[16a - 55 lines; 16b - 55 lines]

1)[line 2]"עוֹד זֶה מְדַבֵּר וְזֶה בָּא וַיֹּאמַר, כַּשְׂדִּים שָׂמוּ שְׁלֹשָׁה רָאשִׁים וַיִּפְשְׁטוּ עַל הַגְּמַלִּים וַיִּקָּחוּם, וְאֶת הַנְּעָרִים הִכּוּ לְפִי חָרֶב; וָאִמָּלְטָה רַק אֲנִי לְבַדִּי לְהַגִּיד לָךְ""OD ZEH MEDABER V'ZEH BA VA'YOMAR, 'KASDIM SAMU SHELOSHAH ROSHIM VA'YIFSHETU AL HA'GEMALIM VA'YIKACHUM...'"- "While this one was speaking, another [messenger] came and said, 'The [army of the] Kasdim formed three groups and spread themselves around the camels and took them away, [and the lads they struck down with the sword; and only I escaped in order to tell you].'" (Iyov 1:17)

2)[line 7]"וַיָּקָם אִיּוֹב וַיִּקְרַע אֶת מְעִילוֹ וַיָּגָז אֶת רֹאשׁוֹ...""VA'YAKAM IYOV VA'YIKRA ES ME'ILO VA'YAGAZ ES ROSHO..."- "Iyov stood up and tore his coat, and he pulled out the hair of his head; [and he fell upon the ground and bowed [to HaSh-m].]" (Iyov 1:20)

3)[line 9]"בְּכָל זֹאת לֹא חָטָא אִיּוֹב, וְלֹא נָתַן תִּפְלָה לֵאלֹקִים""B'CHOL ZOS LO CHATA IYOV, V'LO NASAN TIFLAH L'EILOKIM"- "With all this, Iyov did not sin, and he did not ascribe wrongdoing to HaSh-m." (Iyov 1:22)

4)[line 11]"וַיֹאמֶר ה' אֶל הַשָּׂטָן, אֵי מִזֶּה תָּבֹא; וַיַּעַן הַשָּׂטָן אֶת ה' וַיֹּאמַר, מִשּׁוּט בָּאָרֶץ וּמֵהִתְהַלֵּךְ בָּהּ""VA'YOMER HASH-M EL HA'SATAN, 'EI MI'ZEH TAVO?'; VA'YA'AN HA'SATAN ES HASH-M VA'YOMAR, 'MI'SHUT BA'ARETZ [UMEI'HIS'HALECH BAH']"- "HaSh-m said to the Satan, 'From where have you come?' The Satan answered HaSh-m and said, 'From traversing the land [and traveling in it']." (Iyov 2:2)

5)[line 17]"וְעוֹדֶנּוּ מַחֲזִיק בְּתוּמָּתוֹ, וַתְּסִיתֵנִי בוֹ לְבַלְּעוֹ חִנָּם""... V'ODENU MACHAZIK B'SUMASO, VA'TESISEINI VO L'VAL'O CHINAM"- "... He is still holding strong to his wholesomeness, and you persuaded Me to destroy him for no reason." (Iyov 2:3)

6)[line 18]כאדם, שמסיתין אותו וניסתK'ADAM, SHE'MESISIN OSO V'NISAS- just like a person, whom people can persuade and he is persuaded

7a)[line 18]יורד ומתעהYORED U'MAS'EH- he goes down (to earth) to cause a person to go wayward (and to sin)

b)[line 18]ועולה ומרגיזV'OLEH U'MARGIZ- and he goes up [to Shamayim] and arouses His anger (against the person whom he persuaded to sin)

c)[line 18]נוטל רשות ונוטל נשמהNOTEL RESHUS V'NOTEL NESHAMAH- he receives permission (from HaSh-m) to take away the person's Neshamah (i.e. to kill him)

