[29a - 38 lines; 29b - 27 lines]

1)[line 1]"בְּנוּ בָתִּים וְשֵׁבוּ; וְנִטְעוּ גַנּוֹת וְאִכְלוּ אֶת פִּרְיָן""BENU BATIM V'SHEVU; V'NIT'U GANOS V'ICHLU ES PIRYAN" - "Build houses and dwell in them, plant gardens and eat their fruit." (Yirmeyahu 29:5-6) (SETTLING DOWN IN GALUS)

The Navi addresses the Jews who had already been exiled to Bavel along with Yechanyah; they were to settle down there and prepare for seventy years of Galus. He admonished them to ignore the predictions of the false prophets among them, who were assuring them that that they would soon return to Eretz Yisrael. Additionally, he advised them to pray for the peace of Yerushalayim, for as long as there would be peace in Yerushalayim, they, too, would enjoy peace in Galus.

2)[line 4]"[כֹּה אָמַר ה' צְבָקוֹת אֱלֹקֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, לָקוֹחַ אֶת הַסְּפָרִים הָאֵלֶּה, אֵת סֵפֶר הַמִּקְנָה הַזֶּה וְאֵת הֶחָתוּם וְאֵת סֵפֶר הַגָּלוּי הַזֶּה] וּנְתַתָּם בִּכְלִי חָרֶשׂ, לְמַעַן יַעַמְדוּ יָמִים רַבִּים""[KOH AMAR HASH-M TZEVAKOS, ELOKEI YISRAEL, 'LAKO'ACH ES HA'SEFARIM HA'ELEH, ES SEFER HA'MIKNAH HA'ZEH V'ES HE'CHASUM, V'ES SEFER HA'GALUY HA'ZEH,] U'NESATAM BI'CHELI CHARES, LEMA'AN YA'AMDU YAMIM RABIM'" - "[So says HaSh-m: 'Take these scrolls, this document of sale, the sealed one and this un-sealed one,] and place them in an earthenware vessel, so that they should last a long time.'" (Yirmeyahu 32:13-14) (YIRMEYAHU PURCHASES A FIELD SHORTLY BEFORE THE CHURBAN)

(a)Yerushalayim was already under siege and Galus Bavel was imminent, when Chanamel, the cousin of Yirmeyahu, paid him a visit in Chatzar ha'Matarah, where Yirmeyahu was incarcerated. As HaSh-m had already informed Yirmeyahu, Chanamel requested that Yirmeyahu purchase his field that was situated in Anasos (where he was born), since he was the next of kin, which gave him the first right to purchase it.

(b)The verse describes how Yirmeyahu did as instructed; he acquired the field by both paying for it in full and receiving a document of sale, all in the presence of two witnesses. He then handed the documents to his disciple (and successor), Baruch ben Neriyah, whom he knew would survive him and still be alive when Galus Bavel terminated, to produce them as evidence of the sale when it would become necessary. He then instructed Baruch to place the documents inside an earthenware vessel, to ensure that they would last a long time. "For so said HaSh-m... 'They will still buy houses, fields, and vineyards in this land.'" HaSh-m had promised that the exile in Bavel would last no more than 70 years, and many of the very people who were exiled would themselves witness the return to the land and the rebuilding of the Beis ha'Mikdash.

3)[line 5]שתא קמייתאSHATA KAMAISA- the first year

4)[line 12]דחליף אמיצרא דידהוD'CHALIF A'MEITZRA DIDHU- who chances to pass over their property line

5)[line 21]רצופותRETZUFOS- consecutive, i.e. years one, two and three

6)[line 23]מקוטעותMEKUTA'OS- truncated, partial years (even if consecutive)

7)[line 24]מפוזרותMEFUZAROS- not consecutive, e.g. years one, three, and five

8)[line 25]באתרי דמוברי באגיB'ASREI D'MOVREI BAGEI- in places where the custom is to leave fields fallow every other year

9)[line 32]שיבביSHIVEVEI- neighbors

10)[line 34]אנן אגרינן מיניהANAN AGRINAN MINEI- we rented it from him

11)[line 35]נוגעין בעדותןNOG'IN B'EDUSAN

Witnesses who stand to benefit or lose based upon their testimony about a certain case are termed "Nog'in b'Edusan," and are disqualified from being witnesses in that case.

12)[line 36]אגר ביתאAGAR BEISA- the rent for the house

13)[line 36]דייני דשפיליDAYANEI D'SHEFILEI- judges who are not well-versed in the law


14)[line 1]ברוכלין המחזירין בעיירותROCHLIN HA'MACHAZIRIN BA'AYAROS- peddlers (of spices) who walk from city to city [selling their spices]

15)[line 3]בחנותא דמחוזאCHENVASA D'MECHOZA- the shops of Mechoza, a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

16)[line 5]זבון ההיא אמתא בהדי הדדיZAVUN HA'HI AMSA BAHADEI HADADEI- bought a maidservant together, as partners

17)[line 7]נפק ערער עילוהNAFAK AR'AR ILAVAH- a protest was registered about her [that she belonged to others]

18)[line 12]עיטראITRA- a document recording a division of property

19)[line 12]קלא אית ליהKOLA IS LEI- (lit. it has a voice) the information about the sale of the maidservant will become well known


(a)The following is a list of measures of volume used in the Mishnah and Gemara:

1.1 Kor (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in

2.1 Lesech = 15 Se'in

3.1 Eifah = 3 Se'in

4.1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin

5.1 Tarkav (= Trei v'Kav, or 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin

6.1 Kav = 4 Lugin

7.1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim

8.1 Beitzah = 2 or 3 k'Zeisim, according to the varying opinions

(b)A Beis Rova is a parcel of land in which 1/4 Kav of grain is normally planted. Since two Se'ah of grain can be planted in 5,000 square Amos, the area of a Beis Rova is approximately 10 1/4 x 10 square Amos (or more exactly, 104.17 square Amos). This is equivalent to 21.65, 24 or 34.56 square meters, according to the various opinions.

21a)[line 18]באוקומי בה חיותאB'UKUMEI BAH CHEIVASA- by putting animals there [to graze]

b)[line 19]ומשטחא בה פיריU'MISHTECHA BAH PEIREI- and by spreading out fruit [to dry]

22)[line 23]בשכוני גוואי הואיBI'SHECHUNEI GAVA'EI HAVAI- I was in the inner rooms [for the entire time that you claim to have made a Chazakah, and I passed by you each time I went out]

23)[line 24]ברור אכילתךBEROR ACHILASECH- prove your Chazakah (lit. your eating [the "produce" of the house]) [by bringing witnesses that you lived in the house alone for three years]

24)[line 25]המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיהHA'MOTZI ME'CHAVEIRO ALAV HA'RE'AYAH

(a)The general rule in monetary claims is that the burden of proof rests upon the one who wishes to extract payment or other items of value from the other person. Hence, when ownership is in doubt, all money or real estate remains with the one who has possession.

(b)Therefore, in this case, Rava argues that the current occupant need not produce witnesses that he lived in the house alone for three years; rather, any witnesses that he lived there would suffice.