[20a - 46 lines; 20b - 47 lines]

1)[line 1]ברחאBARCHA- a goat

2)[line 1]דחזא ליפתא אפומא דדנאD'CHAZA LIFTA A'PUMA D'DANA- that saw a turnip on top of a barrel

3)[line 1]סריךSARICH- it dug in [with its hooves]

4)[line 2]סליקSALIK- it climbed up

5)[line 2]ותבריה לדנאTAVREI- broke

6)[line 6]ופשטה צוארהPASHTAH TZAV'ARAH- it stuck out its neck

7)[line 6]מעל גבי חברתהME'AL GABEI CHAVERTAH- [food] from off the back of another animal

8)[line 8]היתה קופתו מופשלת לאחוריוHAYESAH KUPASO MUFSHELES L'ACHORAV- if one's sack [of food] was slung over his back

9)[line 10]בקופצתB'KOFETZES- [the case is one] in which [the animal] jumped [in order to get to the food a) in an unusual manner such that it is a Toldah of Keren and its owner is responsible for Chatzi Nezek (RASHI, TOSFOS to 21b, DH d'Ilfa); b) such that it took the food from the equivalent of the Chatzer ha'Nizak and its owner is responsible to pay Nezek Shalem (RAMBAN in MILCHAMOS HASH-M, RASHBA)] (see Insights)

10)[line 16]מתגלגלMISGALGEL- [in a case in which a) an animal] rolled [produce from a private domain into the Reshus ha'Rabim and ate it there or vice versa (RASHI); b) produce was] rolling [from a private domain to the Reshus ha'Rabim and an animal stopped it from doing so and ate it in the private domain or vice versa (TOSFOS DH Misgalgel)]

11)[line 17]עמירAMIR- a bundle of straw

12)[line 19]משויMASUY- a bundle [of produce]

13)[line 19]מקצתו בפנים ומקצתו בחוץMIKTZASO BI'FNIM U'MIKTZASO BA'CHUTZ- part of which is inside [of a private domain] and part of which is outside [in the Reshus ha'Rabim]

14)[line 23]בפתילה דאספסתאB'FESILAH D'ASPASTA- regarding stalks of wheatgrass [a) which are considered to be wholly in whichever domain the animal begins to eat them in, since the rest of the stalk follows that end into the animal's mouth (RASHI); b) for which one is only responsible for the part of which are in the Reshus ha'Nizak, as opposed to considering them to be completely in whichever domain most of the stalk is lying (TOSFOS DH Misgalgel)]

15)[line 24]אהייאA'HAYA?- regarding which [Halachos does the Mishnah teach that one is exempt in the Reshus ha'Rabim]?

16)[line 25]אכולהוA'CHULHU- regarding all of them [even an animal that consumes clothing or vessels]

17)[line 25]כל המשנה ובא אחר ושינה בו פטורKOL HA'MESHANEH U'VA ACHER V'SHINAH BO, PATUR- in any case in which one party acts unusually (here, by placing an article of clothing or vessel in the Reshus ha'Rabim) and [the animal of] another comes and [causes damage] in an unusual manner, [the owner of the animal] is exempt

18)[line 30]ברבוצהREVUTZAH- lit. squatting; lying down

19)[line 34]כסות עבדי אינשיKSUS AVDEI INSHEI D'MANCHEI GELIMEI U'MISPACHEI- it is normal for people to put down a shirt and take a rest [while walking through the Reshus ha'Rabim]

20)[line 35]דמי עמירDEMEI AMIR- the value of [an equal volume of] hay [which is what he would have fed his animal instead of the more expensive feed that his animal ate]

21)[line 36]דמי שעורים בזולDEMEI SE'ORIM BEZOL- the value of barley when it is sold cheaply [which is equal to two-thirds of its regular price (Bava Basra 146b)]

22)[line 38]קב או קבייםKAV / KABAYIM (DRY MEASURES(

(a)The following is a list of measures of volume used in the Mishnah and Gemara:

1.1 Kor (= 1 Chomer) = 30 Se'in

2.1 Lesech = 15 Se'in

3.1 Eifah = 3 Se'in

4.1 Se'ah = 6 Kabin

5.1 Tarkav (= Trei v'Kav, or 3 Kabin) = 12 Lugin

6.1 Kav = 4 Lugin

7.1 Log (= 1 Rova) = 4 Revi'iyos = 6 Beitzim

8.1 Beitzah = 2 or 3 k'Zeisim, according to the varying opinions

(b)A Kav contains approximately 1.20, 1.38, or 2.4 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

23)[line 39]אומדיןOMDIN- we assess

24)[line 40]דבר הראוי להDAVAR HA'RA'UY LAH- that which is fitting for it [to eat]

25)[line 40]רגילRAGIL- used [to feeding it]

26)[line 40]חטיןCHITIN- wheat [which is detrimental to the animal's digestive system]

27)[line 40]פטורהPETURAH- he is exempt [from paying, since he has derived no benefit]