8)[line 19]"עוֹר בְּעַד עוֹר, וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר לָאִישׁ יִתֵּן בְּעַד נַפְשׁוֹ""… OR B'AD OR, V'CHOL ASHER LA'ISH YITEN B'AD NAFSHO"- "[The Satan answered HaSh-m and said,] 'Skin for the sake of skin - and everything that a man has he will give for his life.'" (Iyov 2:4)

9)[line 24]אלמא בדידיה קיימאALMA B'DIDEI KAIMA- therefore, [it is evident that] it is in his hands [to kill a person]

10)[line 24]פנינהPENINAH

Peninah was one of the wives of Elkanah, the father of the prophet Shmuel. She had a number of children, whereas Elkanah's other wife, Chanah, had none. Peninah taunted Chanah, making her even more distraught, so that Chanah would pray even more fervently and merit a child. Eventually, Chanah gave birth to the prophet Shmuel and a number of other children. With each child born to Chanah, two of Peninah's children died as punishment for her taunting. (Even though her intentions were l'Shem Shamayim, for Chanah's benefit, since they nevertheless caused Chanah to suffer, Peninah was punished, as in all cases of sins Bein Adam l'Chaveiro - SICHOS MUSAR by RAV CHAYIM SHMUELEVITZ). Peninah begged Chanah to forgive her and pray for her, and the last two children of Peninah survived.

11)[line 25]דנטיה דעתיה בתר איובD'NATYEI DA'ATEI BASAR IYOV- that His (HaSh-m's) favor was being inclined toward Iyov

12)[line 25]מינשי ליה לרחמנותיה (לרחימותיה) דאברהםMINSHI LEI L'RACHMENUSEI D'AVRAHAM- He is forgetting His love for Avraham

13)[line 26]"וְכִעֲסַתָּה צָרָתָהּ גַּם כַּעַס, בַּעֲבוּר הַרְּעִימָהּ; [כִּי סָגַר ה' בְּעַד רַחְמָהּ]""V'CHI'ASATAH TZARASAH GAM KA'AS, BA'AVUR HARE'IMAH, [KI SAGAR HASH-M B'AD RACHMAH]" - " And her rival would provoke her time and time again, in order to irritate her [to induce her to pray]; for HaSh-m had shut her womb" (Shmuel I 1:6) (CHANAH AND PENINAH)

(a)The Midrash, based on the verse (Shmuel I 2:5), "... until the barren one bore seven and the one with many children mourned," explains that Chanah actually gave birth to another six children (four in reality, as we will now explain), besides Shmuel. She gave birth to another two boys and two girls, and each time she bore a child, two of Peninah's children died. When she bore her fifth child, Peninah fell at her feet and pleaded with her to have mercy on her. Her remaining two children lived, but they were considered Chanah's, hence the six children.

(b)The above is the opinion of Rebbi Nechemyah. According to Rebbi Yehudah, Shmuel remained Chanah's only child, and "seven" refers to her grandchildren. "Others" (Rebbi Nasan) points out that "Shivah" refers to Shmuel, whose numerical value it shares.

14)[line 26]בפפוניאPAPONYA- the name of a city (presumably Epiphania, a city on the Euphrates River)

15)[line 27]נשקיה לכרעיהNASHKEI L'CHAR'EI- he kissed his feet (the Satan kissed the feet of Rav Acha bar Yakov for judging him favorably)

16)[line 27]מאי קאמר?MAI KA'AMAR?- what was it that Iyov said (that could be considered a sin)?

