SELLING THEM INJURED ANIMALS (Yerushalmi Halachah 6 Daf 6b)
רבי יהודה מתיר בשבורה.
The Mishnah taught (Daf 15-1 (c)) that R. Yehuda permits selling them injured large animals.
לא א"ר יהודה אלא בשבורה שאינו יכולה להתרפות
R. Yehuda was only discussing a blemish that cannot heal. (Since it cannot be used for working the land, it is assumed that the idolater will slaughter it, so there is no concern that another Jew will see the animal formerly owned by the Jew in the house of the idolater and assume that is permitted to sell even an uninjured large animal to an idolater.)
אמרו לו והלא הוא מביא לה זכר והוא רובעה והיא יולדת
Question (Chachamim to R. Yehuda): But the idolater might leave the cow alive in order to bring a male to mate with it?
אמר להן אף אני לא אמרתי אלא בסוס זכר שאינו יכול להתרפות
Answer (R. Yehuda to Chachamim): I was only discussing a male horse that cannot heal.
אמרו לו והלא מביא לו נקיבה והיא רובעת ממנו והיא יולדת
Question (Chachamim to R. Yehuda): Why wouldn't the idolater keep the male horse alive in order to bring a female and mate them for their offspring?
רב אבין בשם רבנין דתמן זאת אומרת שאסור להמציא להן עוברין.
(R. Avin citing Rabbanan of Bavel): This shows that it is prohibited to sell fetuses of animals to idolaters (lest they keep them and work them when they have fully grown).
תמן תנינן הלוקח עובר חמורו של נכרי והמוכר לו אף ע"פ שאינו רשאי והמשתתף לו והמקבל ממנו והנותן לו בקבלה פטור מן הבכורה.
(Mishnah in Maseches Bechoros): One who transgresses and buys the offspring of an idolater's donkey or one who sells one to him; one who partners with him and one who receives one from him to rear and one who gives it to an idolater to rear, in all these cases, it is exempt from the laws of the firstborn.
רבי חגיי בעא קומי רבי יוסי לית הדא אמרה שאסור להמציא להן עוברין
Question (R. Chagai to R. Yosi): Doesn't he say that one may not sell fetuses of an animal to an idolater?
א"ל כבר קדמך רב אבין בשם רבנין דתמן זאת אומרת שאסור להמציא להן עוברין:
Answer (R. Yosi): R. Avin has already preceded you by saying in the name of the Rabbanan of Bavel, that there is proof that even R. Yehuda agrees that one may not sell fetuses of animals to a gentile.
בן בתירה מתיר בסוס.
The Mishnah (15-1 (d)) taught that Ben Beseirah permits selling them a horse.
לא אמר בן בתירה אלא בסוס זכר שהורג בעליו במלחמה
Ben Beseirah was only speaking about a male horse because it kills its owner in battle.
(ו)י"א שרץ אחר הנקיבות ויש אומרים שעומד ומשתין
(How does it kill its owner in battle?) Some say that it chases after a female horse of the enemy; some say that it stops to urinate.
מה ביניהון
What is a practical difference between these two opinions?
סריס מאן דמר שרץ אחר הנקיבות אינו רץ ומאן דמר עומד ומשתין אף זה עומד ומשתין.
If it is neutered - it will not chase after a female, but it will stop to urinate.
רבי תנחום בר חייה לכשיזקין כודנו בריחים.
(R. Tanchum bar Chiya): (The reason that the Chachamim disagree with Ben Beseirah and prohibit selling them a horse, is that) when it becomes old, it can still be used to turn the millstones and grind flour.
רבי יוסי בי רבי בון בשם רב הונא בן בתירה ורבי נתן שניהם אמרו דבר אחד דתני
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Rav Huna): Ben Beseirah and R. Nasan both said the same thing - as the Beraisa teaches -
הוציא מן הבהמה ומן החיה ומן העופות בין חיים בין מתים חייב רבי נתן אומר מתים חייב חיים פטור.
On Shabbos, if a person took out into a public domain a domesticated animal, or a wild animal or a bird, whether alive or dead, he is liable. R. Nasan said that he is exempt for a live one (because a living being carries itself).
ורבנן אית להון חייב חטאת ואינון מתיבין ליה אכן
Question: Why did the Rabbanan respond to Ben Beseirah that an elderly horse can also be used for sin as it can still be used to turn the millstone? Surely according to the Rabbanan, a horse that carries birds will also be prohibited to sell, since they do not reason that a living being carries itself?
בשיטתו השיבוהו בשיטתך שאתה אומר משום שבות אוף אנא אית לי לכשיזקין כודנו לריחים.
Answer: They responded to Ben Beseirah according to his own opinion. According to you, who reasons that a horse that carries a bird only involves a Rabbinic prohibition, nevertheless, there could be a Torah prohibition if it grinds flour.
רבי אומר אומר אני שאסור משום שני דברים משום כלי זיין ומשם בהמה גסה
(Rebbi): I say that it is prohibited to sell a horse to an idolater - because he will use it is a weapon to kill and because it is a large animal that will be used for work on Shabbos.
ותני כן חיה גסה כבהמה (דקה)[גסה].
Question: (The next Mishnah teaches that one may not sell a dangerous animal to an idolater that may cause public damage. This implies that if they do not cause public damage, it is permitted.) But doesn't the Tosefta teach that a large beast is like a large animal (that it may never be sold to an idolater)?
מאן תניתה רבי דברי חכמים רבי ביסנא רבי חנן בר בא בשם רב חיה גסה כבהמה (גסה)[דקה]:
Answer: The Tosefta follows the opinion of Rebbi, but as for the Chachamim, R. Bisna/ R. Chanan bar Ba said in the name of Rav that a large beast is like a small animal, about which there are varying customs as to whether they may be sold to an idolater or not.