TOSFOS DH Esnan u'Mechir Yotzei Dofen v'Kil'ayim bi'Vlados Kodshim
úåñôåú ã"ä àúðï åîçéø éåöà ãåôï åëìàéí áååìãåú ÷ãùéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we must say that they are Vlados Kodshim.)
àúðï åîçéø ìà îéúå÷í á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí àôéìå ìøáé éåñé äâìéìé ãàó òì âá ãîîåðå äåé àéðå çì òìéå
Observation: We cannot find a case of Esnan and Mechir [even] with Kodshim Kalim, even according to R. Yosi ha'Gelili, and even though [he holds that] it is the property of [the owner of the Korban, the Isur] does not take effect on it.
ëããøùéðï ô' ëì äàñåøéï (úîåøä ì:) ìëì ðãø ôøè ìðãåø
This is like we expound in Temurah (30b) "l'Chol Neder", to exclude something already Nadur (made Hekdesh, i.e. Kodshim).
TOSFOS DH veka'Savar Vlados Kodshim b'Havayasan Hen Kedoshim
úåñôåú ã"ä å÷ñáø åìãåú ÷ãùéí áäåééúï äï ÷ãåùéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Kedushah of Vlados Kodshim.)
åà''ú ìîä ìé ÷øà ìîòåèé äìà çåìéï âîåøéí ðéðäå åãéðí ëùàø çåìéï ìéùçè áçåõ
Question: Why do we need a verse to exclude? They are absolute Chulin, and their law is like other Chulin, to be slaughtered outside!
ãàôéìå ôãéåï ìà áòå ãàéï ÷ãåùä çìä òìéäï ëìì ëãîåëç áúîåøä áôø÷ ëéöã îòøéîéï (ãó ëã:)
They do not require even redemption, for Kedushah does not take effect on them at all, like is proven in Temurah (24b)!
ãúðï àí æëø òåìä åàí ð÷áä æáçé ùìîéí åôøéê áâî' ì''ì ìîéîø àí ð÷áä æáçé ùìîéí ð÷áä îé ÷ãùä ááëåøä åîùðé ñéôà àúàï ìáäîä ãä÷ãù
The Mishnah teaches [that if one wants to prevent Kedushas Bechor from taking effect, he says about the fetus] "if is a male, it is an Olah. If it is a female, it is a Shelamim." The Gemara asks 'why does he say "if it is a female, it is a Shelamim"? A female would not get Kedushas Bechor!', and answers that the Seifa teaches about a [pregnant] animal of Hekdesh;
å÷úðé ñéôà éìãä èåîèåí àå àðãøåâéðåñ øùá''â àåîø àéï ÷ãåùä çìä òìéäï
The Seifa teaches, if it gave birth to a Tumtum or Androginus, R. Shimon ben Gamliel says that Kedushah does not take effect on it.
åîôøù áâî' îùåí ãñáø áäåééúï äï ÷ãåùéí åàéï ÷ãåùä çìä áãáø ùàéï øàåé ìé÷øá
The Gemara explains that he holds that Vlados Kodshim become Kodesh when they are born, and Kedushah does not take effect on something not proper to offer.
à''ë äëà ðîé ìà çééìà ààúðï åîçéø åëìàéí åéåöà ãåôï
Summation of question: If so, also here it should not take effect on Esnan, Mechir Kil'ayim and Yotzei Dofen!
åé''ì ãäà ãàîø øùá''â àéï ÷ãåùä çìä òìéäï äééðå ÷ãåùú äâåó (ìôãåú) åìéàñø áâéæä åòáåãä àáì ÷ãåùú ãîéí àéëà ìéôãåú ùìà áîåí
Answer: R. Shimon ben Gamliel said that Kedushah does not take effect on it, i.e. Kedushas ha'Guf and to be forbidden to shear it or work with it. However, it has Kedushas Damim, to redeem it without a Mum;
åìëê áòé äàé ÷øà ãìà îîòèé îôúç àäì îåòã ë÷ãùé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) áã÷ äáéú
Therefore, we need this verse, for we do not exclude them from Pesach Ohel Mo'ed, like [we exclude] Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis.