17)[line 28]"אֶרֶץ נִתְּנָה בְיַד רָשָׁע, פְּנֵי שׁוֹפְטֶיהָ יְכַסֶּה; אִם לֹא אֵיפוֹ[א], מִי הוּא""ERETZ NITENAH V'YAD RASHA, PENEI SHOFTEHAH YECHASEH; IM LO EFO, MI HU?"- "The earth is given over into the hands of the wicked, who covers the faces of the judges; for if not [he], then who [does this]?" (Iyov 9:24)

18)[line 28]להפוך קערה על פיהLAHAFOCH KE'ARAH AL PIHA- to overturn the platter onto its face (that is, he attempted to discredit the authority of HaSh-m, Chas v'Shalom, by inferring that the wicked run the world at their whim while HaSh-m stands idly by)

19)[line 29]לא דבר איוב אלא כנגד השטןLO DIBER IYOV ELA KENEGED HA'SATAN- Iyov was only speaking against the Satan (he was not inferring that the honor of HaSh-m is not present in the world, but rather he was just saying that the Satan makes it appear that way)

20)[line 30]"עַל דַּעְתְּךָ כִּי לֹא אֶרְשָׁע, וְאֵין מִיָּדְךָ מַצִּיל""AL DA'TECHA KI LO ERSHA, V'EIN MI'YADCHA MATZIL"- "You know that I will not become wicked, and no one can be saved from your hand." (Iyov 10:7)

21a)[line 32]פרסותיו סדוקותPARSOSAV SEDUKOS- its hooves are split

b)[line 32]פרסותיו קלוטותPARSOSAV KELUTOS- its hooves are closed

22)[line 33]מי מעכב על ידךMI ME'AKEV AL YADCHA- who is holding You back (from turning the wicked into righteous people)

23)[line 33]"אַף אַתָּה תָּפֵר יִרְאָה; וְתִגְרַע שִׂיחָה לִפְנֵי קֵל""AF ATAH TAFER YIR'AH, V'SIGRA SICHAH LIFNEI KEL"- "You even abolish fear [of HaSh-m], and you belittle prayer before HaSh-m." (Iyov 15:4)

24)[line 34]תבליןTAVLIN- spices/herbs (just like herbs are used as remedies against illness, the Torah is the remedy against the Yetzer ha'Ra; alternatively, just like spices are used to give taste to a food, the Torah guides a person and enables him to direct his Yetzer ha'Ra towards productive ends)

25)[line 35]"בִּרְכַּת אוֹבֵד עָלַי תָּבֹא וְלֵב אַלְמָנָה אַרְנִין""BIRKAS OVED ALAI TAVO, V'LEV ALMANAH ARNIN"- "The blessing of the one who was lost would come upon me, and I would cause the heart of the widow to sing joyously." (Iyov 29:13)

26)[line 36]שדי שמיה עילווהSHADI SHEMEI ILAVAH- he would place his name upon her (meaning that he would claim her as a relative, or he would recommend that others marry her)

27)[line 37]והוו אתו נסבי להHAVU ASU NASVEI LAH- people would come to marry her (after hearing that she was related to Iyov)

28)[line 37]"לוּ שָׁקוֹל יִשָּׁקֵל כַּעְשִׂי, וְהַוָּתִי בְּמֹאזְנַיִם יִשְׂאוּ יָחַד""LU SHAKOL YISHAKEL KA'SI, V'HAVASI B'MOZNAYIM YIS'U YACHAD"- "If only my anger was would be weighed, and my suffering carried together with it on a scale." (Iyov 6:2)

29)[line 37]עפרא לפומיה דאיוב!AFRA L'FUMEI D'IYOV!- dirt in the mouth of Iyov!

30)[line 38]חברותא כלפי שמיא?!CHAVRUSA KELAPEI SHEMAYA?!- Does he think he is a peer of Heaven?!

