[61a - 27 lines; 61b - 42 lines]


1)[line 1]יציעYATZI'A- the Gemara explains that this is either an Afta (see below, entry #5) or a Bidka Chalilah (see entry #6)

2)[line 3]החדרCHEDER- an inside room of a house

3)[line 4]מעקהMA'AKEH - a guardrail

The Torah commands (Devarim 22:8) that a guardrail that is at least ten Tefachim high be built around the usable roof (or balcony) of one's home, in order to prevent calamities. The guardrail must be strong enough to support the weight of a person who is leaning on it. Additionally, from the words "וְלֹא תָשִׂים דָּמִים בְּבֵיתֶךָ" "v'Lo Sasim Damim b'Veisecha," it is learned that one may not allow any dangerous situation to remain in one's house. A person may not leave an uncovered pit in his courtyard, or leave a weak ladder in his house. If he owns a bad-tempered dog, he also transgresses this Lav. (SEFER HA'CHINUCH #547)

4)[line 5]אם יש לו צורת פתחIM YESH LO TZURAS PESACH- if it has a doorframe [leading onto it (from a stairway or from ground level on a stepped hill), even if it has no guardrail]

5)[line 7]אפתאAFTA- (O.F. apentiz - an extension [of a building]; annex) a construction at the rear of or alongside a house with a low sloping roof; a lean-to

6)[line 7]בדקא חלילהBIDKA CHALILAH- (O.F. loges - booths) a roofed terrace or veranda with many windows

7)[line 11]"הַיָּצִיעַ הַתַּחְתּוֹנָה חָמֵשׁ בָּאַמָּה רָחְבָּהּ...""HA'YATZI'A HA'TACHTONAH CHAMESH BA'AMAH RACHBAH..."- "The lowest chamber was five cubits wide, [and the middle was six cubits wide, and the third was seven cubits wide; for outside around the wall of the house he made recesses, so that the beams should not be fastened into the walls of the house]" (Melachim I 6:6) - This verse refers to the chambers in the walls of the Heichal of the First Beis ha'Mikdash.

8)[line 13]"וְהַצְּלָעוֹת צֵלָע אֶל צֵלָע שָׁלֹשׁ וּשְׁלֹשִׁים פְּעָמִים...""VEHA'TZELA'OS TZELA EL TZELA SHALOSH U'SHLOSHIM PE'AMIM..."- "And the side chambers were one over another thirty three times; [and there were recesses in the wall of the house for the side chambers around, that they might be anchored there, so that they were not fastened into the wall of the house]" (Yechezkel 41:6) - This verse refers to the chambers in the walls of the Heichal of the Third Beis ha'Mikdash.

9)[line 14]"וְהַתָּא קָנֶה אֶחָד אוֹרֶךְ וְקָנֶה אֶחָד רֹחַב, וּבֵין הַתָּאִים חָמֵשׁ אַמּוֹת...""VEHA'TA KANEH ECHAD ORECH V'KANEH ECHAD ROCHAV, U'VEIN HA'TA'IM CHAMESH AMOS..."- "And every chamber was one Kaneh (six Amos) long and one Kaneh wide, and between the chambers were five cubits; [and the threshold of the gate by the vestibule of the gate inside was one Kaneh]" (Yechezkel 40:7) - This verse refers to chambers along the perimeter of the Azarah (outer courtyard) of the Third Beis ha'Mikdash.

10)[line 16]כותל ההיכל שש; והתא שש; כותל התא חמשKOSEL HA'HEICHAL SHESH; VEHA'TA SHESH; KOSEL HA'TA CHAMESH

Into the walls surrounding the Heichal sanctuary of the Second Beis ha'Mikdash were built three levels of "Ta'im," or compartments (for storage etc.). There were 15 compartments on the north side (3 levels of 5), 15 on the south side (3 levels of 5) and 8 on the west side (2 levels of 3 topped by a third level of 2), making a total of thirty-eight compartments. Each compartment had 3 entrances; two to the compartments on either side, and one in the ceiling to the compartment in the level above. The inner wall of the Ta (or "Kosel ha'Ta") was five Amos thick. The measurements of the width of the compartment and the thickness of the outer wall of the compartment (or "Kosel ha'Heichal") varied. At the middle level of the three levels of compartments, the width of the compartment was six Amos, and the thickness of the outer wall was also six Amos. (This is the level described by the Mishnah cited in our Gemara.) The lower level had a five-Amah-wide compartment with a seven-Amah-thick wall, while the upper level had a seven-Amah-wide compartment with a five-Amah-thick wall. (At each level, the thickness of the wall was lessened by an Amah in order to rest upon that Amah the beams supporting the roof of the compartment below.) (Midos 4:7, RASHBAM DH ha'Yetzia)

11a)[line 20]הבורBOR- a pit that is dug in impermeable ground and that is not lined with stones

b)[line 20]הדותDUS- a pit in the ground that is lined with stones that rise above the surface of the ground. A Dus also has a cover on top. (BI'UR HALACHAH Orach Chayim 587:1 in his explanation of the opinions of Rashi and Rambam)

12)[line 21]אף על פי שכתב לו עומקא ורומאAF AL PI SHE'KASAV LO UMKA V'RUMA- even though he wrote [that he was selling] him its depth and its height. A person selling a house who specifies that he is selling the buyer the Umka v'Ruma of the house has added the ground underneath the house (to dig new wells and pits) and the roof, but not the existing wells and pits (until he writes "mi'Tehom Ar'a v'Ad Rum Raki'a — Daf 63b)


13)[line 1]דאע"ג דמצר ליה מצרי אבראיAF AL GAV D'MATZAR LO METZAREI AVRAI- even though he specified the outer boundaries of the house (which included the Cheder, even so, the Cheder was not included in the sale)

14a)[line 3]המוכר בית לחבירוHA'MOCHER BAYIS L'CHAVEIRO- one person who sells a house to another person

b)[line 3]בבירה גדולהB'VIRAH GEDOLAH- in a group of buildings forming one residence

15)[line 4]אע"פ שמצר לו מצרים החיצוניםAF AL PI SHE'MATZAR LO METZARIM HA'CHITZONIM- even though he specified the outer boundaries of the house (which included the entire Birah)

16)[line 4]מצרים הרחיב לוMETZARIM HIRCHIV LO- he has just "widened the borders" for him (usually for convenience, when the exact borders are not easily defined)

17)[line 11]מדהוה ליה למכתבMID'HAVAH LEI L'MICHTAV- since the seller should have written

18)[line 11]ולא שיירית בזביני אלין [קדמי] כלוםV'LO SHAIRIS BI'ZEVINEI ILEIN [KADAMAI] KELUM- "and I have not left any part of this sale for myself"

19a)[line 14]שדהSADEH- a field

b)[line 14]בבקעהBIK'AH- a plain [of open fields], valley

20)[line 28]משום דלא הוה ליה למימצר ליהMISHUM D'LO HAVAH LEI L'MIMTZAR LEI- since it was not possible for him to specify the exact boundaries of the field among his fields that he intended to sell

21)[line 36]ארעא דבי חייאAR'A D'VEI CHIYA- land [that I bought from] the house of Rebbi Chiya

22)[line 37]ארעתאAR'ASA- lands

23a)[line 41]מבוסתניBUSTENEI- orchards

b)[line 41]ופרדיסיPARDEISEI- vineyards

24)[line 41]זיהראZIHARA- all [of my] real estate