åìîàï ãàîø áîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùéí àôéìå ÷ãåùú äâåó ðçúà òìééäå ãúôñúéðäå ÷ãåùä ãàéîéä
And according to the opinion that [Vlados Kodshim] become Kodesh, even Kedushas ha'Guf takes effect on them, for their mother's Kedushah takes effect on them.
åà''ú ìîàï ãàîø áäåééúï ðîé ðéîà îéâå ãðçúà ìäï ÷ãåùú ãîéí ðçúà ìäï ÷ãåùú äâåó
Question: Also according to the opinion that they become Kodesh when they are born, we should say that since they get Kedushas Damim, they get Kedushas ha'Guf!
ëãàîø áúîåøä áôø÷ àìå ÷ãùéí (ãó éè: åùí) âáé îôøéù ð÷áä ìàùí
This is like it says in Temurah (19b) about one who separates a female for an Asham.
åãåç÷ ìåîø øùá''â ñáø ìä ëøáé ùîòåï ãìéú ìéä îéâå ãàîø úîëø ùìà áîåí
[Poor] Answer #1: R. Shimon ben Gamliel holds like R. Shimon, who does not apply the Migo, for [R. Shimon] says that it may be sold without a Mum.
åòåã ãàé ëøáé ùîòåï àôéìå ñáø áîòé àîï ÷ãåùéí ìà çééìà òìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó
Further, if he held like R. Shimon, even if he held that they are Kodesh in the womb, Kedushas ha'Guf would not take effect on them!
ëãîôøù äúí øáé ùîòåï ìèòîéä ãàîø ëì îéãé ãìà çæé ìâåôéä ìà ðçúà ìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó
This is like it explains there that R. Shimon taught like he taught elsewhere, that anything that is not itself proper [for Hakravah] does not get Kedushas ha'Guf.
åâí àéï ìôøù ãùàðé îôøéù ð÷áä ãçæé ìùàø ÷øáðåú åùééê îâå èôé
Implied suggestion: We can say that one who separates a female is different, for it is proper for other Korbanos, and the Migo applies more.
ãäà àôéìå áèøôä àùëçï ãàîøéðï îâå áñåó éù á÷øáðåú (ùí ãó éæ.)
Rejection: Even regarding a Tereifah, we find that we say Migo, in Temurah (17a)!
åðøàä ìôøù ãäëà îééøé ëâåï ãìàçø ùðòùå àúðï åîçéø ä÷ãéùï àå áòåãï áîòé àîï àå àçø ùðåìãå ãëéåï ùä÷ãéùï áôéøåù çééìà òìééäå ÷ãåùä
Answer #2: It seems that here we discuss when after it became an Esnan or Mechir, he was Makdish it, or when it was still in its mother's womb, or after it was born. Since he was explicitly Makdish it, it gets Kedushah.
åà''ú åìå÷îä ðîé äëà ëî''ã áîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùéí åëâåï ùä÷ãéù áäîä îòåáøú åùééø äòåáø ëø' éåçðï ãàîø áô' ëéöã îòøéîéï (úîåøä ëä.) àí ùééø îùåééø åòùä äòåáø àúðï åîçéø åàçø ëê ä÷ãéùä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã)
Question: We should establish it here also like the opinion that they get Kedushah in its mother's womb, e.g. he was Makdish a pregnant animal and was Meshayer (left to be Chulin) the fetus, like R. Yochanan, who said in Temurah (25a) that if he was Meshayer, it did not get Kedushah, and he made the fetus an Esnan or Mechir, and afterwards was Makdish it!
åàò''â ãøáé éåçðï àéúåúá äúí
Implied question: [We cannot, because] R. Yochanan was refuted there!
äà ìáñåó îñé÷ ëúðàé
Answer #1: At the end we conclude that Tana'im argue about this.
åòåã îöé ìàå÷åîä ááäîä ùì çåìéï îòåáøú åòùä äòåáø àúðï åîçéø åàçø ëê ä÷ãéùä
Answer #2: Also, we can establish it to discuss a pregnant Chulin animal, and he made the fetus an Esnan or Mechir, and afterwards he was Makdish it!