31)[line 38]"(לו) [לֹא] יֵשׁ בֵּינֵינוּ מוֹכִיחַ, יָשֵׁת יָדוֹ עַל שְׁנֵינוּ""(LU) [LO] YESH BEINEINU MOCHI'ACH, YASHES YADO AL SHENEINU"- "There is no judge between us who could place his hand on both of us." (Iyov 9:33)

32)[line 39]"בְּרִית כָּרַתִּי לְעֵינָי, וּמָה אֶתְבּוֹנֵן עַל בְּתוּלָה""BRIS KARATI L'EINAI, U'MAH ESBONEN AL BESULAH?"- "I made a covenant with my eyes, [saying to myself,] 'For what should I gaze at a virgin?'" (Iyov 31:1)

33)[line 40]איהו באחרניתאIHU B'ACHARANISA- he at another woman (other than his wife)

34)[line 41]"כָּלָה עָנָן וַיֵּלַךְ, כֵּן יוֹרֵד שְׁאוֹל לֹא יַעֲלֶה""KALAH ANAN VA'YELACH, KEN YORED SHE'OL LO YA'ALEH"- "Just as a cloud dissipates and goes, so one who descends to the grave will not rise up." (Iyov 7:9)

35)[line 42]"אֲשֶׁר בִּשְׂעָרָה יְשׁוּפֵנִי, וְהִרְבָּה פְצָעַי חִנָּם""ASHER BI'SE'ARAH YESHUFENI V'HIRBAH FETZA'AI CHINAM"- "For in the storm wind it crushes me, and He increases my wounds for no reason." (Iyov 9:17)

36)[line 42]בסערה חרףBI'SE'ARAH CHEREF- he blasphemed using the word "storm"

37)[line 45]"אֱזָר נָא כְגֶבֶר חֲלָצֶיךָ, וְאֶשְׁאָלְךָ וְהוֹדִיעֵנִי""EZAR NA CH'GEVER CHALATZECHA, V'ESH'ALCHA V'HODI'ENI"- "Gird, now, your loins like a strong man, and I will ask you and you will tell Me." (Iyov 38:3)

38)[line 45]נימאNIMA- hair

39)[line 46]גומאGUMA- hair follicle, the hole from which each hair grows

40)[line 47]מחשיכות מאור עיניו של אדםMACHSHICHOS ME'OR EINAV SHEL ADAM- they would darken the light of the eyes (i.e. eyesight) of a person

41)[line 48]"מִי פִלַּג לַשֶּׁטֶף תְּעָלָה...""MI FILAG LA'SHETEF TE'ALAH..."- "Who digs out for the rain a channel..." (Iyov 38:25)

42)[line 49]דפוסDEFUS- a form

43)[line 50]מטשטשות את הארץMETASHTESHOS ES HA'ARETZ- it would make the earth muddy

44)[line 52]"[וַיִּבְנֶה אֶת הָאֲבָנִים מִזְבֵּחַ בְּשֵׁם ה',] וַיַּעַשׂ תְּעָלָה כְּבֵית סָאתַיִם זֶרַע [סָבִיב לַמִּזְבֵּחַ]""[VA'YIVNEH ES HA'AVANIM MIZBE'ACH B'SHEM HASH-M,] VA'YA'AS TE'ALAH K'VEIS SASAYIM ZERA [SAVIV LA'MIZBE'ACH]" - "[And he built the stones into a Mizbe'ach in the Name of HaSh-m,] and he dug a ditch measuring approximately two Se'ah [around the Mizbe'ach. He then arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces, and placed them on the wood]" (Melachim I 18:32) (ELIYAHU AND THE PROPHETS OF BA'AL)

(a)When the wicked King Ach'av referred to Eliyahu ha'Navi as "Ocher Yisrael" (one who destroys Israel) for having decreed a famine in the land, the latter arranged a confrontation with the 850 prophets of the idols Ba'al and Asheirah on Mount Carmel. All of Yisrael was invited to witness the event, at which Eliyahu intended to demonstrate to Yisrael that HaSh-m is the true G-d.

(b)Eliyahu addressed Yisrael and challenged them to make up their minds, whether to worship HaSh-m or Ba'al. He brought out two bulls, one of which the prophets of Ba'al would choose, leaving him with the other. Both parties would then prepare an altar and firewood, on which they would place their cut-up bull as a sacrifice. Each party would then beseech his god to send fire from Heaven and consume their animal. The G-d Who would respond would prove Himself to be the true G-d.

