[17a - 46 lines; 17b - 50 lines]

1)[line 6]"וְלִבִּי חָלַל בְּקִרְבִּי""V'LIBI CHALAL B'KIRBI"- "My heart is dead within me." (Tehilim 109:22)

2)[line 7]צעריה הוא דקא מדכרTZA'AREI HU D'KA MIDKAR- he was merely reminding himself of all of his troubles

3)[line 13]בנשיקה מתהBI'NESHIKAH MESAH- she died through the death of the "kiss" (the kiss of HaSh-m)

4)[line 16]רמה ותולעהRIMAH V'SOLE'AH- worms and crawlers

5)[line 21]"יְדִיד ה' יִשְׁכּוֹן לָבֶטַח עָלָיו""YEDID HASH-M YISHKON LA'VETACH ALAV"- "May HaSh-m's beloved dwell securely with Him." (Devarim 33:12)

6)[line 22]"אַף בְּשָׂרִי יִשְׁכּוֹן לָבֶטַח""AF BESARI YISHKON LA'VETACH"- "Also my flesh will dwell securely." (Tehilim 16:9)

7)[line 23]רחמי הוא דקא בעיRACHAMEI HU D'KA BA'I- he was pleading for mercy (David ha'Melech was pleading that his body not be eaten by worms after his death)

8)[line 24]בעטיו של נחשB'ETYO SHEL NACHASH- because of the seduction of the snake [they died, and not because they had any misdeeds] (if the snake had not seduced Chavah into eating the forbidden fruit, death would not have come to the world, and they would not have died)

9)[line 26]וכולהו גמראV'KULHU GEMARA- and all of this is known through tradition (as it has been passed down from one generation to the next that these Tzadikim were righteous enough to live forever)

10)[line 28]"וְאֶת עֲמָשָׂא שָׂם אַבְשָׁלוֹם תַּחַת יוֹאָב עַל הַצָּבָא; וַעֲמָשָׂא בֶן אִישׁ וּשְׁמוֹ יִתְרָא הַיִּשְׂרְאֵלִי, אֲשֶׁר בָּא אֶל אַבִיגַ(י)ל בַּת נָחָשׁ אֲחוֹת צְרוּיָה אֵם יוֹאָב""V'ES AMASA SAM AVSHALOM TACHAS YO'AV AL HA'TZAVA; VA'AMASA BEN ISH U'SHEMO YISRA HA'YISRE'EILI, ASHER BA EL AVIGAL BAS NACHASH ACHOS TZERUYAH EIM YO'AV" - "And Avshalom appointed Amasa over the army in place of Yo'av; Amasa was the son of a man named Yisra ha'Yisre'eili, who married with Avigal the daughter of Nachash and the sister of Tzeruyah, the mother of Yo'av." (Shmuel II 17:25) (AMASA AND YO'AV)

(a)Interestingly, Avshalom appointed Yo'av's cousin to replace him as his commander-in-chief, and both were nephews of David. Avigayil, David's sister, should not be confused with Avigayil, the wife of Naval ha'Karmeli, who was married to David.

(b)Although Amasa's father, judging by what the Gemara says about him (Yevamos 77a), seems to have been a leading sage of that time, Amasa himself joined the ranks of Avshalom in his rebellion against his father, David.


11a)[line 36]שיחSHI'ACH- a long narrow ditch

b)[line 36]מערהME'ARAH- a covered pit or cave (usually leading to a spring or water source)

12)[line 37]אמת המיםAMAS HA'MAYIM- a channel of water

13)[line 37]נברכת כובסיןNIVRECHES KOVSIN- a pool of water in which clothing is washed

14)[line 38]וסד בסידV'SAD B'SID- and it covers with lime

15)[line 39]הגפתGEFES- remnants from pressed olives

16)[line 39]הזבלZEVEL- fertilizer

17)[line 40]הסלעיםSELA'IM- stones

18)[line 44]הריחיםREICHAYIM- a mill

19a)[line 44]השכבHA'SHECHEV- the bottom millstone

b)[line 45]הרכבHA'RECHEV- the upper millstone

20a)[last line]הכליאHA'KALYA- the bottom part of an oven stand

b)[last line]השפהHA'SAFAH- the top part of an oven stand


21)[line 8]הבא לסמוך בצד המצרHA'BA LISMOCH B'TZAD HA'METZAR- one who comes to dig a pit near the border (the border between his field and his neighbor's field)

22)[line 14]דאת אימלכת וחפרתD'AT IMLACHT V'CHAFART- that you changed your mind and dug a pit

23a)[line 25]כל מרא ומרא דקא מחייתKOL MARA U'MARA D'KA MACHYAS- with every strike of your shovel

b)[line 26]קא מרפית לה לארעאיKA MARPIS LAH L'ARA'I- you are weakening my land

24)[line 44]סלע הבא בידיםSELA HA'BA B'YADAYIM- clumpy ground that breaks apart by hand (it very easily breaks apart)

25)[line 48]ודקארי לה, מאי קארי להUDEKA'ARI LAH, MAI KA'ARI LAH?- the one who asked this question, why did he ask it (since the answer is obvious)?