
TOSFOS DH Bechor Ba'al Mum she'Talash Mimenu

úåñôåú ã"ä áëåø áòì îåí ùúìù îîðå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why here it does not say that he put it in the window.)

äëà ìà ÷úðé åäðéçå áçìåï


Implied question: Why didn't it teach here that he put it in the window?

îùåí ãøùò äåà ùúåìù åãòúå ìéäðåú ìàìúø àáì áðùø ÷úðé åäðéçå áçìåï:


Answer: He is a Rasha. He detached and intends to benefit from it immediately. However, when it fell by itself, it teaches that he put it in the window.


TOSFOS DH d'Tana Kama Savar Iy Hitiru Iyn Iy Lo Lo

úåñôåú ã"ä ãúðà ÷îà ñáø àé äúéøå àéï àé ìà ìà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why R. Yosi said that perhaps there is hope.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãëéåï ãúøéöðà ìòéì ãëì äéëà ãìà äúéøå îåîçä úí ÷øé ìéä àí ëï ñéôà ã÷øé ìéä áòì îåí îééøé (áìà äúøú) [ö"ì áäúéøå - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] îåîçä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Since we answered above that whenever an expert did not permit, it is called Tam, if so, the Seifa, which calls it a Ba'al Mum, discusses when an expert permitted it.

å÷ùéà ìôéøåùå ãäà ãúéøõ äëé ìòéì äééðå ëé äéëé ãàéúå÷í ìøéù ì÷éù ëëåìé òìîà


Question: It answered so above so that Reish Lakish will be established like everyone;

àáì äùúà ãöøëéðï ìåîø îîä ðôùê ëúðàé îñúáøà ìåîø àéôëà ãúäåé îéìúéä (ëúðà) [ö"ì ãúðà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ÷îà ëôùèéä


However, now that we need to say that no matter what you will say, Tana'im argue about this, presumably, we should say oppositely, so the first Tana's teaching will be like its simple meaning!

åðøàä ìôøù ãñåáø äù''ñ òëùéå îùåí ã÷àîø ø' éåñé ùîà éù ú÷åä ùòì ñîê äùçéèä ìà äéä àåîø ëê ùæä áéãå åàéï ëàï ùîà


Explanation #2: Now, [the Gemara] holds that because R. Yosi said [to put the wool in the window, for] perhaps there is hope [that it will be permitted], he would not say so if he relies on Shechitah [to permit it], for this is b'Yado, and this is not "perhaps"!

àáì áäúøú îåîçä ÷àîø ùîà éù ú÷åä ùéæã÷÷ ìå çëí ìäúéøå åàéï æä ëì ëê ãáø áøåø ãîé ééîø ãîæã÷÷ ìéä îåîçä


Rather, for Heter of an expert he said "perhaps there is hope" that a Chacham will consent to [inspect it and] permit it. This is not so clear [that the Heter will come], for who says that the Chacham will agree?

åî''î áîñ÷ðà ÷àîø ùîà éù ú÷åä ã÷îééøé áùçéèä


Remark: In any case, in the conclusion "perhaps there is hope" discusses [Heter through] Shechitah.


TOSFOS DH ha'Tolesh Tzemer me'Olah Temimah

úåñôåú ã"ä äúåìù öîø îòåìä úîéîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Pidyon of the wool.)

éù ôéøåù îøù''é ùëúåá áäí ùäåîîä åàç''ë ðôãéú åùçèä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): It became blemished, and afterwards it was redeemed, and he slaughtered it.

îùîò ùäòîéãä ëï ëãé ùúäà ëòéï áëåø àìà ùäúìéùä äéúä áúîåú


Inference: He established it so will be like [the case of] a Bechor, but the detaching [of the wool] was while it was Tam.