(c)The entire morning, up until close to Minchah time, accompanied by the taunts of Eliyahu, the prophets of Ba'al ranted and raved, pranced on their altar, and, in their frenzy, even cut themselves in an attempt to arouse their god, but to no avail. Eliyahu then called upon Yisrael to watch carefully. He began by rebuilding a Mizbe'ach that King Shaul had once built (and the idolaters had demolished), and by digging a ditch around it. Then, after cutting up the bull and placing it on the wood which he had arranged on the altar, he ordered four large jugs of water to be poured over the animal and the wood. The people did so, and the water flowed into the ditch and filled it.

(d)It was at Minchah time that he finished his preparations and prayed to HaSh-m to answer his prayers and show the people that He is G-d. As he finished his prayer, a fire descended from Heaven and burned the bull, together with the wood and the stones of the altar, and it even licked the water in the ditch and dried it up. The people understood the message and announced unanimously, "HaSh-m is G-d!"

45)[line 53]שביל בפני עצמוSHEVIL BIFNEI ATZMO- a path all for itself

46)[last line]"הֲיָדַעְתָּ עֵת לֶדֶת יַעֲלֵי סָלַע; חוֹלֵל אַיָּלוֹת תִּשְׁמוֹר"HA'YADATA ES LEDES YA'ALEI SALA; CHOLEL AYALOS TISHMOR?"- "Do you know the time when the mountain goats give birth; can you anticipate the labor pains of the hinds?" (Iyov 39:1)

47)[last line]שכורעת ללדתSHE'KORA'AS LALEDES- that it bends down to give birth


48)[line 1]שיפול ממנהSHE'YIPOL MIMENAH- so that it (the baby) will fall from it (the mountain) [and die]

49)[line 6]רחמה צרRACHMAH TZAR- its womb is narrow

50)[line 7]דרקוןDERAKON- a serpent

51)[line 8]שמכישהSHE'MAKISHAH- that it bites her

52)[line 8]ומתרפה ממולדהU'MISRAPAH MI'MOLDAH- and it expands it (the womb) to allow it to give birth

53)[line 12]"[וַיְהִי אַחַר דִּבֶּר ה' אֶת הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה אֶל אִיּוֹב; וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל אֱלִיפַז הַתֵּימָנִי, חָרָה אַפִּי בְךָ וּבִשְׁנֵי רֵעֶיךָ,] כִּי לֹא דִבַּרְתֶּם אֵלַי נְכוֹנָה כְּעַבְדִּי אִיּוֹב""[VA'YEHI ACHAR DIBER HASH-M ES HA'DEVARIM HA'EILEH EL IYOV; VA'YOMER HASH-M EL ELIFAZ HA'TEIMANI, 'CHARAH API VECHA UVI'SHNEI RE'ECHA,] KI LO DIBARTEM EILAI NECHONAH KE'AVDI IYOV'" - "[And it was after HaSh-m spoke these words to Iyov, that HaSh-m said to Elifaz ha'Teimani, 'I am angry with you and with your two friends,] for you did not speak to me correctly like My servant Iyov did.'" (Iyov 42:7) (IYOV'S FRIENDS ARE FOUND GUILTY)

(a)HaSh-m takes Elifaz and his two friends (Bildad ha'Shuchi and Tzofar ha'Na'amasi) to task for attributing Iyov's suffering to his sins, when in fact it was merely a test at the hands of the Satan. Iyov, on the other hand, may have claimed that "HaSh-m destroys the righteous together with the wicked." This, in turn, Iyov ascribed to the theory that HaSh-m had left the running of the world to the "Ma'areches ha'Shamayim" (the Mazalos), thereby bringing suffering upon Iyov. While in obvious pain, Iyov declared that a person cannot be taken to task for what he says in his suffering. This also explains why, in spite of his blasphemous words, HaSh-m nevertheless referred to him as "My servant."