åé''ì ãðéçà ìéä ìàå÷åîä áôùéèåú ëîàï ãàîø áäåééúï äï ÷ãåùéí åä÷ãéùï åàç''ë ðúòáøä
Answer: He prefers to establish it simply, like the opinion that they are Kodesh when they are born, and he was Makdish it and afterwards it became pregnant.
åàí úàîø áääéà ãëéöã îòøéîéï (â''æ ùí) ããéé÷ àøùá''â ãñáø áäåééúï äï ÷ãåùéï îøéùà ðîé äåä îöé ìîéã÷ äëé ãàí ð÷áä æáçé ùìîéí ãàå÷éîðà ááäîä ãä÷ãù
Question: In the case in Temurah (25a), we infer that R. Shimon ben Gamliel holds that [Vlados Kodshim] are Kodesh when they are born. We could have inferred so also from the Reisha "if it is a female, it is a Shelamim!" We establish it to discuss a [mother] of Hekdesh;
åàé áîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùåú ìà äéä éëåì ìäô÷éò ÷ãåùú äåìã
If [Vlados Kodshim] are Kodesh in the womb, he could not uproot the Kedushah of the fetus!
åéù ìåîø ãðèø òã ñéôà åîôøù ìä åä''ä ìøéùà
Answer: He waited until the Seifa and explains it, and the same applies to the Reisha.
åàí úàîø áñåó áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï òæ.) ãúðï äîáëøú ùäôéìä ùéìéà éùìéëðä ìëìáéí åáîå÷ãùéï ú÷áø åîôøù áâî' (ùí:) îùåí ãøåáà áø îé÷ãù äéà
Question: In Chulin (77a), a Mishnah teaches that if an animal giving birth for the first time miscarried a fetal sac, we cast it to dogs. If a Korban miscarried, we bury it. The Gemara explains that that the majority [of possibilities of what it miscarried] get Kedushah;
òì ëøçê îã÷àîø ú÷áø ÷ñáø áîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùéï ãàé áäåééúï àîàé ú÷áø äà ìà çééìà ÷ãåùä àìà áçæé ìä÷øáä ëãôøé' (äâää áîäãåøú òåæ åäãø)
Since it says that it is buried, you are forced to say that [Vlados Kodshim] are Kodesh in the womb. If it were when they are born, why is it buried? Kedushah takes effect only on what is proper for Hakravah, like I explained!
åàí ëï ëåìä áø îé÷ãù äéà åàîàé ð÷è øåáà ãàôé' àëìàéí åðãîä úôùä ÷ãåùú àéîéä àé áîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùéí
If so, all [possibilities of what it miscarried] get Kedushah. Why did it mention the majority? Even Kil'ayim or Nidmeh gets the Kedushah of its mother, if [Vlados Kodshim] are Kodesh in the womb!
ëãàùëçï áúîåøä áñåó éù á÷øáðåú (ãó éæ.) ãàîøéðï âáé ëìàéí èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ ãàé àúä îåöà àìà áåìãåú ÷ãùéí
This is like we find in Temurah (17a). We say about Kil'ayim, Tumtum and Androginus that you find [that they are Kodesh] only through Vlados Kodshim;
åìëì äôçåú àúéà ëîàï ãàîø áîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùéí
At least, this is like the opinion that says that they are Kodesh in the womb.
åéù ìåîø ãð÷è øåáà åìà ëåìä îùåí ãàéëà ãîåú éåðä àå ÷ìåè ìø' ùîòåï
Answer: He mentions the majority and not all, because there is what appears like a dove or its hooves are not cloven, according to R. Shimon;
ãëéåï ãìà îéùúøé áàëéìä ìà îéñúáø ãúôùéðäå ÷ãåùú àîï àó òì âá ãáîòé àîï äï ÷ãåùéï
Since it is forbidden to eat it, it is unreasonable that it gets the mother's Kedushah, even though [Vlados Kodshim] are Kodesh in the womb.