åúéîä åäà áòé äàé öîø äòîãä åäòøëä åàéï îåòéì ìöîø äòîãú äáäîä ëãîåëç áô' øàùéú äâæ (çåìéï ÷ìä.) âáé äà ã÷àîø äúí ãàéï øàùéú äâæ ðåäâ á÷ãùéí îùåí ãëúéá öàðê åìà ùì ä÷ãù


Question: This wool needs Ha'amadah and Ha'a'rachah (evaluation for Pidyon), like is proven in Chulin (135a) regarding what it says there that Reishis ha'Gez does not apply to Kodshim, for it says "Tzoncha", and not of Hekdesh;

åîå÷é ìä ìîòåèé ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú åôøéê åäà áòé äòîãä åäòøëä


We establish it to exclude Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis, and [the Gemara] asks "it needs Ha'amadah and Ha'a'rachah!"

åé''ì ãñáéøà ìéä ëø''ì ãàéú ìéä áô''á ãúîåøä (ãó ìá:) ìøáðï ã÷ãùé îæáç ìà äéå áëìì äòîãä åäòøëä


Answer #1: [R. Zeira] holds like Reish Lakish, who holds in Temurah (32b) that according to Rabanan, Ha'amadah and Ha'a'rachah do not apply to Kodshei Mizbe'ach.

åäëé ðîé àùëçï øá ãñáø ëååúéä áô' ùðé (ìòéì èå.)


Support: We find that also Rav holds like him above (15a).

åòåã é''ì ã÷ãùé îæáç ùéù òìéäí ÷ãåùú äâåó áèì äöîø àâá äáäîä àôéìå àåúå ùðúìù åáø äòîãä åäòøëä çùéá åìà ãîé ì÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú


Answer #2: Kodshei Mizbe'ach, which have Kedushas ha'Guf, the wool is Batel to the animal, even what was detached. We consider Ha'amadah and Ha'a'rachah to apply to it. It is unlike Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis.

à''ð çùéá äàé öîø ëáòì îåí îòé÷øà


Answer #3: This wool is like a Ba'al Mum from the beginning [it does not need Ha'amadah and Ha'a'rachah like Stam Kodshei Mizbe'ach do].

åëï ùåôø ùì òåìä ìà éú÷ò åàí ú÷ò éöà îùåí ãëéåï ãîòì ðô÷ ìçåìéï ëã÷àîø áôø÷ øàåäå á''ã (ø''ä ëç.) îùîò ãùééê áéä ôãéåï


Support: Similarly, one may not blow Teki'os with a Shofar of an Olah. If he blew, he was Yotzei, for since he was Mo'el, it became Chulin, like it says in Rosh Hashanah (28a). This implies that Pidyon applies to it!

(åòåã éù ìôøù ùåôø ùì òåìä ùäå÷ãùä äáäîä ìãîé òåìä åùåôø ùìîéí ùäå÷ãùä äáäîä ìãîé ùìîéí åãéðä ëùìîéí òöîï åàéï áä îòéìä ëã÷àîø áô''á ãôñçéí (ãó ëæ:) áòöé ùìîéí òñ÷éðï - öàï ÷ãùéí îåç÷å îëàï åâåøñ àåúå ìîèä) åîéäå ÷ùä áäê ãùîòúéï ãëéåï ãáòé äöîø ôãéåï äéëé ùééê ìîéâæø ãìîà îùäé ìéä åäà öøéê ìôãåúå (ãîä) [ö"ì áùåéå åîä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äéä îøåéç


Question: Our Sugya is difficult. Since wool needs Pidyon, how is it applicable a decree lest people delay [Shechitah]? One must redeem it for its value. How does he profit [through delaying? With the redemption money, he could buy wool in the market!]

å÷öú äéä ðøàä ìôøù ãàééøé áòåìä åðùçèä ìîæáç ùæøé÷ú äãí îúøú áùøä ìîæáç åäòåø ìëäðéí åîáòéà ìéä áöîø ùðúìù (àé îùúøé) [ö"ì ãîùúøé - îùîøåú ëäåðä] ðîé áäëé


Explanation #2: It seems somewhat to explain that we discuss an Olah that was slaughtered for the Mizbe'ach. Zerikas Dam permits the meat to the Mizbe'ach and the skin to Kohanim. [R. Zeira] asks about wool that was detached, which is also permitted through [Zerikah, mid'Oraisa. He asks whether we decree lest one delay.]

