åàò''â ã÷é''ì ëååúéä ãùîåàì ãàîø úúàä âáø
Implied question: We hold like Shmuel, who says that Tatah Gavar!
îåãä ùîåàì ãîáùì ëãé ÷ìéôä ãäà áøééúà ãîñééò ìéä ÷úðé çí ìúåê öåðï îãéç åôøéê äù''ñ àãîé÷ø ìéä áìò ôéøåù ÷åãí ùéöèðï çåí ùìîòìä ðáìò îîðå î÷öú áúçúåï
Answer: Shmuel agrees that [Iruy] cooks Kedei Klipah (the thickness of what can be peeled off, i.e. from what it was poured onto), for the Beraisa that supports [Shmuel] taught "hot into cold - he rinses it", and the Gemara asks "before it cools off, it absorbs!" I.e. before the hot above cools off, it is somewhat absorbed into the lower;
åîùðé àéîà çí ìúåê öåðï ÷åìó
It answers "say that hot into cold, he peels."
åòåã îééúé ø''ú øàéä îäà ã÷àîø áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ãó ìæ:) äîòéñä á''ù ôåèøéï åá''ä îçééáéï äçìéèä á''ù îçééáéï åáéú äìì ôåèøéï
Support #2 (for Opinion #1 - R. Tam): It says in Pesachim (37b) that Ma'isa (this will be explained), Beis Shamai exempt it from Chalah, and Beis Hillel obligate it. Chalitah (this will be explained), Beis Shamai obligate it, and Beis Hillel exempt;
àéæå äéà äîòéñä åàéæå äéà äçìéèä äîòéñä ÷îç òì âáé îåâìùéï ôéøåù îåâìùéï îéí øåúçéï åôøéê î''ù äîòéñä åîàé ùðà äçìéèä åîùðé úáøà îé ùùðä æå ìà ùðä æå
Citation (37b): What are Ma'isa and Chalitah? Ma'isa is flour put on Muglashin, i.e. boiling water. (Chalitah is boiling water put on top of flour.) It asks, why is Ma'isa different than Chalitah? It answers that different Tana'im taught these (there is no reason to distinguish them);
àìîà îàï ãôèø îçìä á÷îç òì âáé îåâìùéï îùåí ãìàå ìçí äåà ëéåï ùðéìåù áøåúçéï ôèø ðîé áîåâìùéï ùùôëï òì âáé ÷îç àò''ô ùðùôëå ìëìé ùðé àìîà òéøåé ëëìé øàùåï
Inference: The one who exempts from Chalah when flour is put on boiling water, because it was kneaded with boiling water, he exempts also boiling water put on top of flour, even though they were poured into a Kli Sheni. This shows that Iruy is like a Kli Rishon!
îéäå ÷ùä äéëé ôèø äà àéðå îáùì àìà ëãé ÷ìéôä ìùîåàì ãàîø úúàä âáø ã÷é''ì ëååúéä
Question: Why is it exempt? [Iruy] cooks only Kedei Klipah, according to Shmuel, who says that Tatah Gavar, and we hold like him!
åé''ì ãîééøé ëâåï ãìéëà àìà ëãé çéåá çìä îöåîöí àå îòè éåúø ãáúø ÷ìéôä àéï ðùàø ëùéòåø çìä
Answer: We discuss when there is the minimum Shi'ur to be obligated in Chalah, or slightly more. After [deducting] a layer, the Shi'ur for Chalah does not remain.
åòåã îáéà ø''ú øàéä îäà ãàîø áùéìäé ò''æ (ãó òã:) ðòåä àøúçå àìîà òéøåé ëëìé øàùåï ãàéï éëåì ìäëùéøå àìà áòéøåé
Support #3 (for Opinion #1 - R. Tam): It says in Avodah Zarah (74b) that one uses boiling water [to Kasher] a winepress. This shows that Iruy is like a Kli Rishon, for the only way to be Machshir it is through Iruy! (It is infeasible to boil water in the winepress itself.)
