BAVA BASRA 62 (22 Av 5784) - Dedicated in memory of Frumet bas Meier (born Ehrmann) of Kiel, Germany and New York, by her nephew, Ze'ev Rosenbaum.

[62a - 14 lines; 62b - 40 lines]

1)[line 3]לא קנה אלא כנגד הקצרLO KANAH ELA KENEGED HA'KATZAR- he only acquires the area of the field that is bordered by the shorter boundary, drawing a perpendicular line from the end of the shorter boundary to the point on the longer boundary that is equal to the shorter boundary (see 1st diagram in the RASHBAM)

2)[line 4]ויקנה כנגד ראש תור?V'YIKNEH KENEGED ROSH TOR?- Why does he not acquire the area of the field where a line is drawn from the end of the shorter boundary to the end of the longer boundary? (Rosh Tor means the end of a row - see 2nd diagram in the RASHBAM)

3)[line 6]מחד גיסאME'CHAD GISA- on one side [of the field that is being sold]

4)[last line]סיים לו את הקרנותSIYEM LO ES HA'KERANOS- (lit. he demarcated the corners) the boundaries that he specified in the document of sale only included the neighbors who owned fields at the four corners of the field that is being sold

5)[last line]כמין גאםKEMIN GAM- similar to the Greek letter gamma, i.e. the boundaries that he specified in the document of sale only included the neighbors whose fields formed a gamma at two opposite corners of the field that is being sold (thus demarcating the entire field when an imaginary line is drawn to the remaining unspecified corners) (see 6th diagram in the RASHBAM)


6)[line 1]בסירוגיןB'SEIRUGIN- alternating, i.e. the boundaries that he specified in the document of sale only included the alternating neighbors whose fields bordered the field that is being sold (see 1st diagram in the RASHBAM)

7a)[line 3]קנה הכל חוץ ממצר רביעיKANAH HA'KOL CHUTZ MI'METZAR REVI'I- he acquires the entire [field] except for the last row at the fourth side

b)[line 4]אפי' מצר רביעיAFILU METZAR REVI'I- he acquires the entire [field], even the last row at the fourth side

8)[line 5]תלם אחדTELEM ECHAD- one row, i.e. he acquires one row surrounding the three sides that were specified

9)[line 9]דלא מבלעD'LO MIVLA- that is not contained within [the adjacent two boundaries] (see 3rd diagram in the RASHBAM)

10)[line 10]דאיכא עליה ריכבא דדיקלאIKA ALEI RICHBA D'DIKLA- there is on it a patch of young palm trees

11)[line 11]והוי תשעת קביןV'HEVEI TISH'AS KABIN - and the parcel of land is large enough to plant in it nine Kavin of seeds (MEASUREMENTS OF PLOTS OF LAND)

(a)The following is a list of measures of volume used in the Mishnah and Gemara:

1.1 Kor (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in

2.1 Lesech = 15 Se'in

3.1 Eifah = 3 Se'in

4.1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin

5.1 Tarkav (= Trei v'Kav, or 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin

6.1 Kav = 4 Lugin

7.1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim

8.1 Beitzah = 2 or 3 k'Zeisim, according to the varying opinions

(b)A Beis Tish'ah Kabin is a parcel of land in which nine Kav of grain is normally planted. The area of a Beis Tish'ah Kabin is 3,750 square Amos, or approximately 780, 864 or 1,244 square meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

12)[line 30]שודא דדייניSHUDA D'DAYANEI- the estimate of the judges as to whether the seller of the field is generous or not (RASHBAM)

13)[line 34]חזינא הנהו שטרי דנפקי מבי מרCHAZINA HANAHU SHETAREI D'NAFKEI MI'BEI MAR- I saw the documents of sale that came out of the Beis Din of the Master, i.e. Rabah

14a)[line 35]פלגא דאית לי בארעא, פלגאPALGA D'IS LI B'AR'A, PALGA- [If Reuven owns a field in partnership with Shimon and he writes in a document of sale to a third party that he is selling him] "the half of this field that I own," [the buyer acquires] half [of the field, i.e. all of Reuven's share]

b)[line 36]פלגא בארעא דאית לי, ריבעאPALGA B'AR'A D'IS LI, RIV'A- [if he writes that he is selling him] "half of the field that I own," [the buyer acquires] one quarter [of the field, i.e. half of Reuven's share]

15)[line 37]מצר "ארעא דמינה (פלגא) [פליגא]", פלגאMATZAR "AR'A D'MINAH (PALGA) [PELIGA]," PALGA- he specified as one of the boundaries of the field that he was selling, "[my remaining share of] the part of the field that we split," [the buyer acquires] half [of the seller's field]

16)[line 38]מצר "ארעא דמינה פסיקא", ט' קביןMATZAR AR'A D'MINAH PESIKA, TISH'AS KABIN- he specified as one of the boundaries of the field that he was selling, "a piece that is usually cut off a field," [the buyer acquires a plot of land from the seller's field that is] a Beis Tish'ah Kabin (see above, entry #11)