TOSFOS DH Iy Amrat Bishlama Mifshat Peshita Lei (cont.)
úåñôåú ã"ä àé àîøú áùìîà îéôùè ôùéèà ìéä (äîùê)
åàéëà ìî''ã àó îàëéìä áçæä åùå÷ åàîø ø''à äúí çééáéï òìéå ñ÷éìä [ëæëø]
Strengthening of question: And there is an opinion that [an Androginus Kohen] even permits [his wife] to eat Chazah v'Shok, and R. Eliezer says there that a male who has Bi'ah with [an Androginus] is stoned like [for Bi'ah with] a male!
àå ëúðàé ãáøééúåú ãáñîåê ãîîòè îäæëø èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ (àå îéúåøà) [ö"ì åîééúåøà - îéí ÷ãåùéí] îîòè ìéä
Or, [the Beraisa] is like the Tana'im of the Beraisos below, who exclude from "ha'Zachar" Tumtum and Androginus, and [the Beraisa] excludes [Androginus] from a Yitur!
åé''ì ãìôé îä ùôéøùúé ãîèòîà ãîåí ÷à îîòè ìéä ðéçà ãîéñúáø ìéä ìàå÷åîéä ëø' éùîòàì ëéåï ãëååúéä îéúå÷îà ìâîøé
Answer: According to what I explained [from Rashi], that it excludes it because it is a Mum, it is fine. He prefers to establish it like R. Yishmael, since it is totally established like him. (The latter "Zachar" teaches that it gets no Kedushah, or that a crevice in the place of flesh is a Mum.)
TOSFOS DH ha'Zachar ha'Zecharim (pertains to Daf 41b)
úåñôåú ã"ä äæëø äæëøéí (ùééê ìãó îà:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what we expound from ha'Zecharim.)
åà''ú áìà äæëøéí ðîé îöé ìîòè àðãøåâéðåñ îäæëø ëîå áñîåê ìòðéï òøëéï åáðãä áôø÷ äîôìú (ãó ëç.) âáé èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ ùøàå ìåáï àå àåãí
Question: Also without ha'Zecharim, we can exclude Androginus from ha'Zachar, like below regarding Erchin, and in Nidah (28a) regarding Tumtum and Androginus who saw white (emissions that resemble semen) or red (blood)!
åé''ì ãùîà òåã ãøùåú àçøåú éù ã÷øàé èåáà ëúéáé ááëåø ëâåï (ùîåú ìã) ëì î÷ðê úæëø åëåìäå öøéëé
Answer: Perhaps there are other Drashos, for many verses are written about Bechor, e.g. "Kol Miknecha Tizachar", and all of them are needed.
åäà ãàîøé' áô''÷ (ìòéì ãó è.) àôé' úéîà ø' éåñé äâìéìé ùàðé (äëà) [ö"ì äúí - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãëúéá äæëøéí
Implied question: We said above (9a) "you can even say that [the Mishnah about two Pitrei Chamorim born at once] is R. Yosi ha'Gelili. There (Tahor Bechoros) is different, for it says ha'Zecharim";
[åôøéê] åìâîø îéðéä äà îéòè øçîðà äæëøéí åäëà îå÷éí ìãøùà àçøéúé
[The Gemara] asks "he should learn from it!", [and answers that] ha'Zecharim excludes [Pitrei Chamorim]. Here we establish [ha'Zecharim] for another Drashah!
é''ì ãìà ñáéøà ëøáðï áúøàé ãäëà
Answer: [R. Yosi ha'Gelili] does not hold like Rabanan of the Seifa here.
TOSFOS DH Aval Tumtum Divrei ha'Kol Sefeika Hu v'Chulei (pertains to Daf 41b)
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì èåîèåí ãáøé äëì ñôé÷à äåà ëå' (ùééê ìãó îà:)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Rav Chisda's reasoning.)
ìàå îèòí ãìà àúé ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à ÷àîø øá çñãà ã÷ãåù îñôé÷à
Implied suggestion: Rav Chisda says that it is Kadosh amidst Safek, because the verse does not come to exclude a Safek.