[ö"ì åäà ãàîøéðï áùåôø ùì òåìä ìà éú÷ò - öàï ÷ãùéí]


Implied question: We said that one may not be Toke'a with a Shofar of an Olah! (Tzon Kodoshim - R. Zeira should learn from there to wool! Alternatively, Tosfos also asks why Me'ilah applies to it. Zerikah should permit it mid'Oraisa, just like the skin! - PF)

[ö"ì éù ìôøù ùåôø ùì òåìä ùäå÷ãùä äáäîä ìãîé òåìä åùåôø ùìîéí ùäå÷ãùä äáäîä ìãîé ùìîéí åãéðä ëùìîéí òöîï åàéï áä îòéìä ëã÷àîø áô''á ãôñçéí (ãó ëæ:) áòöé ùìîéí òñ÷éðï - öàï ÷ãùéí]


Answer: We can explain "Shofar of an Olah" is when the animal was Hukdash for Demei (it will be sold, and the money will be used to buy an) Olah. "A Shofar of a Shelamim" is from an animal Hukdash for Demei Shelamim, and it has no Me'ilah, like it says in Pesachim (27b) "we discuss wood of Shelamim."

àáì ôìåâúà ãàîåøàé äéà áôø÷ äîæáç î÷ãù (æáçéí ôå.) áòöîåú ùôøùå ìôðé æøé÷ä ãøáé æéøà ñáø ãæøé÷ä îúéøúï àôéìå ì÷úà ãðøâé åçöéðé


Observation: However, Amora'im argue about this in Zevachim (86a) about bones that separated before Zerikah. R. Zeira holds that Zerikah permits them, even for a handle of an ax or scythe.

å÷àîø äúí (ëøáé) [ö"ì åôìéâé àãø' - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] àìòæø ãàîø øáé àìòæø ôøùå ìôðé æøé÷ä îåòìéï áäí åôéøù ùí á÷åðèøñ ãîåòìéï ìòåìí àó ìàçø æøé÷ä åëì ùëï ãàéðä îúøú îä ùôéøù îçééí


And it says there that he argues with R. Elazar, for R. Elazar taught that if they separated before Zerikah, Me'ilah applies to them, and Rashi explained that Me'ilah always applies, even after Zerikah, and all the more so [Zerikah] does not permit what separated in its lifetime.

åîéäå éù ñôøéí ãâøñé äúí ëøáé àìòæø ãàîø ø' àìòæø ôøùå ìôðé æøé÷ä îåòìéï áäï òã æøé÷ä ëå


Remark: However, some texts say there "this is like R. Elazar, for R. Elazar taught that if they separated before Zerikah, Me'ilah applies to them until Zerikah..."


TOSFOS DH Tolesh Mi Ika Man d'Shari

úåñôåú ã"ä úåìù îé àéëà îàï ãùøé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we assume that it is forbidden.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ àìéáà ãøáðï äà ååãàé øùò äåà


Explanation (Rashi): [Does anyone permit] according to Rabanan? Surely he is a Rasha!

îùîò ãìò÷áéà àôùø ãîåúø àó òì ôé ùäàîú äåà ãìò÷áéà ðîé àñåø áúí ëãîåëç áøééúà ãäúåìù öîø îáëåø úí


Inference: According to Akavya, it is possible that it is permitted, even though the truth is that also according to Akavya, it is forbidden with a Tam, like is proven in the Beraisa of one who is Tolesh wool from a Tam Bechor;

îëì î÷åí ôéøù ëê á÷åðèøñ ùàôéìå ìà ùîéòà ìéä áøééúà ãáø ôùåè äåà ãîéäà ìøáðï ãúåìù àñåø:


In any case Rashi explained so, that even if he did not hear the Beraisa, it is obvious that according to Rabanan, if he was Tolesh it is forbidden.



TOSFOS DH b'Dakah Sheloshim Yom

úåñôåú ã"ä áã÷ä ùìùéí éåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that we find like this regarding an Aveidah.)