TOSFOS DH Mishum di'Pesulah d'Gufaihu
úåñôåú ã"ä îùåí ãôñåìà ãâåôééäå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Pesul ha'Guf is not a leniency.)
áëì ãåëúé îùîò ãôñåì äâåó çîéø îôñåìà ãàúé îòìîà ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ ÷îà (ìòéì ãó ã.) îä ìùéðåé ÷åãù ùëï ôñåìå áâåôå
Observation: Everywhere, it connotes that Pesul ha'Guf is more stringent than a Pesul that comes from elsewhere, like we said above (4a) "you cannot learn from Shinuy Kodesh, for it is Pesul ha'Guf";
åáôñçéí áñåó àìå ãáøéí (ãó òâ:) ðîé àîøéðï ëì ùôñåìå áâåôå éùøó îéã
Also in Pesachim (73b) we say that anything that is Pesulo b'Gufo is burned immediately.
åäà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ãîùîò äëà àéôëà
Implied question: Here it connotes oppositely!
ìàå îùåí ãôñåì äâåó ÷éì àìà äëé ÷àîø ãîåí òåáø åúåøéï ùìà äâéò æîðï äôñåì úìåé áâåôå åàí äéä îåí òåáø îéã åäúåøéí âãéìéï ìàìúø äéå øàåééï
Answer: This is not because Pesul ha'Guf is more lenient. Rather, it means as follows. A temporary Mum, and turtledoves whose time [to be Kosher for Hakravah] did not come, the Pesul depends on Gufo (the Korban itself), and if the Mum passed or the bird matured, immediately it would be proper;
àáì àåúå åàú áðå àéï äôñåì úìåé áâåôå ùéåòéì ìå ùåí úé÷åï ãìëåìé éåîà ìà çæé:
However, Oso v'Es Beno, the Pesul does not depend on Gufo, that any remedy would help it. The entire day it is not proper.
TOSFOS DH a'Lamah Amar R. Zeira ha'Kasuv Nitko l'Aseh
úåñôåú ã"ä àìîä àîø øáé æéøà äëúåá ðú÷å ìòùä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this means that it is not a Lav.)
àéï æä ëùàø ìàå äðéú÷ ìòùä ãáô' áúøà ãçåìéï (ãó ÷îà.) åáô' á' ãîëåú (ãó éã. èå. èæ.) ëâåï ìàå ãâæéìä åì÷è ùëçä åôéàä åðåúø. åìà éåëì ìùìçä ëì éîéå
Explanation #1: This is not like other cases of Lav ha'Nitak l'Aseh in Chulin (141a) and Makos (14a,15a,16a), e.g. the Lav of Gezel, Leket, Shichechah and Pe'ah, Nosar, and [a rapist or Motzi Shem Ra] who can never divorce his wife.
ãà''ë îàé ôøéê ãìì÷é îùåí ìàå ãìà úòùåï åäà ðéú÷ ìòùä äåà
Proof: If it were, what was the question 'he should be lashed for the Lav "Lo Sa'asun"!'? It is Nitak l'Aseh!
àìà äåé ëîå ðú÷å äëúåá îèåîàä çîåøä ìèåîàä ÷ìä
Explanation #1 (cont.): Rather, it is like "the Torah Nitko (uprooted it) from severe Tum'ah to light Tum'ah."
ãáàåúå åàú áðå (çåìéï ô:) ãøùéðï åìðãø ìà éøöä ìéîã òì ëì äôñåìéí ùáùåø åùä ùäí áìà éøöä
In Chulin (80b), we expound "ul'Neder Lo Yeratzeh" to teach that all Pesulim in an ox or Seh, Lo Yeratzeh applies to them.
åëúá øçîðà áîçåñø æîï îéåí äùîéðé åäìàä éøöä ìäåöéàå îëìì ùàø ôñåìéí ùäí áìà éøöä åìåîø ãáäàé ìéëà àìà òùä
The Torah wrote about Mechusar Zman "mi'Yom ha'Shemini v'Halah Yeratzeh" to remove it from the Klal of other Pesulim, to which Lo Yeratzeh applies, to teach that this (Mechusar Zman) has only an Aseh.