ãâáé èåîèåí ùéù îäí æëø åéù îäí ð÷áä (ãìà) [ö"ì ìà - ÷øáï àùí, áàøåú äîéí] ùééê ëãôé' ìòéì
Rejection: Regarding Tumtum, which some of them are male, and some are female, this does not apply (it is fine if a verse excludes Safek), like I explained above (41b DH v'Asi)!
àìà ìà îéñúáø ìéä ìàå÷åîé îéòåèà áèåîèåí ãçùéá ìéä æëø âîåø àå ð÷áä âîåøä
Explanation: Rather, it is unreasonable to [Rav Chisda] to establish an exclusion for Tumtum, for he considers it a full male or a full female;
åø' éåçðï ãôìéâ òìéä ãøá çñãà ì÷îï ã÷ñáø ãáøéä äåà åàéï ÷ãåùä çìä òìéå åàôéìå ðîöà æëø
And R. Yochanan, who argues with Rav Chisda below (42b), it is because he holds that [Tumtum] is a different creation (not a male, and not a female), and Kedushah does not take effect on it, and even if it is found to be a male.
åà''ú åàîàé ìà ôøéê àøá çñãà îääéà ãøéù ëéöã îòøéîéï (úîåøä ãó ëã:) ãàí æëø é÷øá òåìä åàí ð÷áä æáçé ùìîéí ã÷àîø äúí éìãä èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ àéï ÷ãåùä çìä òìéäí
Question: Why don't we challenge Rav Chisda from [the Mishnah] in Temurah (24b, about one who was Makdish the fetus in a Korban, and said) "if it is a male, it will be offered for an Olah. If it is a female, it will be offered for a Shelamim. [R. Shimon ben Gamliel] says there that if it gave birth to a Tumtum and Androginus, they do not get Kedushah";
åîôøù äúí ã÷ñáø åìãåú ÷ãùéí áäåééúï äí ÷ãåùéí ãàé áîòé àîï äí ÷ãåùéí äà úôùéðäå ÷ãåùä ãàéîéä
It explains there that [R. Shimon ben Gamliel] holds that Vlados Kodshim become Kodesh when they are born. If [they became Kodesh] in their mother's womb, they would get the mother's Kedushah;
åìøá çñãà ãàîø èåîèåí ñôé÷à äåà éäéä èåîèåí ÷ãåù àôé' áäåééúï ÷ãåùéí ùäøé áôé' àîø àí æëø é÷øá òåìä åàí ð÷áä æáçé ùìîéí
According to Rav Chisda, who says that Tumtum is a Safek, a Tumtum would be Kodesh even if they become Kodesh when they are born, for he explicitly said that if it is a male, it will be offered for an Olah, and if it is a female, it will be offered for a Shelamim!
åàò''â ãàéëà ìîéîø ñîé îëàï èåîèåí
Suggestion: We can say "delete from here Tumtum."
(àîàé ôøéê) [ö"ì î"î àãôøéê - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áñîåê îáøééúåú ä''ì ìîéôøê îîúðé'
Rejection: Still, [it is difficult;] why does [the Gemara] ask from Beraisos? It should ask from a Mishnah!
åé''ì ãøá çñãà ôé' àéï (÷ãåùä) [ö"ì ÷ãåùú ôä - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] çìä òìéäï åî''î áäåééúï úôåì òìééäå ÷ãåùä ëîå áëì åìãåú ÷ãùéí ãëéåï ãäåé åãàé (àí) [ö"ì àå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] æëø àå ð÷áä
Answer: Rav Chisda explained that Kedushas Peh (verbal) does not take effect on them, but even so when they are born Kedushah takes effect on them, like all Vlados Kodshim, since it is Vadai a male or female.
