[68a - 34 lines; 68b - 35 lines]

1a)[line 1]בימות החמהYEMOS HA'CHAMAH- the summer (when there is little water in the springs that provide water for the bathhouse)

b)[line 1]בימות הגשמיםYEMOS HA'GESHAMIM- the winter (when there is much water in the springs that provide water for the bathhouse)

2)[line 1]בית כינוס העציםBEIS KINUS HA'ETZIM- a storehouse for firewood

3a)[line 5](הויא) [הויין] הנהו חנואתא אבראיHAVYA[N] HANAHU CHENVASA AVRAI- there were certain stores (that sold bread and wine) on the outside [of the room with the oil press]

b)[line 6]דהוו שטחו בהו שומשמיD'HAVU SHATCHU BEHU SHUMSHEMEI- in which sesame seeds were spread in order to dry them in preparation for making oil

4)[line 14]ובית השלחיןBEIS HA'SHELACHIN- a field that receives its water from irrigation or a wellspring (usually located on a mountain - RASHI to Moed Katan 2a)

5)[line 18]הסנטרSANTAR- (a) a sentry (see below, entry #10) (first explanation cited by the Gemara); (b) fields surrounding the city (second explanation cited by the Gemara)

6)[line 20]עבדא כמטלטלא דמיAVDA KI'METALTELA DAMI - slaves are considered like chattels (EVED KENA'ANI)

(a)A Jew may acquire a Nochri slave or maidservant (Eved Kena'ani or Shifchah Kena'anis) by purchasing the slave from a Jewish or Nochri master and making a Kinyan on the slave with either Kesef (paying money), Shtar (receiving a contract), Chazakah (having the slave work for him) or Chalipin - the same Kinyanim that are used in the purchase of real-estate (see Background to Bava Basra 52:25). In addition, an Eved Kena'ani can be acquired through Kinyan Meshichah, like moveable objects (see Background to Bava Metzia 44:5c). A Nochri can also be acquired as a slave by being captured (Gitin 38a).

(b)Even though slaves are most often purchased with the Kinyanim of real estate, the Gemara (Bava Basra 150a) presents an argument as to whether people, in every day speech, refer to slaves as chattels or as real estate. Our Sugya shows that from our Mishnah there is no proof for either side.

7)[line 21]ניזדבן אגב מתאNIZDABEN AGAV MASA- they should be sold together with the city

8)[line 22]מטלטלא דניידMETALTELA D'NAYAD- movable objects that move on their own

9)[line 24]הכא תרגימוHACHA TARGIMU- here (in Bavel) they translate it as...

10)[line 25]בר מחווניתאBAR MACHVANISA- (a) the servant appointed to record and indicate property boundaries (RASHBAM); (b) the guard of the city (RABEINU CHANANEL)

11)[line 25]באגיBAGEI- fields surrounding the city

12)[line 27]"וְשׁוֹלֵחַ מַיִם עַל פְּנֵי חוּצוֹת""... V'SHOLE'ACH MAYIM AL PENEI CHUTZOS"- "[Who gives rain upon the earth,] and sends waters upon the fields" (Iyov 5:10).

13)[line 31]גינונייתאGINUNYASA- gardens

14)[line 31]"שְׁלָחַיִךְ פַּרְדֵּס רִמּוֹנִים...""SHELACHAYICH PARDES RIMONIM..."- "Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates, [with pleasant fruits, henna, and nard]" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:13) - Our Gemara interprets "Shelachayich" as "your gardens," i.e. they send forth fruit each year (RASHBAM).


15)[line 8]אנקולמוסANKULMUS- the king's scribe, responsible for turning over to the appropriate government official the lists of all the properties and houses of each city, and the amounts of taxes owed by the people of the city

16a)[line 12]שייריהSHEYAREHA- (lit. its remainders) see entry #20

b)[line 12]בנותיהBENOSEHA- (lit. its daughters) its surrounding villages

17a)[line 13]חורשיןCHURSHIN- forests

b)[line 13]המוקצין להHA'MUKTZIN LAH- that are reserved for it (and are open onto it)

18)[line 13]ביברין של חיה ושל עופות ושל דגיםBIVARIN SHEL CHAYAH V'SHEL OFOS V'SHEL DAGIM- vivarium, an enclosure in which live animals (or fish or birds) are kept (O.F. vivier - fish-pond)

19)[line 15]ביזליBIZLEI- see next entry

20)[line 15]פיסקי בגיPISKEI BAGEI- parts of fields that are separated from the city by rocks or very hard soil

21)[line 24]בנותBANOS- surrounding villages

22)[line 24]היה לה חלק אחד בים וחלק אחד ביבשהHAYAH LAH CHELEK ECHAD BA'YAM V'CHELEK ECHAD BA'YABASHAH- (a) if it had one part [of the city] in the sea (an island) and one part (the main part of the city) on land; (b) if it had one part (i.e. a suburb) in the sea (an island) and one part (a suburb) on land (separated from the main part of the city)

23a)[line 26]הא דנגיח קאיהי לגוHA D'NEGI'ACH KA'IHI L'GAV- this refers to a case where their outlet runs (lit. breaks through, flows over) inside [of the city]

b)[line 27]לברL'VAR- outside [of the city]

24)[line 27]המוקצין הימנהHA'MUKTZIN HEIMENAH- that are specifically not reserved for it

25)[line 28]הקניםKANIM- reeds (used as props for grapevines)

26)[line 29]חיצת הקניםCHITZAS HA'KANIM- (O.F. troche - cluster) a thicket of reeds

27)[line 30]פחותה מבית רובעPECHUSAH MI'BEIS ROVA - less than an area of a Beis Rova [ha'Kav] (MEASUREMENTS OF AREA: BEIS ROVA)

(a)The following is a list of measures of volume used in the Mishnah and Gemara:

1.1 Kor (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in

2.1 Lesech = 15 Se'in

3.1 Eifah = 3 Se'in

4.1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin

5.1 Tarkav (= Trei v'Kav, or 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin

6.1 Kav = 4 Lugin

7.1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim

8.1 Beitzah = 2 or 3 k'Zeisim, according to the varying opinions

9.In today's terms, 1 Rova (1/4 Kav) = 0.3, 0.345 or 0.6 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

(b)A Beis Rova is a parcel of land in which 1/4 Kav of grain is normally planted. Since two Se'ah of grain can be planted in 5,000 square Amos, the area of a Beis Rova is approximately 10 1/4 x 10 square Amos (or more exactly, 104.17 square Amos). This is equivalent to 21.65, 24 or 34.56 square meters, according to the various opinions.

28)[line 30]השומירה שאינה עשיה בטיטSHOMEIRAH SHE'EINAH ASUYAH B'TIT- a watchman's hut that is not covered with mortar

29)[line 31]החרוב שאינו מורכבCHARUV SHE'EINO MURKAV- a carob tree that has not been grafted

30)[line 31]בתולת השקמהBESULAS HA'SHIKMAH- a young sycamore tree (or Egyptian fig; even though it produces fruit, the fruit is inferior and thus the tree is considered an Ilan Serak, as the Mishnah says in Kela'im 6:4; see TOSFOS YOM TOV there) that has never been trimmed

31)[last line]סדן השקמהSEDEN HA'SHIKMAH- a thick sycamore tree that has been trimmed at least once