
STORES THAT ARE ADORNED (Yerushalmi Halachah 4 Daf 5a)

במה מעוטרות


Question: (The Mishnah (12-1 (e) (f)) taught that if there are some shops adorned and some not adorned, one may only enter the shops that are not adorned.) With what are they adorned?

רבי יוחנן אמר בהדס


(R. Yochanan): Adorned with myrtle (which are a gift for the idol and may not be smelled).

רשב"ל אמר בשאר כל המינין


(R. Shimon ben Lakish): Even other types that do not have a smell (as the proceeds of the fruits in the store are given as taxes for the idols).

על דעתיה דרבי יוחנן הכל אסור על דעתיה דריש לקיש אינו אסור אלא התוספת.


According to R. Yochanan, nothing may be bought from those stores (as he benefits from the smell of the myrtle). According to Raish Lakish, only the additional decorations are prohibited.

היך עביד היה למוד להוציא ה' קופות והוציא עשר אין תימר משם (עיתור)[עיטור] אסור אין תימר משם פרקסים מותר:


Question: According to Raish Lakish, what is the law when a shopkeeper usually uses five boxes of fruits to decorate the store for the fair and on this occasion, he took out ten boxes? Do we consider all of the boxes to be part of the decoration or do we say that the extra ones are merely for extra beautification? (Note: The Gemara does not answer the question.)