ëòéï ãáø ùäéä áëìì åéöà ìéãåï áãáø äçãù áñåó ô''÷ ãúîåøä (ãó éâ:)
This is like something that was in a Klal and left to get a new law, in Temurah (13b).
åëòðéï æä äåé áãã éùá ãîöåøò áô' àìå ãáøéí (ôñçéí ñæ.) ãàîøé' ùäëúåá ðú÷å ìòùä åäåöéàå îëìì ùàø èîàéí ùäí áìàå ãìà éèîàå àú îçðéäí
Support: We find like this regarding Badad Yeshev of a Metzora, in Pesachim (67a). We say that the Torah Nitko (uprooted it, from a Lav) to an Aseh, and removed it from the category of other Temei'im, who have a Lav "Lo Yetam'u Es Machaneihem."
åìäëé ôøéê ãìéì÷é îùåí ãîôåøù áâåôéä ìàå áäãéà ëããøùéðï îìà úòùåï åëï ôé' á÷åðèøñ
Explanation #1 (cont.): Therefore, we ask that he should be lashed, since there is an explicit Lav, like we expound from "Lo Sa'asun." Also Rashi explained like this.
àáì áôø÷ àåúå åàú áðå (çåìéï ôà.) ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãäåé ëùàø ìàå äðéú÷ ìòùä ãòìîà ãîéåí äùîéðé åäìàä éøöä îùîò ÷åãí æîðå ìà éøöä åäðéçäå òã ùéòáåø æîðå
Explanation #2: However, in Chulin (81a), Rashi explained that this is like other cases of Lav ha'Nitak l'Aseh. "Mi'Yom ha'Shemini v'Halah Yeratzeh" connotes that before the time, Lo Yeratzeh, and leave it until the time passes.
å÷ùä îäê ãùîòúà
Question: Our Sugya opposes this!
åëé úéîà ãäëé ôøéê îùåí ãàéëà ðîé ìàå ãìà úòùåï ìà àîøéðï ãàúé çã òùä åò÷ø úøé ìàåé ëãàîøé' áô''÷ ãúîåøä (ãó ã:)
Suggestion: We ask as follows. Because there is also a Lav "Lo Sa'asun" we do not say that one Aseh uproots two Lavim, like we say in Temurah (4b).
ìà ãîé ãäðé îéìé äúí ãñîéëé âáé äããé äìàåéï àöì äòùä
Rejection #1: These are different. There, the Lavim are next to the Aseh.
úãò ãäà áôø÷ á' ãîëåú (ã' èå. åùí ã''ä úðéðà) çùéá ìà éèîàå àú îçðéäí ðéú÷ ìòùä àé ìàå îùåí ã÷ãîå òùä àó òì âá ãàéëà ìàå ðîé ãåàì äî÷ãù ìà úáà
Support (for rejection #1): In Makos (15a), it considers "Lo Yetam'u Es Machaneihem" Nitak l'Aseh, if not that the Aseh came first, even though there is also a Lav "v'El ha'Mikdash Lo Savo."
åîéäå äúí àéëà ìîéîø îùåí ãàéëà úøé òùä ãëúéá îçåõ ìîçðä úùìçåí
Rebuttal (of Support): There, we can say that it is because there are two Mitzvos Aseh, for it says "mi'Chutz l'Machaneh Teshlachum."
àáì àùëçï âæìä ãàéëà úøé ìàåé ìàå ãìà úòùå÷ åìà úâæåì ãáôø÷ äî÷áì (á''î ÷éà.) àîø øáà æäå òåù÷ æäå âæì åçùáé ìéä ðéú÷ ìòùä áîëåú (ãó éã:) åáçåìéï (ãó ô:)
Rejection #2: However, we find that there are two Lavim of Gezeilah - Lo Sa'ashok and Lo Sigzol, for in Bava Metzi'a (111a), Rava said that Oshek is Gezel, and it is considered Nitak l'Aseh in Makos (14b) and Chulin (80b)!
