PAYING LABORERS WITH DEMAI (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 1 Daf 12a)
[ãó éá òîåã à] úîï úðéðï ôåòì ùàéðå îàîéï ìáò"ä úîï àú àîø äôåòì îôøéù åëà àú àîø áòì äáéú îôøéù
Question (Mishnah further on): 'A Chaver laborer who does not trust (that) his employer (tithed) should...'. This shows that usually an employer should tithe before he gives the produce to his poor laborers as payment (because one may not use Demai as payment). But here, Rabban Gamliel said that one may pay his laborers with Demai...?
àîø øáé éåðä úîï áîàëéìå îï äîðåééï [ãó ëä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] áøí äëà áîàëéìå îï äàáåñ
Answer (R. Yona): There, it looks like he is paying him as a poor laborer; but here, it looks like he is eating from the central bowl (as a household member).
øáé æøé÷ï ùîòåï áø ååà áùí øáé éåçðï øåôà çáø ùäéä îàëéì ìçåìä òí äàøõ ðåúï ìúåê éãå åàéðå ðåúï ìúåê ôéå
(R. Zerikan/Shimon bar Vava citing R. Yochanan): If a Chaver doctor was feeding a sick Am HaAretz, he should put the food into the patient's hand rather than directly into his mouth.
áãîàé àáì áåãàé àôéìå ìúåê éãå àñåø îùì çåìä àáì îùì øåôà àñåø
This applies to Demai, but if it was definite Tevel, he may not even put it into his hand. The permission to give him Demai only applies if it is the patient's Demai, but if it belongs to the doctor, it is prohibited.
áéùøàì àáì ááï ðç àôéìå áåãàé îåúø îùì øåôà àñåø
The prohibition to put Tevel into the patient's hand applies to a sick Jew, but if he is a gentile, even if it is definite Tevel, it is permitted. However, even if the patient is a gentile, if it belongs to the doctor, it is prohibited.
àí äéä àáø îï äçé àôéìå îùì çåìä àñåø ùìà éáà ìéãé ú÷ìä
And if it was a limb severed from a live animal, even if it belonged to the gentile patient, it is prohibited, so that the gentile shouldn't come to transgress.