åäà ãìà îùðé äúí àéï ÷ãåùú ôéå çìä òìéäí åìå÷îä ááäîú çåìéï ãìà ùééê ìéä ÷ãåùú àîå
Implied question: Why doesn't [the Gemara] answer that [R. Shimon ben Gamliel] means that Kedushas Piv does not take effect on them, and establish it to discuss [a fetus in] a Chulin animal, for which there is no Kedushah of the mother?
îùåí ãîùîò ìéä ã÷àé áéï àáäîä ãçåìéï áéï àáäîä ã÷ãùéí ãàééøé áä
Answer: It connotes to [the Gemara] the Mishnah discusses both a Chulin animal (i.e. mother) and a Kadosh animal.
TOSFOS DH a'Lamah Tanya ha'Zachar v'Lo Tumtum v'Androginus
úåñôåú ã"ä àìîä úðéà äæëø åìà èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses R. Yehudah's opinion.)
îééúåøà ÷ãøéù àáì îæëø ìçåãéä ìà ÷îîòè ëãàîø áñåó äîôìú (ðãä ãó ëç:) åëø' éäåãä àúéà ëãîåëç áùáú áñåó ôø÷ àí ìà äáéà ëìé (ãó ÷ìå:)
Explanation: He expounds a Yitur, but from "Zachar" alone we do not exclude [Tumtum and Androginus], like it says in Nidah (28a), and it is like R. Yehudah, like is proven in Shabbos (136b);
ãàîø øá çñãà ìà ìëì à''ø éäåãä àðãøåâéðåñ æëø äåà ùàí àúä àåîø ëï áòøëéï éòøê åúðéà äæëø åìà èåîèåí ëå' ôéøåù åñúí ñôøà ø' éäåãä äéà (ì÷îï ãó ñà.)
Citation (136b - Rav Chisda): R. Yehudah does not consider an Androginus to be male in every respect. If he did, he would have an Erech, but a Beraisa teaches that "[v'Hayah Erkecha] ha'Zachar" excludes a Tumtum [and Androginus]. I.e. and a Stam Sifra (Beraisa that expounds a verse in Vayikra) is R. Yehudah (below, 61a)!
å÷àîø ø''ð áø éöç÷ àó àðï ðîé úðéðà ã÷à''ø éäåãä ôåñì áàùä åàðãøåâéðåñ ì÷éãåù îé çèàú åîàé ùðà âáé îéìä ãëúéá (áøàùéú éæ) äîåì ìëí ëì æëø
Citation (cont. - Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): A Mishnah teaches like this! R. Yehudah disqualifies a woman and Androginus to be Mekadesh Mei Chatas (mix ashes of the Parah Adumah with the water). Why is Milah different (for this, R. Yehudah considers an Androginus to be male)? It says "Himol Lachem Kol Zachar" [to include an Androginus].
åéù ìúîåä îàé ùðà ãáòøëéï öøéê ééúåø ìîòè àðãøåâéðåñ
Question: Why is Erchin different, that [R. Yehudah] needs a Yitur to exclude Androginus...
;åá÷éãåù ìà öøéê îéòåè àìà îîòèéðï ìéä îäéëà ãîîòèéðï àùä îåðúï åìà åðúðä ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ èøó á÷ìôé (éåîà ãó îâ.)
And for Kidush he does not need an exclusion, rather, he excludes him from the source that excludes a woman, from "v'Nasan", and not 'v'Nasnah', like we say in Yoma (43a)?
åáîéìä àãøáä öøéê éúåø ìøáåúï ìãéï æëø
And for Milah, just the contrary he needs a Yitur to include him for the law of a male!
åîéäå î÷éãåù äåä îöéðï ìîéîø ãùîà àéëà îéòåè àáì îéìä ÷ùéà
Partial Answer #1: For Kidush we could say that perhaps there is an exclusion (and the Gemara did not mention it). However, it is difficult from Milah!