äìëê öøéê ìçì÷ áääéà ãúîåøä (ãó ã:) ëãôøéùéú ãìëê ñîê ùðé äìàåéï àöì äòùä ìåîø ùàéï äòùä îðú÷í
Conclusion: One must distinguish about the case in Temurah (4b) like I explained. The Torah wrote the two Lavim next to the Aseh to teach that the Aseh is not Menatek [both of] them. (We must explain like Explanation #1.)
TOSFOS DH Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak Amar Panim d'Gilgal v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä øá ðçîï áø éöç÷ àîø ôðéí ãâìâì ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains our text and another text.)
ùéðåéà äåà ã÷îùðé (äúí) ãàôéìå ìø''ù ìà ì÷é áîçåñø æîï áôðéí ëé àí áçåõ ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ
Version #1: This is an answer, that even according to R. Shimon he is not lashed for Mechusar Zman inside, only outside, like Rashi explained.
åéù âéøñà àçøú áñôøéí ìøáé ùîòåï ä''ð åäà âìâì ôðéí äåà àîø øá ðçîï áø éöç÷ ôðéí ãâìâì ëå'
Version #2: There is a text in Seforim "according to R. Shimon, indeed (he is lashed! What is the reason?) Gilgal is inside (it was permitted to offer there)! Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak said, inside Gilgal (is considered outside regarding Shilo. This refers to obligatory Korbanos, which may be offered in Shilo, but not in Gilgal.)
åìøéù (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ì÷éù ôøéê ãðô÷à ìéä îìà úòùåï ìàå áîçåñø æîï ãäàé ÷øà áâìâì ÷àé åôðéí äåà
[The Makshan] challenged Reish Lakish, who learns from Lo Sa'asun a Lav for Mechusar Zman, for this verse discusses Gilgal, and it is inside!
åëé úéîà ÷ì åçåîø áçåõ
Suggestion: All the more so, one is liable outside!
äà àéï îæäéøéï îï äãéï
Rejection: We do not warn based on a Kal v'Chomer.
åîùðé ôðéí ãâìâì ìâáé ùéìä ëçåõ ãîé
[Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak] answers that Gilgal is considered outside regarding Shilo.
TOSFOS DH Ela Lav Kodem Chatzos
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ìàå ÷åãí çöåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies why he is exempt then.)
åàò''â ãçæé áôðéí ùìà ìùîå
Implied question: They are Kosher to be offered inside Lo Lishmah!
ìà îéçééá ëøú ëéåï ãîçåñø ò÷éøä åàéï òåîã äàé ìéò÷ø ÷åãí æîðå
Answer: [Even so], he is not Chayav Kares outside, because they are lacking Akirah (to designate it to be a different Korban), and it is not destined for Akirah before its time.
TOSFOS DH Heter Bamah l'Chaveiro
úåñôåú ã"ä äéúø áîä ìçáéøå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves a contradiction about when Mechusar Zman becomes Kadosh.)
åùòú äéúø äáîåú ã÷úðé äééðå ÷åãí çöåú ãëùø ááîä ùìà ìùîå
Explanation: [The Mishnah] taught "a time when there is a Heter Bamos", i.e. before midday, when it is Kosher on a Bamah, Lo Lishmah.
