[78a - 37 lines; 78b - 34 lines]

1)[line 2]ס"תS"T- Sefer Torah

2)[line 3]אמרו לו, "לא אמרו אלא את אלו"AMRU LO, "LO AMRU ELA ES ELU"- they (the Chachamim who argue with Rebbi Yehudah, Mishnah Bava Metzia 54b) said to him (Rebbi Yehudah), "They (the earlier Sages) said that only these things (slaves, loan documents and real estate) [are not subject to the laws of Ona'ah (see Background to Bava Basra 77:20)]"

3)[line 6]בכדי שהדעת טועהBI'CHEDEI SHEHA'DA'AS TO'EH- within a reasonable margin of error

4a)[line 12]מכור לי חמורך זהMECHOR LI CHAMORCHA ZEH- "Sell me your donkey; this one [as it is]."

b)[line 13]חמורך הואCHAMORCHA HU- "[Sell me] this donkey [if it] is yours."

5a)[line 14]בשקSAK- a sack

b)[line 14]ודיסקיאDISKIYA- a double sack, where the receptacles are suspended on either side of the donkey since they are connected over the back of the donkey

c)[line 15]וכומניKUMNI- see below, entry #7

6a)[line 17]אוכףUKAF- a saddle

b)[line 17]ומרדעתMIRDA'AS- a saddle pad that is made to support a load on an animal's back, or to keep it warm

c)[line 17]קילקליKILKELI- (O.F. cengle) the strap that passes under the body of a horse or donkey to fasten the saddle onto its back (see RABEINU GERSHOM and RASHI to Shabbos 64a, where they use the Old French word "peitral" for Kilkeli and "cengle" for Chevek)

d)[line 17]וחבקCHEVEK- (O.F. peitral) the breast-strap of a harness

7)[line 28]מרכבתא דנשיMERKAVTA D'NASHEI- a saddle or seat used for travelling women


8)[line 10][סימן זגם נתן][SIMAN ZaGaM NaSaN]- a mnemonic device to remember the names of the Tana'im that follow. It stands for: Rebbi Eliezer (R"E in our Gemara), Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, Rebbi Meir, Rebbi Nasan, Sumchus, and Nachum ha'Madi.

9a)[line 12]בית הבדBEIS HA'BAD- an oil press

b)[line 13]הקורהKORAH- the thick, heavy beam of the oil press [with which the olives are pressed]

10)[line 14]הסנטרSANTAR- (a) the Bar Machvanisa - (i) the servant appointed to record and indicate property boundaries (RASHBAM to Bava Basra 68a); (ii) a sentry; the guard of the city (RABEINU CHANANEL ibid.) (1st explanation cited by the Gemara ibid.); (b) fields surrounding the city (2nd explanation cited by the Gemara ibid.)

11)[line 15]ביצית ודוגיתBITZIS V'DUGIS- (O.F. cochet or buce) types of rowboats

12)[line 19]הסיחSEYACH- foal, young donkey

13a)[line 20]אשפהASHPAH- a garbage heap

b)[line 20]זבלהZIVLAH- its refuse

14)[line 20]כוורתKAVERES- a beehive

15)[line 21]שובךSHOVACH- a dovecote

16)[line 23]מניקהMENIKAH- nursing (the animal is a nursing mother)

17)[line 25]שמהלך אחר סיחה נאהSHE'MEHALECH ACHAR SICHAH NA'AH- that is led by (lit. walks after) soft, pleasant speech or mere hints

18)[line 25]"עַל כֵּן יֹאמְרוּ הַמּוֹשְׁלִים בּוֹאוּ חֶשְׁבּוֹן; תִּבָּנֶה וְתִכּוֹנֵן עִיר סִיחוֹן""AL KEN YOMERU HA'MOSHELIM, 'BO'U CHESHBON; TIBANEH V'SIKONEN IR SICHON'"- "Therefore those who speak in proverbs say, 'Come to Cheshbon; let the city of Sichon be built and prepared'" (Bamidbar 21:27).

19)[line 26]המושלים ביצרםHA'MOSHLIM B'YITZRAM- those who rue over their evil inclinations

20)[line 26]בואו ונחשב חשבונו של עולםBO'U U'NECHASHEV CHESHBONO SHEL OLAM- Come, let us make the calculation of [how to act in] this world

21a)[line 27]הפסד מצוהHEFSED MITZVAH- the [financial] loss [incurred when engaging in or because] of a Mitzvah

b)[line 27]כנגד שכרהK'NEGED SECHARAH- in comparison to the [infinite] reward [for it in the World to Come]

22a)[line 27]ושכר עבירהSECHAR AVEIRAH- the [financial or otherwise physical] reward of [engaging in] a sin

b)[line 27]כנגד הפסידהK'NEGED HEFSEDAH- in comparison to the [infinite] loss [because of it in the World to Come]

23)[line 29]כעירAYIR- foal of a donkey

24)[line 29]"כִּי אֵשׁ יָצְאָה מֵחֶשְׁבּוֹן לֶהָבָה מִקִּרְיַת סִיחוֹן; אָכְלָה עָר מוֹאָב בַּעֲלֵי בָּמוֹת אַרְנוֹן""KI ESH YATZ'AH ME'CHESHBON, LEHAVAH MI'KIRYAS SICHON; ACHELAH AR MOAV, BA'ALEI BAMOS ARNON"- "For a fire has come forth from Cheshbon, a flame from the city of Sichon; it consumed [the people who lived in the province of] Ar [that is part of the land] of Moav, [and] the lords of the heights of Arnon" (Bamidbar 21:28).

25)[line 31]שִׂיחִיןSICHIN- bushes or trees

26)[line 32]גסי הרוחGASEI HA'RU'ACH- haughty people

27)[line 33]רםRAM- lofty [One] (i.e. HaSh-m)

28)[last line]"וַנִּירָם אָבַד חֶשְׁבּוֹן עַד דִּיבוֹן; וַנַּשִּׁים עַד נֹפַח אֲשֶׁר עַד מֵידְבָא""VA'NIRAM AVAD CHESHBON, AD DIVON; VA'NASHIM AD NOFACH, ASHER AD MEDEVAH"- "Their sovereignty over Cheshbon was lost, it was removed from Divon; and we have laid waste [to the land] until Nofach, which reaches until Medevah" (Bamidbar 21:30).