åé''ì ã÷ñáø ø' éäåãä àðãøåâéðåñ îåöà îëìì æëø áìà ùåí îéòåè îñáøà åìäëé ôñì ìéä (÷ãåù) [ö"ì ì÷éãåù - öàï ÷ãùéí] åìòðéï îéìä öøéê ééúåøà ãëì æëø ìøéáåéà
Answer #2: R. Yehudah holds that Androginus is excluded from the category of a male, without any exclusion, [rather,] from reasoning. Therefore, he disqualifies him for Kidush. And for Milah, he needs a Yitur, Kol Zachar, to include him;
åäà ãáòé îéòåèà áòøëéï äééðå îùåí ãîñáøà äééúé îòîéãå ìëì äôçåú áòøê ð÷áä àé ìàå ãîòèéä îð÷áä (ìàå÷åîéä áòøê) [ö"ì åëéåï ãîòèéä îð÷áä äïöøê ìîòèéä âí îæëø ãìà úéîà ãîòèéä îð÷áä ìàå÷åîéä áòøê æëø - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
He needs an exclusion for Erchin, for from reasoning I would establish him at least to have the Erech of a female, if not that he is excluded from "Nekevah", and since he was excluded from "Nekevah", [the Torah] needed to exclude him also from Zachar, like we say that he was excluded from a female to establish him to have the Erech of a male.
åáøééúà ãòåìä ãìòéì ãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé îæëø ìàå ëø' éäåãä àò''â ãñúí ñéôøà äéà ãäà á÷éãåù ôåñìå ø' éäåãä áìà ùåí ééúåø
The Beraisa of Olah above, which needs a verse to exclude him from Zachar, is not like R. Yehudah, even though it is a Stam Sifra, for R. Yehudah disqualifies [an Androginus] for Kidush without any Yitur...
åî''î ôùéèà ìéä ãääéà ãòøëéï (ãó ã.) ø' éäåãä
Implied question: If so (not every Stam Sifra is R. Yehudah), why was it obvious to [Rav Chisda in Shabbos 136b, that the Beraisa] of (about) Erchin is R. Yehudah?
Note: This refers to the Beraisa that excludes a Tumtum and Androginus from Erchin from ha'Zachar. It seems that "Daf Dalet" should be deleted. The Beraisa is brought in Shabbos 136b and in Erchin 4b. Since Tosfos discusses what it says in Shabbos 136b, why should he call it 'the Beraisa of Erchin 4b'?
(ëì) [ö"ì ãëì - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ëîä ãàéëà ìàå÷åîéä ñúí ñéôøà ëååúéä îå÷îéðï
Answer #1: [Even so,] whenever we can establish a Stam Sifra like R. Yehudah, we do.
åòåã úðéà áäãéà áô''÷ ãòøëéï (ãó ä:) ãø' éäåãä àåîø äèåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ îòøéëéï àáì ìà ðòøëéï
Answer #2: A Beraisa in Erchin (5b) explicitly says that R. Yehudah says that Tumtum and Androginus can pledge Erchin, but cannot be Ne'erachim (one cannot pledge their Erech, for they have no Erech).
åîéäå ÷ùä ìôé ùéèä ùôéøùúé îôø÷ äòøì (éáîåú ãó òá:) ãîùîò äúí ãìà ôñéì ìéä ø' éäåãä ìòðéï ÷ãåù àìà îñô÷ ãäåé ñô÷ àéù ñô÷ àùä
Objection: What I explained is difficult, for in Yevamos (72b) it connotes that R. Yehudah disqualifies [an Androginus] for Kidush only due to Safek, for he is a Safek man, Safek woman!
ãúðéà ø' éäåãä àåîø àó àðãøåâéðåñ ù÷ãù ÷ãåùå ôñåì îôðé ùäåà ñô÷ àùä åàùä ôñåìä ì÷ãù
Citation - (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): Even an Androginus who was Mekadesh, his Kidush is Pasul, for he is a Safek woman, and a woman is Pasul for Kidush.
