[30a - 24 lines; 30b - 20 lines]

1)[line 14]לא יהא אלא דנקיט שטראLO YEHEI ELA D'NAKIT SHETARA- even if he were holding a legal document

2)[line 14]קיים שטרךKAYEIM SHETARACH - Validate your document (KIYUM SHETAROS)

Mid'Oraisa, a Shtar (contract) or Get that was written legally and signed by witnesses is considered absolute proof. The Chachamim, out of fear of forgeries, required that every Shtar be validated ("Kiyum") in one of the following manners:

1.The witnesses themselves attest to the validity of their signatures.

2.Two other witnesses who recognize the signatures attest to their validity.

3.The signatures are matched to those on a previously validated Shtar or Get.

3)[line 17]בשוקי בראי הואיB'SHUKEI BARA'EI HAVAI- I was overseas, in a place that does not have frequent direct connecting routes to here

4)[line 18]סהדיSAHADEI- witnesses

5)[line 18]דכל שתאKOL SHATA- each year


6)[line 3]דינא קאמר ליהDINA KA'AMAR LEI- he has told him the Halachic ruling, i.e. the Me'ar'er is correct in his claim, and the Machzik must return the land to him

7)[line 7][ו]אימלכי בך[V']IMLECHI BACH- [and] I consulted with you

8)[line 8]השניHA'SHENI- the buyer (i.e. you)

9)[line 8]הראשוןHA'RISHON- the seller (i.e. the Gazlan)

10)[line 10]העורר על השדהHA'ORER AL HA'SADEH- a person (Reuven) who contests the ownership of a field [that was sold by Shimon to Levi. Reuven contends that the field actually belongs to him and that Shimon stole it]

11)[line 15]דאתית באורתאASIS B'URSA- you came [to me] at night

12)[line 16]איזבון דינאיIZBUN DINA'I- (lit. I will buy out the [need to go to court for a] court case) I would rather pay money towards buying the land from you, than to have to go to court

13)[line 19]טובאTUVA- many