åà''ú ãîùîò äëà ãúåøéï ùìà äâéò æîðï ìøáé ùîòåï çééìà ÷ãåùä òìééäå åäùåçèï áçåõ áìàå
Question: Here it connotes that turtledoves whose time did not come, according to R. Shimon, Kedushah takes effect on it, and one who slaughters them outside transgresses a Lav;
åáîòéìä áôø÷ åìã çèàú (ãó éá.) ðîé àîø øáé ùîòåï ãîåòìéï îùåí ãøàåéï ìàçø æîï
Also in Me'ilah (12a), R. Shimon said that Me'ilah applies to them, for they will be proper [to offer] later;
åáúîåøä áôø÷ àìå ÷ãùéí (ãó éè:) âáé àùí áï ùúéí åäáéàå áï ùðä àîø ø' ùîòåï ãëì òöîï àéðï ÷ãåùéí îùåí ãëì îéãé ãìà çæé ìéä ìâåôéä ìà ðçúà ìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó
And in Temurah (19b), regarding an Asham that must be two years old, and he brought a yearling, R. Shimon said that it is not Kodesh, because anything that it itself is not proper [to be offered], it does not get Kedushas ha'Guf;
åôøéê äúí îàé ùðà îîçåñø æîï ãìà çæé ìéä ìâåôéä åðçúà ìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó ãàîø (äâää áâìéåï, îöàï ÷ãùéí) ø''ù ã÷ãåù
[The Gemara] asks why this is different than Mechusar Zman, which is not proper itself, and it gets Kedushas ha'Guf, for R. Shimon said that it is Kadosh;
ôéøåù áîúðé' ãäëà ãúðï îçåñø æîï øáé ùîòåï àåîø áìà úòùä
Explanation: In our Mishnah here, it teaches that R. Shimon says that there is a Lo Sa'aseh for Mechusar Zman.
åîùðé ãàéú÷åù ìáëåø ã÷ãåù ìôðé æîðå å÷øá ìàçø æîï
[The Gemara] answers that [Mechusar Zman] is equated to Bechor, which is Kodesh before its time and it is offered later.
åäùúà úéðç îçåñø æîï úåøéï ùìà äâéò æîðï îàé èòîà
Summation of question: Granted, (this answers for) Mechusar Zman. What is the reason for turtledoves whose time did not come?
åé''ì ããáø ùàéðå øàåé ìùåí (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ÷øáï éìôéðï îîçåñø æîï ùàéï øàåé ìùåí ÷øáï
Answer: Something that is not proper for any Korban, we learn from Mechusar Zman, which is not proper for any Korban;
àáì ãáø ùøàåé ì÷øáï àçø åì÷øáï æä ùäåà î÷ãéùå àéðå øàåé ìà ðçúà ìéä ÷ãåùú äâåó
However, something that is proper for another Korban, and it is not proper for this Korban for which he is Makdish it, does not get Kedushas ha'Guf.
åôñç ÷åãí çöåú ã÷ãåù ìø' ùîòåï åëï çèàú åàùí ãæá åæáä åéåìãú åîöåøò ã÷ãåùéí ÷åãí æîðï ëãúðï áôéø÷éï (ìòéì ÷éá.) åìà ôìéâ ø' ùîòåï
Implied question: Pesach before midday is Kadosh according to R. Shimon, and similarly Chatas or Asham of a Zav, Zavah, Yoledes or Metzora is Kadosh before its time, like the Mishnah taught above (112a), and R. Shimon does not argue...
åáúåøú ëäðéí áô' àçøé îåú ÷àîø ðîé øáé ùîòåï åäùåçèï áçåõ áìàå
And also in Toras Kohanim in Parshas Acharei Mos, R. Shimon said that one who slaughters them outside transgresses a Lav!
äðé àéï îçåñø æîï áâåôï åìà ãîé ìàùí áï ùðä åäáéàå áï ùúéí áï ùúéí åäáéàå áï ùðä ãîçåñøé æîï áâåôï
Answer: These are not Mechusar Zman b'Gufan (the animal is not too young). They are unlike an Asham that must be a yearling, and he brought a two-year old, or it must be two years old, and he brought a yearling, which is Mechusar Zman b'Gufan. (The former case is not Mechusar Zman, rather, its time passed - Ayeles ha'Shachar.)
åà''ú ãîçåñø æîï äéàê ÷ãåù äà àîøéðï ìòéì áô''÷ (ãó éá.) ìéìä ì÷ãåùä éåí ìäøöàä àáì áéåí ùáéòé ìà
Question: How does Mechusar Zman become Kadosh? We said above (12a) that the night (before an animals' eighth day) is proper for Kedushah, and [the following] day for offering, but the seventh day is not [proper to get Kedushah]!
