BERACHOS 26 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


(a)According to Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi, a Seifer-Torah that is not adequately covered during Tashmish requires a partition. How high must the partition be?

(b)What objection did Mar Zutra raise when he saw a partition of ten Tefachim in Mar bar Rav Ashi's bedroom?

(c)What did Rav Ashi reply when Mar Zutra put it to him?


(a)How did Rava Amar Rav S'chorah qualify our Mishnah, which requires a person who is reciting the Sh'ma to move four Amos away from foul-smelling water and from Tzo'ah?

(b)What does he add with regard to Tefilah?

(c)We query Rava however, from a statement of Rafram bar Papa Amar Rav Chisda. What did Rafram say about Davening in front of a bathroom?

(d)We refute the suggestion that Rafram is referring to a bathroom that does not contain Tzo'ah from a statement of Rav Yosef (or Rebbi Yossi) bar Chanina. What did he say about a bathroom that does not contain Tzo'ah or a bathhouse with nobody inside?


(a)And we query the answer that Rava is speaking about a new bathroom from Ravina's She'eilah. What did Ravina ask about designating a bathroom before it has been used?

(b)And we answer that Ravina's She'eilah did not concern Davening in front of it (which is definitely permitted). Then what did it concern?

(c)What did Rava say about Persian bathrooms?

(d)Why is that?


(a)What do a Zav who has an emission, a Nidah who exudes Shichvas-Zera and a woman who, after being intimate with her husband, becomes a Nidah have in common?

(b)The Tana Kama requires them to Tovel (for the emission of Keri) before reciting the Sh'ma. Why would we have thought otherwise?

(c)What does Rebbi Yehudah say?


(a)What She'eilah do we ask concerning a Ba'al Keri who became a Zav, according to Rebbi Yehudah?

(b)What is the Safek? Why might he be worse than a Zav who became a Ba'al-Keri?

(c)How do we resolve the She'eilah from the Mishnah itself?

(d)Rebbi Chiya resolves it from a Beraisa that is even more specific than the Mishnah. What does the Beraisa say about a Ba'al-Keri who became a Zav?




(a)The Tana Kama of our Mishnah rules that one may Daven ...

1. ... Shachris until midday. What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

2. ... Minchah until night. What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

(b)What does the Mishnah say about ...

1. ... Tefilas Arvis?

2. ... Musaf?

(c)According to our text, what does Rebbi Yehudah say about Musaf?


(a)We query our Mishnah (which gives the final time for Shachris as Chatzos or four hours) from a Beraisa. What reason does the Tana there give for reciting the Sh'ma with Hanetz?

(b)This is based on a statement of Rebbi Yochanan. What did Rebbi Yochanan say about the Vasikin?

(c)We query the Shi'ur of Chatzos from another statement of Rebbi Yochanan. What did Rav Mari b'rei de'Rav Huna ... Amar Rebbi Yochanan say about someone who erred and forgot to Daven ...

1. ... Ma'ariv?

2. ... Shachris?

(d)How do we now reconcile the latter statement of Rebbi Yochanan with our Mishnah?


(a)We ask what the Din will be regarding someone forgot to Daven Minchah. Why might the Din that pertains to someone who forgot Ma'ariv not apply to him?

(b)From where do we learn that the Shachris after is considered the same day as the Ma'ariv that one missed?


(a)Why, based on the fact that Tefilah is in the place of Korban, might one not be permitted to make up for the missed Minchah?

(b)On the other hand, why might one nevertheless be permitted to do so?

(c)We resolve the She'eilah from another statement of Rebbi Yochanan. What did Rav Huna bar Yehudah ... Amar Rebbi Yochanan specifically say about the She'eilah?


(a)We query the latter ruling of Rebbi Yochanan from a Beraisa which discusses the Pasuk in Koheles "Me'uvas Lo Yuchal Lis'kon ... ". What does the Tana learn from ...

1. ... there regarding someone who misses K'ri'as Sh'ma or Tefilah at night or in the morning?

2. ... the continuation of the Pasuk "ve'Chesaron Lo Yuchal Lehimanos"?

(b)How does Rebbi Yitzchak quoting Rebbi Yochanan himself establish the Pasuk to reconcile it with his ruling?

(c)And how does Rav Ashi support Rebbi Yochanan's explanation from the wording of the Beraisa 'Zeh she'Biteil Keri'as Sh'ma ... '?



(a)What does the Beraisa say one should do in the event that one forgot to Daven Minchah ...

1. ... on Friday afternoon?

2. ... on Shabbos afternoon?

(b)In which Amidah does he insert Havdalah?

(c)Why is that?

(d)What does the Tana say should he inserted Havdalah in the second Amidah? What is he therefore obligated to do?


(a)We query this from another Beraisa which obligates someone who omits Gevuros Geshamim ('Mashiv ha'Ru'ach') in Techi'as ha'Meisim or She'eilah ('Tal u'Matar li'Verachah') in Birchas ha'Shanim to 'go back'. What does the Tana say about someone who omitted Havdalah in 'Chonen ha'Da'as'?

(b)How do we reconcile this Beraisa with the previous one (which suggests that Havdalah in the Amidah is crucial)?


(a)According to Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina, it was the three Avos who instituted the three Amidos. What does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi say?

(b)Whose opinion do we support with a Beraisa?

(c)In the first Beraisa, how does the Tana prove that Avraham instituted Shachris from the Pasuk in Vayeira (following the destruction of S'dom), "Vayashkem Avraham ba'Boker el ha'Makom asher Amad Sham" (based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "Vaya'amod Pinchas Vayefalel)"?

(d)And what does he learn from the Pasuk in ...

1. ... Chayei Sarah (just before he met Eliezer and Rivkah) "Vayeitzei Yitzchak Lasu'ach ba"Sadeh" (based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "Tefilah le'Ani ki Ya'atof, ve'Lifnei Hash-m Yishpoch Sicho")?

2. ... Vayeitzei (in connection with Ya'akov's flight to Charan) "Vayifga ba'Makom" (based on the Pasuk in Yirmiyahu "ve'Atah Al Tispalel be'ad ha'Am ha'Zeh ... ve'Al Tifga bi")?


(a)In the second Beraisa (that supports Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi), with regard to the final time to Daven Shachris, how do the Tana Kama And Rebbi Yehudah learn their respective opinions from the Korban Tamid regarding the final time to Daven ...

1. ,,, Shachris (until midday & until four hours)?

2. ... Minchah (until night & until P'lag ha'Minchah)?

(b)By the same token, from where does the Beraisa learn that 'Tefilas ha'Erev Ein lah K'va'?

(c)And from where do the Tana Kama and Rebbi Yehudah derive their respective opinions regarding the final time to Daven Musaf (all day & until seven hours)?

(d)How does the Beraisa finally define ...

1. ... Minchah Gedolah?

2. ... Minchah Ketanah?


(a)In the Beraisa that we just discussed, Rebbi Yehudah maintains that the final time for Tefilas Minchah is until P'lag ha'Minchah. Which dilemma does this create?

(b)How do we resolve it based on another Beraisa?

(c)How long before night is P'lag ha'Minchah Ketanah?


(a)How do we query Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina from the latter two Beraisos?

(b)How do we reconcile them with his opinion?

(c)How do we prove this answer from Tefilas Musaf?


(a)What dilemma are we faced with regarding Rebbi Yehudah, who says in our Mishnah that the final time for Shachris is 'until four hours'?

(b)What does 'ad' mean according to the Rabanan?

(c)How do we try to resolve the She'eilah from Rebbi Yehudah's ruling that the final time for Minchah is P'lag ha'Minchah?