BERACHOS 42 (25 Elul) ג€“ Dedicated in memory of Yechiel Avraham Avigdor ben Eliyahu Glaser z'l, by his brother Yisrael and family. May Avigdor's young children merit to grow in Torah and Yiras Shamayim, and become sources of pride and Nachas to their father in Gan Eden.

[42a - 44 lines; 42b - 47 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Gemara 42b [line 46]:

"Hesebu Davka Tnan" הסבו דוקא תנן

Rashi's Girsa is:

"Reisha Davka Tnan" רישא דוקא תנן (which has the same meaning as our Girsa)


1)[line 1]גורם ברכה לעצמוGOREM BERACHAH L'ATZMO- it causes a Berachah to be made (e.g. Kidush and Havdalah), even though one has no intention to drink it on its own

2a)[line 1]תליסר ריפתיTELEISAR RIFTEI- thirteen cakes

b)[line 2]בני תלתא תלתא בקבאBNEI TELASA TELASA B'KAVA- each one as big as one third of a Kav

3)[line 3]עדי כפנאADEI KAFNA- these were [eaten out of] hunger

4)[line 8]מאי "ציצי" דקא שמענא?MAI "TZITZI" D'KA SHAMANA?- What is the sound of "Tzitzi" that I hear? (when they made the Berachah of ha'Motzi)

5)[line 14]לחמניותLACHMANIYOS- (O.F. obledes) wafers, cakes


See Background to Berachos 39:28.

7)[line 22]"סלק" אתמר"SALAK" ITMAR- it was taught "if one removed it" (the food from the table — RASHI)

8)[line 23]לבתר דסליקו תכא מקמייהוL'VASAR DI'SELIKU TAKA MI'KAMAIHU- after they removed the table from before them

9)[line 24]ריסתנאRISTENA- (O.F. amenestraison) a portion (of cooked meat)

10)[line 29]רגילינן במשחאREGILINAN B'MISHCHA- we are accustomed to rub our hands with oil [after the meal]

11)[line 33]סמיכהSEMICHAH

(a)Semichah refers to the Mitzvah for a person to press both of his hands on the head of his animal Korban, as described in Vayikra (1:4). Semichah is performed immediately before the animal is slaughtered, in the place where it will be slaughtered (Menachos 93a).

(b)Not all Korbanos require Semichah. All private Korbanos require Semichah, except for the Bechor, Ma'aser, and Pesach offerings. The only public Korbanos that require Semichah are the Par He'elem Davar (see Background to Kerisus 26:7), the Sa'ir ha'Mishtale'ach (scapegoat) of Yom ha'Kipurim (see Background to Nidah 55:17), and according to some, the Sa'ir brought as an atonement when most of the nation sins with Avodah Zarah (see Background to Kerisus ibid.). If the Korban is a Chatas, Asham or Olah, all of which are brought to atone for sins, the owner of the Korban confesses his sin while he performs Semichah. If the Korban is a Korban Shelamim or Todah, which a person brings to thank HaSh-m for the kindness or salvation that was bestowed upon him, the owner of the Korban says words of praise for HaSh-m while he performs the Semichah (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 3:13-15).

(c)If a Korban is brought by partners, each one performs Semichah. Certain people do not perform Semichah for their Korbanos. These include women, children, slaves, people designated Halachically as fools, deaf-mutes and Nochrim (Menachos 93a). Semichah is not performed when offering a Korban on a Bamah (Zevachim 119b; see Background to Zevachim 101:37).

(d)The Gemara discusses whether Semichah involves pressing on the animal's head with all of one's strength, or just placing one's hands on the animal's head (Chagigah 16b). The conclusion is that one must press on the animal's head with all of one's strength (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 3:13).

(e)If one does not perform Semichah on his Korban, the Korban remains valid (Menachos 93b).

12)[line 40]הפרפרתHA'PARPERES- (a) a cooked dish of fowl or fish used as an appetizer served prior to the meal, or desert foods such as cakes served after the meal (RASHI); (b) a dish made with croutons that no longer have the shape of bread (RABEINU CHANANEL DH Berech)

13)[line 43]מעשה קדרהMA'ASEH KEDEIRAH- a dish of cooked grain from one of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye or spelt)


14)[line 3]המוגמרHA'MUGMAR- incense; ground spices burned on coals for fragrance

15)[line 15]יישר, וכן אמר רבי יהושע בן לוי!YEYASHER, V'CHEN AMAR REBBI YEHOSHUA BEN LEVI!- "You did well, and so said Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi!"

16)[line 23]לשרותLISHROS- [a small amount] to soak [the food in his stomach]

17)[line 44]דוך פלןDUCH PELAN- such-and-such a place

18)[line 45]כי הדריKI HADREI- when they returned

19)[line 45]אנהר דנקA'NEHAR DENAK- on the River Denak, a river in Bavel, also known as Nehar Anak

20)[line 45]בתר דכרכיBASAR D'KARCHEI- after they ate their meal