åááëåøåú ôø÷ äìå÷ç áäîä (ãó ëà.) ÷àîø ø''ù îçåñø æîï ðëðñ ìãéø ìäúòùø éìéó îáëåø ã÷ãåù ìôðé æîðå åôøéê åàãéìéó îáëåø ìéìó î÷ãùéí
Strengthening of question: In Bechoros (21a), R. Shimon says that Mechusar Zman enters the pen to be tithed. He learns from Bechor that it is Kadosh before its time. [The Gemara] asks that rather than learning from Bechor, he should learn from Kodshim!
àìîà îùîò ã÷ãùéí ÷åãí æîðï ìà ÷ãùé
Inference: Kodshim do not become Kadosh before their time!
åé''ì ãàñåø ìä÷ãéùí àáì àí ä÷ãéùí úåê æîðí ÷ãåùéï àìà ãòáã àéñåø ãøçîðà àîø îéåí äùîéðé àéï äà ÷åãí ìëï ìà
Answer: It is forbidden to be Makdish them before their time, but if he was, they are Kedoshim, but he transgressed, for the Torah said mi'Yom ha'Shemini yes (it is permitted), but not before;
àáì îòùø ìøáé ùîòåï ùøé ìäëðéñå úåê æîðå ìãéø ìäúòùø ëãéìéó äúí îòùø äòáøä äòáøä îáëåø
However, according to R. Shimon, it is permitted to enter Ma'aser into the pen within the time, like he learns there Ma'aser from Bechor through "Ha'avarah- Ha'avarah."
åäà ãìà ðéçà ìéä ìîéìó úçú úçú î÷ãùéí
Implied question: Why doesn't he want to learn "Tachas-Tachas" from Kodshim (to forbid entering Ma'aser into the pen within the time)?
ãðéçà ìéä ìîéìó äòáøä èôé îùåí ãäòáøä ãúøåééäå îùúòé ùîòáéøä ìä÷ãéùä
Answer: He prefers to learn from "Ha'avarah", because both occurrences of the word discuss making it pass in order to be Makdish it.
åéù ìéúï èòí ìøáà ãøéù úîåøä (ãó ã:) äéàê îçåñø æîï ÷ãåù ÷ãåùú äâåó ãëì äéëà ãàîø. øçîðà ìà úòáéã àé òáéã ìà îäðé
Implied question: We should find a reason why Mechusar Zman get Kedushas ha'Guf according to Rava, who holds that in Temurah (4b) that whenever the Torah said not to do something, if he did it, it does not take effect!
åùîà ìòðéï æä éìéó úçú úçú îîòùø
Answer #1: Perhaps regarding this he learns "Tachas-Tachas" from Ma'aser.
àå ùîà éù èòí àçø
Answer #2: Perhaps there is another reason.
TOSFOS DH di'Ze'iri Kav'uha Tanai
úåñôåú ã"ä ãæòéøé ÷áòåä úðàé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Ze'iri's reason.)
îùåí ãîöåøò éù áå èåîàä ëòéï æá åæáä åéåìãú àáì ðæéø ãìà ãîé ìäå ùééøéä
Explanation: This is because a Metzora has Tum'ah like that of a Zav, Zavah and Yoledes (Tum'ah exudes from their bodies), but a Nazir, who is unlike them, [the Tana] omitted.
åëï áëøéúåú áôø÷ àøáòä îçåñøé ëôøä (ãó ç:) ðîé àùëçï ãúðé æá åæáä åéåìãú åîöåøò åäúí îôøù îàé èòîà ìà úðé îöåøò åîöåøòú ëã÷úðé æá åæáä
Also in Kerisus (8b) we find that it taught Zav, Zavah, Yoledes and Metzora, and there it explains why it did not teach Metzora and Metzora'as, like it taught Zav and Zavah.
åðéçà äùúà ìæòéøé ãáðæéø áìà îöåøò ñâé ãàéëà úøúé áðæéø ãðæéø èîà îáéà àùí:
Support: Now it is fine for Ze'iri [why he adds Metzora and not Nazir]. It would suffice to add Nazir without Metzora, for there are both [Shelamim and Asham] in a Nazir, for a Tamei Nazir brings an Asham! (The Tana omitted Nazir, because his Tum'ah is unlike the others'.)