[146a - 35 lines; 146b - 32 lines]

1)[line 3]שנוי וסת תחלת חוליSHINUY VESES TECHILAS CHOLI- a change in one's regular pattern [of eating] is the beginning of diseases (and some have the Girsa (as is recorded in Nedarim 37b, Kesuvos 110b and Dikdukei Sofrim here, #70) תחלת חולי מעיים TECHILAS CHOLI ME'AYIM - the beginning of bowel diseases - RASHBAM)

2)[line 4]בספר בן סיראSEFER BEN SIRA- an ancient work, part of the Apocrypha, written approximately 320 BCE. According to tradition, Ben Sira was a son of the prophet Yirmeyahu.

3a)[line 5]בשפל גגים גגוBI'SHEFAL GAGIM GAGO- at the lowest part of the roofs is his roof

b)[line 5]ממטר גגים לגגוMI'METAR GAGIM L'GAGO- the other roofs spill forth [rain water] onto his roof (causing a constant state of dampness and mold)

4a)[line 6]ברום הרים כרמוB'RUM HARIM KARMO- at the height of mountains is his vineyard (since that is the only vineyard he can afford, as it is cheap due to its inferior quality)

b)[line 6]מעפר כרמו לכרמיםME'AFAR KARMO LI'CHERAMIM- his vineyard fertilizes the other vineyards (the rain carries his fertilizer and the fertile soil from his vineyard down to the lower vineyards)

5)[line 7]סבלונותSAVLONOS- the gifts that a man sends to his fianc? (see Insights regarding whether there is a difference between gifts sent before they are betrothed and gifts sent after they are betrothed)

6)[line 7]לבית חמיוBEIS CHAMIV- the house of his father-in-law

7)[line 9]אינן נגביןEINAN NIGVIN- they (the gifts that he sent) cannot be collected (by the Chasan or his heirs in the event that he dies, she dies, or he retracts)

8)[line 15]שגר לוSHAGAR LO- he (the father-in-law or his family) sent to him (the Chasan, and the Chasan did not eat the Dinar's worth of food in the father-in-law's house)

9)[line 17]קרונותKERONOS- wagons (wagonloads)

10)[line 18]כלי מילתKELEI MEILAS- clothes of fine wool (Targum and Rashi to Yechezkel 27:18) (This is evident from the Gemara in Shabbos 54a and the Targum to Yechezkel 27:18. See Rashi to Bava Metzia 78b, DH b'Tlei Kesef, and Rashash there.)

11)[line 18]ורכבV'RACHAV- and he rode

12)[line 19]כוס של חמיןKOS SHEL CHAMIN- a cup of a hot drink

13)[line 19]העלה רבי אחא שר הבירהHE'ELAH REBBI ACHA SAR HA'BIRAH- Rebbi Acha, the Minister of the Palace (this was his title - RASHI to Kesuvos 88a) brought up [this Halachah to the Chachamim in Usha)

14)[line 20]לאושאUSHA- Usha, a city in the western part of the lower Galilee. It was one of the ten places to which the Sanhedrin was exiled at the time of the destruction of the second Beis ha'Mikdash.

15)[line 20]העשוין ליבלותHE'ASUYIN LI'BALOS- that are made to wear out (and perish)

16)[line 22]שחקי ליה מרגניתאSHACHAKEI LEI MARGENISA- they ground up a pearl/gem

17)[line 22]ואשקיהASHKEI- they gave him to drink

18)[line 24]שישלשSHE'YESHALESH- divide proportionately (that is, if the rule is, as Rava states, that a Chasan forfeits the right to retrieve the Savlonos gifts when he eats a Dinar's worth of food at the feast that his Kalah's family makes for him, does he forfeit half of the gifts when he eats half of a Dinar's worth of food, and a third of the gifts if he eats only a third of a Dinar's worth of food, or does he not forfeit anything (and he receives it all in return) if he eats anything less than a Dinar's worth?)

19)[line 24]שבח סבלונותSHEVACH SAVLONOS- additional value produced by the Savlonos (such as calves born to cows that were given as Savlonos gifts)

20)[line 24]דאי איתנהוD'IY ISNEHU- since if they (the Savlonos) are still in existence (and did not wear out)

21)[line 24]לדידיה הדריL'DIDEI HADREI- they are returned to him

22)[line 25]ברשותיה שבוחBI'RESHUSEI SHAVU'ACH- they increased in value while in his possession

23)[line 30]תרגמה רבאTIRGEMAH RAVA- Rava explained it [as follows]

24)[line 30]בייבא וסבכתאBEIVA (BEICHA) V'SAVACHTA- a hair-net and cap (small, inexpensive, and insignificant items)

25)[line 32]בעצרתATZERES- the festival of Shavuos

26)[line 33]חשיבותאCHASHIVUSA- the importance (alt. שבחא SHIVCHA - the praiseworthiness - RASHBAM)