ëé äê ôìåâúà àéëà ìòðéï èéôåì àáãä (á''î ãó ëç)


Observation: There is a Plugta like this regarding how long one must take care of an Aveidah (Bava Metzi'a 28b. Ohr ha'Yashar explains that Plugta refers to a distinction between small and large animals.)


TOSFOS DH Mele'ascha v'Dim'acha Lo Se'acher Ken Ta'aseh l'Shorecha

úåñôåú ã"ä îìàúê åãîòê ìà úàçø ëï úòùä ìùåøê

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is 50 days.)

ãäééðå ð' éîéí îéåí äáàú äòåîø áôñç (ùâîø) [ö"ì ùàæ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] æîï áéùåì äúáåàä òã äòöøú ùîáéàéï ùúé äìçí ìäúéø çãù áî÷ãù


Explanation: This is 50 days, from the day of bringing the Omer on [the second day of] Pesach, for then the grain ripens, until Shavu'os, when we bring Shtei ha'Lechem to permit Chadash in the Mikdash.

åà''ú äàé áéåí çîùéí äåà åìà äåé ëòéï áëåø áðéê åöàðê úúï ìé ãìàçø ùìùéí


Question: There it is on the 50th day. This is unlike "Bechor Banecha v'Tzonecha Titen Li", which is after 30!

[ö"ì åé"ì ãáëåøé éçéã ìà îééúé òã ìàçø òöøú - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Answer: We must say that individuals do not bring Bikurim until after Shavu'os (after the 50th day).


TOSFOS DH v'Chi Teima Misah Lo Talmud Lomar v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åëé úéîà îéúä ìà úìîåã ìåîø åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that he is not truly Chayav Misah.)

ìàå ãå÷à ãìà çùéá ìä áôø÷ àìå äï äðùøôéï (ñðäãøéï ôâ.) áäãé àìå ùáîéúä àìà ÷øåá äåà [ìòåï] îéúä


Observation: This is not precise, for this is not considered in Sanhedrin (83a) among those who are Chayav Misah! Rather, it is close to an Aveirah of Misah.


TOSFOS DH Dilma Asi Le'afrushei Min ha'Patur Al ha'Chiyuv v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãìîà àúé ìàôøåùé îï äôèåø òì äçéåá ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that sometimes we are not concerned for this.)

áëîä î÷åîåú àîøéðï úøåîä åéçæåø åéúøåí åìà âæøéðï


Implied question: In several places we say that it is Terumah, and he takes Terumah again, and we do not decree!

äúí ëéåï ùäúøåîä øàùåðä ìëäï îéãò éãò ãùðéä ãøáðï åàôéìå ðúï äøàùåðä ëáø ìëäï ÷åãí ùéàîø ìå çëí ìçæåø åìúøåí î''î îãàéï äëäï îçæéø ìå àú äøàùåðä îéãò éãò ãùðéä ãøáðï äéà


Answer: There, since the first Terumah is for the Kohen, he knows that the second is mid'Rabanan, and even if he already gave the first to a Kohen before the Chacham tells him to take Terumah again, in any case, since the Kohen does not return to him, he knows that the second is mid'Rabanan;

àáì ëàï ñáåø äåà ùðúï ìëäï áúåøú ùëø ñéåòå åîòëáä ëäï


However, here he thinks that he gave to the Kohen wages for his help, and the Kohen keeps it.

åáëîä (îëàï îãó äáà) î÷åîåú öøéê ìçì÷ áãáøéí ëé ääéà ãôñçéí áøéù î÷åí ùðäâå (ãó ðà.) âáé äðäå ãîôøùå çìúà îàøåæà ãàîøéðï ãàé øåáà ìàå àåøæ àëìé ðéëìä æø áàðôééäå ãìîà àúå ìàôøåùé îï äôèåø òì äçéåá


Observation: In several places we must distinguish between matters, like the case in Pesachim (51a) regarding the people who separated Chalah from rice. We say that if most of [the bread] that they eat is not of rice, a Zar should eat rice 'Chalah' in front of them, lest they come to separate from what is exempt (rice) on what is Chayav (the five grains. If most of their bread is of rice, a Zar should not do so, lest they not separate anything, and forget the law of Chalah.)