åðøàä ìôøù ãñô÷ äåà ìø' éäåãä åìòðéï îéìä (àé ëàùä) [ö"ì àôéìå äåé àùä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] âîåøä øéáäå äëúåá îëì æëø ãîùîò ëì æëøåú
Answer #3: Really, it is a Safek to R. Yehudah. Regarding Milah, even if he is a total female, the Torah included him from "Kol Zachar", which connotes all Zachrus (male genitals);
åìòðéï òøëéï îòèå äëúåá îòøê àéù åàùä ìôé ùäåà îùåðä
And regarding Erchin, the verse excludes him from the Erech of a man or woman, since he is different.
TOSFOS DH Tumtum v'Androginus Ein Metam'in Begadim a'Beis ha'Beli'ah
úåñôåú ã"ä èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ àéï îèîàéï áâãéí àáéú äáìéòä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that they are fully Kosher.)
ä''ä ãìä÷øáä ðîé ëùøéï ëãîôøù èòîà
Implied question: (Why does it say only that they have no Tum'ah?) They are also Kosher [for Korbanos ha'Of], like [the Gemara] explains the reason (the Torah did not mention male or female regarding birds)!
àìà àééãé ãð÷è ú''÷ (èîà) [ö"ì îèîàéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ð÷è ø''à àéï îèîàéï
Answer: Since the first Tana said that they are Metamei, R. Eliezer said that they are not Metamei [for parallel structure].
TOSFOS DH v'Asa R. Shimon ben R. Yehudah... Tumtum Nami Beriyah Hu
úåñôåú ã"ä åàúà ø''ù áï øáé éäåãä îùåí ø''ù ìîéîø èåîèåí ðîé áøéä äåà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies R. Shimon's opinion.)
îùîò äëà ã÷ñáø àðãøåâéðåñ áøéä äåà ëîå èòîà ãèåîèåí
Inference: This implies that [R. Shimon] holds that Androginus is a [separate] creation, like the reason for Tumtum. (It seems that Tosfos learns from the word "Nami", which is not in our text.)
åàôé' ãîñé÷ ðîé ãèåîèåí îîòè ìãéãéä îèòí ùäåà [ö"ì åãàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ð÷áä ëùîèéì îéí áî÷åí ð÷áåú
Implied question: [The Gemara] concludes that he excludes Tumtum because it is a Vadai female when it urinates from [the back, the normal place of] Nikvus!
î''î áàðãøåâéðåñ äåé ìòåìí îùåí ãáøéä äåà
Answer: In any case, regarding Androginus the reason is due to Beriyah.
åúéîä ãô' äòøì (ãó ôà.) îùîò ãø''ù çùéá ìéä åãàé æëø ìø' éåçðï ãàîø äúí àó îàëéìä áçæä åùå÷
Question: In Yevamos (81a) it connotes that R. Shimon considers him a Vadai male according to R. Yochanan, who says there that [an Androginus Kohen] even feeds (permits his wife to eat) Chazah v'Shok!
åé''ì ãàôé' äåé åãàé æëø îîòèéðà ìéä (æëø) [ö"ì îäæëø - ç÷ ðúï, ø"æ ååàìó] àáì (ð÷áä åãàé îéîòèà îï èåîèåí äîèéì) [ö"ì èåîèåí îîòèà îèòí ð÷áä äééðå îèéì - îìàëú éå"è] îéí áî÷åí ð÷áåú ìôé äîñ÷ðà ãàôé' åãàé ð÷áä äåé ëéåï ãìà çééù ùîà ðäôëä æëøåú ìð÷áåú:
Answer: Even if he is a Vadai male, [R. Shimon] excludes him from "ha'Zacharim", but a Tumtum he excludes because it is a female, i.e. if it urinates in the place of Nikvus, according to the conclusion that it is even a Vadai female, since he is not concerned lest Zachrus was switched to [the place of] Nikvus.
TOSFOS DH Ki Pligi b'Matil Mayim bi'Makom Nikvus
úåñôåú ã"ä ëé ôìéâé áîèéì îéí áî÷åí ð÷áåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rav Chisda holds like the first Tana.)