27)[line 33]טענתיה טענהTA'ANASEI TA'ANAH- his claim is a valid claim (if the Chasan claims that he sent new wine and oil to his Kalah's home at Shavuos, his claim is believed and we do not say that it is impossible that wine and oil could have been ready so early in the year)

28)[line 34]תותרניתTOTRANIS- a woman with a lack of sense of smell

29)[last line]לחורבהCHURVAH- a ruined building

30)[last line]ריח צנון אני מריח בגלילREI'ACH TZENON ANI MERI'ACH BA'GALIL- the odor of a radish I do smell in Galil! (According to the first explanation of the RASHBAM, he actually brought in a radish, hidden in his clothes, and he wanted to see if she agreed with him when he said that he smelled the odor of radish. According to the second explanation of the Rashbam, he brought in dates, and not a radish, and he wanted to test her by saying that he smelled the odor of radish.)


31)[line 1](מן) [מאן] מאן יהיב לן מכותבות דיריחוMAN YAHIV LAN MI'KOSEVOS DI'YERICHO?- Who will give to us some of the [sweet] dates of Yericho? (According to the first explanation of the RASHBAM, she agreed that she smelled radish, and she was asking for sweet dates to counter the bitter taste of the radish. According to the second explanation of the Rashbam, she said that she did not smell a radish, but rather that she smelled dates.)

32)[line 3]הואיל ולא נכנס אחריה אלא לבודקהHO'IL V'LO NICHNAS ACHAREHA ELA L'VODKAH- since he did not go into [the ruin] after her except with the intention to check her (see Insights)

33)[line 7]הדר הואHADAR HU- or he retracted (the proper Girsa is "בין הדר ביה איהו" "BEIN HADAR BEI IHU" (whether he retracted) or "אפילו הדר ביה איהו" "AFILU HADAR BEI IHU" (even if he retracted), - DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #50)

34)[line 9]כישא דירקאKISHA D'YARKA- a bundle of vegetables

35)[line 10]ושמין להן דמי בשר בזולSHAMIN LAHEN DEMEI VASAR BEZOL- we appraise for them [the amount that they must pay to the Chasan for the gifts of meat which he sent and which they consumed at] the bargain price of meat, which is two thirds the regular price

36)[line 11]עד תילתאAD TILTA- until a third [less than the regular price, i.e. two thirds of the regular price]

37)[line 12]שכיב מרעSHECHIV MERA

(a)A Shechiv Mera is a person lying on his deathbed. Normally, in order to transfer one's possessions to someone else, a proper Kinyan must be executed (such as Hagbahah, or Chazakah), which will later be written in a Shtar. The Chachamim instituted that a Shechiv Mera may effect a Kinyan and transfer his property by simply requesting verbally that the transfer take place (see Insights to Bava Basra 147a). If he recovers, the Kinyan is not valid, because it is clear that he executed the Kinyan only because he thought that he was going to die.

(b)Rebbi Elazar (Daf 156a) argues and maintains that the Chachamim did not make such an enactment, but rather that a Shechiv Mera may transfer his property only with a proper Kinyan, like a healthy person. (According to some Rishonim there (see TOSFOS DH Rebbi Elazar), Rebbi Elazar agrees that such a verbal Kinyan of a Shechiv Mera is valid when made on Shabbos, when it is not possible to write a Shtar and when the Shechiv Mera's condition might worsen if he is worried that he will not be able to make the Kinyan before he dies.)

38)[line 13]ושייר קרקע כל שהואSHIYER KARKA KOL SHE'HU- if he left over for himself any amount of land

39)[line 15]דאזלינן בתר אומדנאD'AZLINAN BASAR UMDENA- that we follow (lit. go after) an assessment [of the person's intention based on the circumstances]

40)[line 21](שאלמלא) [שאלמלי](SHE'ILMALEI) [SHE'ILMALEY]- for had he known (when spelled with an Alef at the end, it denotes the negative (for had he not known); when spelled with a Yud at the end, it denotes the positive - TOSFOS to Megilah 21a)

41)[line 23]היוצא בקולרHA'YOTZEI V'KOLAR- one who is being led out in a collar (a [Roman] prisoner's band or chain around the neck) to be executed

42)[line 25]המפרשHA'MEFARESH- one who sets out on a sea voyage

43)[line 25]והיוצא בשייראHA'YOTZEI B'SHEYARA- one who sets out on a journey with a caravan

44)[line 27]המסוכןHA'MESUKAN- one who is deathly ill [and about to die] (this word is synonymous to Shechiv Mera for the purposes of our Gemara)

45)[line 30]אומדנא דמוכח שאניUMDENA D'MUCHACH SHANI- a clear, indubitable Umdena is different (and in such a case no one would argue)