åòåã éù ìã÷ã÷ ãîééøé áòéøåé îãúðéà äúí øáé éåñé àåîø äøåöä ìèäøï îéã îâòéìï áøåúçéï àå çåìèï áîé æéúéí
Support: It must discuss through Iruy, for in a Beraisa there (75a), R. Yosi taught that one who wants to be Metaher it immediately, he does Hag'alah with boiling water or Choltan (this will be explained) in water in which olives were cooked.
åäçìèä àéðå àìà òéøåé ëãîôøù áôñçéí (ãó ìæ:) îåâìùéï ò''â ÷îç
Chalatah is only Iruy, like it explains in Pesachim (37b) boiling water on flour.
îéäå àéï øàéä îùí ìùàø ãáøéí ãáëîä ãáøéí îé÷ì áééï ðñê ùàéï îé÷ì áùàø àéñåøéï
Rebuttal: There is no proof from there to other matters, for in several ways we are lenient about [Kashering from] Yayin Nesech that we are not lenient about other Isurim;
ãçåìèï áîé æéúéí îùîò àôéìå öåðï ëîå çìèé ìä áçìà ãëì äáùø (çåìéï ãó ÷éà.) âáé ëáãà
"Choltan in water in which olives were cooked" connotes even cold, just like "he is Cholet it in vinegar" in Chulin (111a) regarding liver.
åëï òéøåé ùìùä éîéí îòú ìòú åðéâåá åäðçä îâú ìâú ùëì àìå äòðééðéí ìà îäðé áùàø àéñåøéí
Similarly, Iruy for three days from hour to hour, drying, and leaving until the next pressing season - all of these do not help for other Isurim. (Here, "Iruy" refers to filling a Kli with cold water, and spilling it out after 24 hours. He does so three times.)
åèòîà îùåí ãáééï ðñê àéï àéñåø øåúç ëìì àìà ùäçîéøå áå ìäøúéçå
The reason is because with Yayin Nesech, there is no hot Isur at all, just [Chachamim] were stringent to boil [water used to Kasher from it].
åàó ø''ú äúéø ìùôåê øåúçéï ìúåê äçáéú ùäéä áä ééï ðñê åìäôëí îöã æä ìöã æä áúåê äçáéú
Even R. Tam permitted pouring boiling water into a barrel that [once] had Yayin Nesech in it, and to flip the water from one side to the other in the barrel;
àò''ô ùëáø äéå áëìé ùðé îéã ëùùåôëï áçáéú åìà ðôìå òì ëì öéãé äçáéú àìà îëìé ùðé ùäåôëï îöã æä ìöã æä åàôéìå òéøåé îëìé øàùåï ìéëà
[This suffices] even though [the water] was already in a Kli Sheni immediately when he poured it into the barrel. There did not fall on all sides of the barrel [from a Kli Rishon. Some was only] from a Kli Sheni, for he flips it from this side to this side. There is not even Iruy from a Kli Rishon!
åî''î òéøåé äåà ëëìé øàùåï ìòðéï ùàø àéñåøéï ëîä ùäåëçúé
Remark: Even so, Iruy is like a Kli Rishon for other Isurim, like I proved.
åîä ùëúá áñãø ùì ôñç äîúçéì àãéø ãø îúåçéí äëðú ÷òøåú åîéìéäí áëìé ùðé ùéîåùéäí ëùåôëéï îñéø áäï ëê ùåôëéï øåúçéï òìéäï
Implied question: The Piyut about Pesach that begins "Adir Dar Mesuchim..." says that preparation of bowls and their laws - they are used as a Kli Sheni. Just like we pour from a pot into them [when using them, also likewise to Kasher,] so we pour boiling water onto them.
àåîø ø''ú ãìéúéä ãëì ëìéí ùáòåìí îäðéà ùôéëú (îëàï îãó äáà) øåúçéï ãòéøåé ëëìé øàùåï
Rebuttal (R. Tam): This is wrong. All Kelim in the world, it helps to pour boiling water into them, for Iruy is like a Kli Rishon.