(b)In any event, Iyov's three friends were finally proven wrong in their assessment of Iyov. Consequently, their accusations served only to add to his suffering instead of consoling him in his bitter suffering like Elihu did.

(c)HaSh-m ordered them to take seven bulls and seven rams and to go with them to Iyov. They were to bring them as sacrifices to atone for their sin. HaSh-m assured them that He would accept their Korban, provided that Iyov would pray on their behalf. They followed HaSh-m's instructions, and HaSh-m accepted Iyov's prayer on their behalf and forgave them.

54)[line 18]"וַיִּוָּעֲדוּ יַחְדָּו לָבוֹא לָנוּד לוֹ וּלְנַחֲמוֹ""... VA'YIVA'ADU YACHDAV LA'VO LA'NUD LO UL'NACHAMO"- "[Iyov's three friends heard about all this evil that had befallen him, and they came, each man from his place...] and they joined together to come to comfort him and to console him." (Iyov 2:11)

55)[line 21]שלש מאות פרסיSHELOSH ME'OS PARSEI- three hundred Parso'as (each Parsah is four Mil, and one Mil is 2000 Amos)

56)[line 22](כלילא הוה) [כלילי הוו] להוKELILEI HAVU LEHU- they each had crowns

57)[line 22]אילני הוה [הוו] להוILANEI HAVU LEHU- they each had trees

58)[line 23]דכמשיKAMSHEI- it withered

59)[line 25]רביה באה לעולםREVIYAH BA'AH LA'OLAM- reproduction comes to the world (see Insights here)

60)[line 26]מריבה באה לעולםMERIVAH BA'AH LA'OLAM- argument comes to the world (if the husband does not have merit, his wife argues with him)

61)[line 28]"וַיְהִי לוֹ שִׁבְעָנָה בָנִים וְשָׁלוֹשׁ בָּנוֹת. וַיִּקְרָא שֵׁם הָאַחַת יְמִימָה, וְשֵׁם הַשֵּׁנִית קְצִיעָה, וְשֵׁם הַשְּׁלִישִׁית קֶרֶן הַפּוּךְ""VA'YEHI LO SHIV'ANAH VANIM V'SHALOSH BANOS. VA'YIKRA SHEM HA'ACHAS 'YEMIMAH', V'SHEM HA'SHENIS 'KETZI'AH', V'SHEM HA'SHELISHIS 'KEREN HA'PUCH'" - "And he had fourteen sons and three daughters. One daughter he called 'Yemimah,' the second he called 'Ketzi'ah,' and the third 'Keren ha'Puch' (the shine of a Puch, a precious stone)." (Iyov 42:13-14) (IYOV IS COMPENSATED FOR HIS SUFFERING)

(a)In the preceding verses, Iyov was blessed with double of what he had previously. The sole exception was daughters, where the additional blessing manifested itself in their beauty, rather than in their numbers. In fact, their names reflected their beauty: The first was pure and white like the day, the second was as fragrant as the Ketzi'ah spice, and the third shone like a "Puch."

(b)The Sefer ends by telling us that Iyov, who was seventy at the time that he was stricken, lived for another 140 years. He lived to see four generations of offspring, and he died an old, satiated man.

62)[line 29]ריחה נודף כקציעהREICHAH NODEF KI'KETZI'AH- her scent emanates like Ketzi'ah (cassia, an organic bark)

63)[line 30]לקרנא דקרשKARNA D'KERESH- the horn of the Keresh (a Keresh is a wild animal with black horns, possibly an antelope)

64)[line 30]מחייכו עלה במערבאMECHAICHU ALAH B'MA'ARAVA- they laughed at this interpretation in Eretz Yisrael

