[132a - 26 lines; 132b - 22 lines]

1)[line 1]דניחא ליה דלישתמעון מִלָּהּD'NICHA LEI D'LISHTAM'UN MILAH- for it is pleasing to him that her words will be heeded (that his wife will be treated with respect)

2)[line 2]הא קאי איהוHA KAI IHU- but he is alive (and they will respect her out of reverence for him)

3)[line 4]פירות נכסיו לאשתוPEIROS NECHASAV L'ISHTO- [when a man writes a gift to his wife, giving] the produce of his property to his wife (in such a case, the gift does not annul or diminish in any way what the woman is entitled to take as the payment for her Kesuvah)

4)[line 5]למחצה לשליש ולרביעL'MECHETZEH LI'SHLISH UL'REVI'A- [when a man writes a gift to his wife, giving to her] a half, a third, or a quarter [of his property (RASHBAM)]

5a)[line 8]תקרע מתנתהTIKARA MATANASAH- she rips up the gift

b)[line 8]ותעמוד על כתובתהV'SA'AMOD AL KESUVASAH- and she remains with the Kesuvah (since her Kesuvah predates the debt)

6)[line 10]ונמצאת קרחת מכאן ומכאןNIMTZEIS KARACHAS MI'KAN UMI'KAN- it turns out that she is "bald" on both ends (as she has forfeited her Kesuvah because of the gift, and she has lost the gift because of the debt that predates it)

7)[line 11]רבי יהודה הנחתוםREBBI YEHUDAH HA'NACHTOM- Rebbi Yehudah, the baker

8)[line 12]בבת אחותי כלהBAS ACHOSI KALAH- my sister's daughter, who was married to my son

9)[line 16]מוקי לה בכולהוMUKI LAH B'CHULHU- he establishes that the Beraisa (which says that when one gives his property to his wife as a gift, the gift takes effect and he is not merely making her a caretaker of his property) is referring to any of the abovementioned cases (listed at the end of 131b), in which the woman acquires the property and is not merely being appointed as a caretaker

10)[line 18]בתר אומדנאBASAR UMDENA- [is this to say that Rav Nachman does not] follow an assessment [of the person's intention based on the circumstances]

11a)[line 22]דתיפוק עלה קלאD'SEIPUK ALAH KOLA- that the word gets out [that she is a trustworthy and prominent person who could be trusted with a large gift, and thus others will give her honor; because of this benefit, the woman agrees to forego her Kesuvah]

b)[line 23]דכתבינהו ניהלה להנהו נכסיםD'CHASVINHU NIHALAH L'HANAHU NECHASIM- that he wrote to her (as a gift) this property

12)[line 25]במזכה להן על ידהBI'MEZAKEH LAHEN AL YADAH- [the case is when] he grants [the property] to them (his sons) through her (that is, he uses her kerchief to make the Kinyan; see Background to Bava Metzia 10:6 - ZACHIN L'ADAM SHE'LO B'FANAV)

13)[line 25]במחלק לפניהBI'MECHALEK LEFANEHA- [the case is when] he apportions [his property to his sons] in front of her [and she remains silent and does not protest]

14)[last line]טלי קרקע זו בכתובתיךTELI KARKA ZO BI'CHESUVASICH- take this land as payment for your Kesuvah (even though it is not equal to the value of the Kesuvah)


15)[line 1]ומקולי כתובה שנו כאןMI'KULEI KESUVAH SHANU KAN- they taught here [one of] the leniencies of a Kesuvah [over a normal debt]; in the case of a Kesuvah, a woman foregoes her rights to collect the Kesuvah in the ways mentioned in our Gemara (even though she does not specifically state that she foregoes), because her primary interest is being married, and she is willing to forego her Kesuvah in order to please her husband. In a case of a normal debt, the lender - who is doing a favor for the borrower - certainly does not forego the money owed to him until he explicitly declares so.

16)[line 13]בבריא היאך?B'VARI HEI'ACH?- In the case of a person in good health [who grants a parcel of land to his wife when distributing his property to his sons], how do we rule?

17)[line 16]פלגא לברת ופלגא לברת, ותילתא לאיתת בפיריPALGA LI'VERAS U'FALGA LI'VERAS, V'TILSA LI'ITAS B'FEIRI- half [of the land is granted] to one daughter, and half [of the land is granted] to the other daughter, and a third of the produce to the wife

18)[line 19]דקל אחד לפירותיוDEKEL ECHAD L'FEIROSAV- one tree for its fruit (i.e. she is granted the rights to eat the fruit of the tree until the tree dries up)

19)[line 20]דאקני לה בגופה דארעאD'AKNI LAH B'GUFA D'AR'A- [in a case in which] he granted a her a portion of the actual land

20)[line 21]מטלטלי ודאי לא קאמינאMETALTELEI VADAI LO KA AMINA- I certainly was not talking about mobile objects

21)[line 21]תִּלְתָא לברת וְתִלְתָא לברת וְתִלְתָא לאיתתTILSA LI'VERAS U'TILSA LI'VERAS U'TILSA L'ITAS- a third [of the property] to one daughter, and a third to another daughter, and a third to the wife

22)[last line]שכיבא חדא מבנתיהSHECHIVA CHADA MI'BANTEI- one of the daughters died

23)[last line]לא שקלא אלא תִּלְתָאLO SHAKLA ELA TILSA- she (the wife) takes only a third (as payment for her Kesuvah)