åäùúà äà ãàîø øá çñãà ìòéì àáì èåîèåí ãáøé äëì ñôé÷à äåà òì ëøçê ìà àîøå áîèéì îéí áî÷åí æëøåú ãääåà åãàé æëø äåà (àáì) [ö"ì àìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] áîèéì îéí áî÷åí ð÷áåú åàìéáà ãú''÷
Consequence: Now, what Rav Chisda said above (41b) "but all agree that Tumtum is a Safek", you are forced to say that he did not say so when it urinates in the place of Zachrus, for that is a Vadai male! Rather, it is when it urinates in the place of Nikvus, and according to the first Tana;
àáì ø''ù ãìéú ìéä ùåí ñôé÷à áèåîèåí ãàé äåä îèéì îéí áî÷åí ð÷áåú äåé ð÷áä åãàé
However, R. Shimon holds that there is no Safek about Tumtum. If it urinates in the place of Nikvus, it is a Vadai female.
åà''ú åîð''ì ìãá çñãà ãìøáðï áúøàé ÷ãåù îñôé÷à ãéìîà ñáøé ëø''ù åìà ÷ãåù ëìì
Question: What is Rav Chisda's source that according to the latter Rabanan, it is Kadosh amidst Safek? Perhaps they hold like R. Shimon, and it is not Kadosh at all!
åé''ì ëééï ãîääåà èòîà ãôìéâé áàðãøåâéðåñ îùåí (ãáøéä äåà ìà îöé ôìéâé) [ö"ì ãñáøé áøéä äåà ìà îöé ìàôìåâé - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] áèåîèåí ãìøá çñãà ìùåí úðà ìà äåé áøéä
Answer: Since from this reason that they argue about Androginus, because they hold that it is a Beriyah, they cannot argue about Tumtum, for according to Rav Chisda, no Tana holds that it is a Beriyah...
îñúîà îåãå ìú''÷ áèåîèåí (ãëé ÷ãåù äåà) [ö"ì ã÷ãåù - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] îñôé÷à ëîå ùîåãä ìå øáé éùîòàì
Presumably, they agree to the first Tana that a Tumtum is Kadosh amidst Safek, just like R. Yishmael agrees to him.
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Question: Below (57a), R. Shimon ben Yehudah excludes Tumtum and Androginus from Ma'aser Behemah, because he excludes for Kodshim "ha'Zachar" [must be a] Vadai [male], and "Nekevah" [must be] Vadai, and he learns Ma'aser from a Gezeirah Shavah "Tachas-Tachas" from Kodshim;
îä òðéï æä àöì æä äà á÷ãùéí àéîòè îëìì æëø îèòí ùäåà ð÷áä ëùîèéì îéí áî÷åí ð÷áåú àáì îòùø àéï çéìå÷ áéï æëø åð÷áä
What is the connection of one to the other? Regarding Kodshim it is excluded from Zachar because it is a female when it urinates in the place of Nikvus, but regarding Ma'aser there is no difference between male and female!
åé''ì ãøá çñãà (àåîø) [ðøàä ùö"ì éàîø, ëáúåñ' ùàðõ] ñîé îëàï èåîèåí åëï ø''ì ãáñîåê
Answer: Rav Chisda would say that we must erase Tumtum from the text, and similarly Reish Lakish below.
TOSFOS DH Lo Amru Tumtum Safek Ela b'Adam
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà àîøå èåîèåí ñô÷ àìà áàãí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is only according to R. Shimon ben Yehudah.)
ëø''ù áø' éäåãä )ãñáéøà( [ö"ì ñáéøà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ìéä åìàå àìéáà ãëåìé òìîà ÷àîø
Explanation: [Reish Lakish] holds like R. Shimon ben Yehudah. He did not say [so] according to everyone.
ãôùéèà ìú''÷ ãîúðé' ãñôé÷à äåà ãàéï ùåçèéï ìà áî÷ãù åìà áîãéðä:
Source: Obviously, it is a Safek according to the first Tana of our Mishnah, for [he said that] we do not slaughter it, not in the Mikdash and not outside the Mikdash!