BECHOROS 57 (15 Teves) - dedicated by Dr. Moshe and Rivka Snow in memory of Rivka's mother, Rebbetzin Leah bas Rav Yosef (Rabinowitz), the Manostrishtcher Rebbetzin, whose Yahrzeit is 15 Teves.


VERBAL EXPRESSION OF INTENT (Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni Perek 4 Halachah 4 Daf 24a)

îùðä îùê îîðå îòùø áñìò åìà äñôé÷ ìôãåúå òã ùòîã áùúéí ðåúï ìå ñìò åîùúëø áñìò åîòùø ùðé ùìå.


(Mishnah): If the buyer pulled (to take possession) Ma'aser Sheni (from the seller) worth a Sela and before he had managed to redeem it, its price became two Sela; he gives him a Sela and gains a Sela and the Ma'aser Sheni is his.

îùê îîðå îòùø áùúéí åìà äñôé÷ ìôãåúå òã ùòîã áñìò ðåúï ìå ñìò îçåìéå åñìò ùì îòùø ùðé ùìå. àí äéä òí äàøõ ðåúï ìå îãîéå.


If the buyer drew Ma'aser Sheni that was worth two Sela and before he managed to redeem it, its price became one Sela, he gives him one Sela of regular money and he may give a Sela of Maaser money.

äôåãä îòùø ùðé åìà ÷øà ùí øáé éåñé àåîø ãééå. øáé éäåãä àåîø öøéê ìôøù.


If a person redeemed Ma'aser Sheni but didn't verbally declare it - R. Yosi says that it is sufficient. R. Yehuda says that he must express it.

äéä îãáø òí äàùä òì òéñ÷é âéèä å÷éãåùéä ðúï ìä ÷éãåùéä åìà ôéøù øáé éåñé àåîø ãééå åøáé éäåãä àåîø öøéê ìôøù:


If a man was speaking to a woman regarding her divorce or betrothal and he gave her (a Get - divorce document or) her betrothal (gift) and did not specify - R. Yosi says that it is sufficient. R. Yehuda says that he must express it.

âîøà [ãó ëã òîåã á] [ãó î òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îúðé' ãìà ãøáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì ãúðéðï øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø ìòåìí îùéëúå ùì îòùø ùðé äåà ôãéåðå:


(Gemara): The Mishnah does not follow Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, as a Tosefta taught - Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that the pulling (to take possession) of Ma'aser Sheni is also its redemption.

øáé éåñé áùí ø' ìòæø àéï îåñéôéï çåîù òì äñìò äùðééä åäéä øáé (ìòæø)[éåñé] îñúëì áéä.


(R. Yosi citing R. Elazar): One does not add the fifth even to the second Sela that remains in his hand. R. Yosi looked to R. Elazar to explain this law.

àîø ìéä îä àú îñúëì áé. àó )øáé äéìà)[øáðï] îåãé áä


(R. Elazar): Why are you looking at me? Even the Rabbanan, who say that the acquisition occurs immediately, agree to Rabban Shimon that he does not add the fifth.

ëéé ãàîø øáé éåçðï ëì îò''ù ùàéï äåà åôãéåðå îùìå àéðå îåñéó çåîù:


(Support): It's like the teaching of R. Yochanan, that any Ma'aser Sheni that it or its fifth does not belong to him, does not require the extra fifth.

îäå öøéê ìôøù æä âéèéê åæä ÷éãåùéê åäëà æä ôãéåï îòùø ùðé.


Question: (In the Mishnah, R. Yehuda says that he must express that it is Ma'aser Sheni.) How should he express it? 'This is your Get'; 'This is your Kidushin'. And here, he should say, 'This is the redemption of Ma'aser Sheni'.

øáé æòéøà çééà áø áåï àáà áø úçìéôà áùí øáé äåùòéä îä ôìéâéï ëùäôìéâå ãòúï ìòðééðåú àçøéí. àáì àí äéå òñå÷éí áàåúå òðééï âè äåà.


(R. Zeira/ Chiya bar Bun/ Abba bar Chalafta citing R. Hoshiya): When do they (R. Yehuda and R. Yosi) disagree? When they had begun to discuss other matters, but if they were still discussing the same matter, it is a valid Get.