65)[line 30]לקותא היאLEKUSA HI- it is a blemish

66)[line 30]ככורכמא דרישקא במיניהKURKEMA D'RISHKA B'MINEI- the finest Kurkema d'Rishka (O.F. crog orientel, garden safflower or saffron) of its type

67)[line 31]"כִּי תִקְרְעִי בַפּוּךְ [עֵינַיִךְ]""KI SIK'RE'I VA'PUCH [EINAYICH]"- "If you paint [your eyes] with mascara" (Yirmeyahu 4:30)

68)[line 31]הוה קא חלש דעתיהHAVAH KA CHALASH DA'ATEI- he was feeling upset, dejected

69)[line 32]תנחומין של הבל ניחמך אבוךTANCHUMIN SHEL HEVEL NICHAMACH AVUCH- with empty words of comfort has your father comforted you

70a)[line 34]בסםBASAM- a spice and perfume merchant

b)[line 34]בורסיBURSI- a tanner, who uses animal excrement to tan hides

71)[line 36]אחרים אומריםACHERIM OMRIM- others say. (Although "Acherim" normally refers to Rebbi Meir, as the Gemara says in Horayos (13b), here it cannot refer to Rebbi Meir because he clearly argues with this opinion. TOSFOS (to Berachos 9b, Sotah 12a, and Avodah Zarah 64b) points out that "Acherim" indeed does not necessary always refer to Rebbi Meir.)

72)[line 36]איצטגנינות היתה בלבוITZTAGNINUS HAYESAH B'LIBO- he had the wisdom of astrology in his heart

73)[line 39]בגלגל חמהB'GALGAL CHAMAH- with the sphere of the sun

74a)[line 39]אידלי יומאIDLI YOMA- when the day (i.e. sun) goes up

b)[line 39]אידלי קציראIDLI KETZIRA- the illness is lifted

75a)[line 43]מה עדשה זו אין לה פהMAH ADASHAH ZO EIN LAH PEH- just like a lentil has no mouth (no opening)

b)[line 43]אָבֵל אין לו פהAVEL EIN LO PEH- a mourner has no mouth (for he sits silently)

76)[line 43]מגולגלתMEGULGELES- it rolls

77)[line 44]ומחזרת על באי העולםMACHZERES AL BA'EI HA'OLAM- it comes around to everyone in the world

78)[line 44]לנחומי בביעיL'NACHUMEI B'VEI'EI- to comfort mourners with eggs (an egg does not roll, since it is an oval shape and not a circle, but it does not have an opening)

79)[line 45]וכפר בעיקרKAFAR BA'IKAR- he denied the Source (the presence of HaSh-m in the world)

80)[line 45]ושט את הבכורהSHAT ES HA'BECHORAH- he disgraced the right of the firstborn (referring to the privilege of performing the Divine Avodah)

81)[line 47]"אוֹי נָא לִי כִּי עָיְפָה נַפְשִׁי לְהוֹרְגִים""OY NA LI, KI AYFAH NAFSHI L'HORGIM"- "Woe now unto me, for my soul has become weary because of the killers." (Yirmeyahu 4:31)

82)[line 50]וקא מנמנםV'KA MENAMNEM- and he was dozing

83)[line 50]ודאי דאמריתוVADAI D'AMRISU- certainly you have said

84)[line 51]כל מיתה שיש בה גויעהKOL MISAH SHE'YESH BAH GEVI'AH- every time the Torah refers to someone's death as "Gevi'ah"

85)[line 52]אדהכי, איתער בהו רבאAD'HACHI, IS'AR BEHU RAVA- in the meantime, Rava woke up

86)[line 52]דרדקי!DARDEKEI!- You fools! (lit. young students, who have not reached a level where they can make analytical deductions)

87)[line 54]מדאקדמיהMID'AKDEMEI- from the fact that he let him lead (Yishmael let Yitzchak go in front of him)

88)[last line]אדבורי אדבריהADBUREI ADBEREI- [he treated him with respect and] led him [to go first]