28)[line 41]לא הוית גבן באורתא בתחומאLO HAVIS GABAN B'URTA BI'TECHUMA- you were not with us yesterday evening a) close enough to come (RASHI, first explanation); b) in the Beis ha'Midrash (RASHI, second explanation - called such since it is the "environs" of the Torah; ARUCH); c) within Techum Shabbos (see Background to Sukah 25:3) [of a number of towns, where the Beis Midrash was strategically located so that the inhabitants of the various towns would be able to learn there on Shabbos] (RASHBAM to Bava Basra 51a)

29)[line 42]מילי מעלייתאMILEI MA'ALYASA- good questions

30)[line 42]הדר בחצר חבירו שלא מדעתוHA'DAR B'CHATZER CHAVEIRO SHE'LO MI'DAITO- one who resides in the courtyard of another without his knowledge

31)[line 43]להעלות לו שכרL'HA'ALOS LO SECHAR- to pay him rent

32)[line 43]בחצר דלא קיימא לאגראCHATZER D'LO KAIMA L'AGRA- a courtyard which is not up for rent

33)[line 45]וגברא דלא עביד למיגרGAVRA D'LO AVID L'MEIGAR- one who has no need to rent [since he has lodgings elsewhere that either belong to him or that he can stay in free of rent]

34)[last line]מאי מצי אמר ליה מאי חסרתיךMATZI AMAR LEI, "MAI CHASARTICH"?- may [the tenant] say to [the owner], "I have not caused you a loss?"


35)[line 1]הא איתהניתHA ISHANIS!- you benefited!

36)[line 1]הי מתניתיןHEI MASNISIN?- [Rav Chisda asked Rami bar Chama,] "Which Mishnah?"

37)[line 2]L'CHI TESHAMESH LI- [I will tell you only after] you perform a service for me [which demonstrates that you have accepted me as your Rebbi and will accept what I say even if you do not at first understand it (see TORAS CHAIM)]

38)[line 2]שקל סודריה כרך ליהSHAKAL SUDREI KARACH LEI- [Rav Chisda] took [Rami bar Chama's] scarf and folded it for him

39)[line 4]כמה לא חלי ולא מרגיש גברא דמריה סייעיהKAMAH LO CHALI V'LO MARGISH GAVRA D'MAREI SAYE'EI!- how free of illness and worry is he whose Master comes to his aid (i.e., Rami bar Chama)!

40)[line 7]אפקורי מפקר להוAFKUREI MAFKIR LEHU- one declares them to be ownerless; i.e., he expects them to depreciate to the value of what one who benefited from them is willing to pay (TOSFOS DH Afkurei)

41)[line 9]המקיף חבירו משלש רוחותיוHA'MAKIF CHAVEIRO MI'SHALOSH RUCHOSAV- one whose fields surround that of another on three sides

42)[line 9]וגדר את הראשונה ואת השניה ואת השלישיתV'GADAR ES HA'RISHONAH V'ES HA'SHENIYAH V'ES HA'SHELISHIS- and he erected a fence on the first, second, and third [sides of a) the inner borders of his fields (RASHI); b) the outer borders of his fields (TOSFOS DH Es)] (See Insights)

43)[line 11]מחייבין אותוMECHAYVIN OSO- obligate [the owner of the inner field to pay equally for the fence]

44)[line 13]את גרמת לי הקיפא יתיראAT GARAMT LI HEKEIFA YESEIRAH!- you[r presence] required me [to erect] extra fencing!

45)[line 14]ניקףNIKAF- the one [whose field is] surrounded

46)[line 15]מגלגלין עליו את הכלMEGALGELIN ALAV ES HA'KOL- we require him (lit. roll onto him) to pay for [his share in] all [four sides of the fence]

47)[line 16]שמע מינה זה נהנה וזה לא חסר פטורSHEMA MINAH ZEH NEHENEH V'ZEH LO CHASER PATUR- from here we may infer that one is obligated in a situation in which he benefits even if the one from whom he benefited did not suffer a loss [since the Rabanan only disagree with Rebbi Yosi in this case since the Makif can claim that the Nikaf required him to erect extra fencing (TOSFOS DH Taima)]

48)[line 17]לדידי סגי לי בנטירא בר זוזאL'DIDI SAGI LI B'NETIRA BAR ZUZA- for my needs a protective [fence of thorns] worth a single Zuz would suffice [and I therefore have not benefited from the fence of stone]

49)[line 18]הבית והעלייה של שניםHA'BAYIS VEHA'ALIYAH SHEL SHENAYIM- a ground floor and the upper story of a house that [each] belong to [one of] two [partners]

50)[line 21]יציאותיוYETZI'OSAV- his expenses

51)[line 24]דביתא לעלייה משתעבדBEISA L'ALIYAH MISHTA'ABED- the [owner of the] ground floor is obligated to [provide a base for] the upper story [and therefore, if he has not done so, the owner of the upper story may live rent-free in the ground floor that he has rebuilt]

52)[line 25]אף זהAF ZEH- so, too, this [case in which the owner of the upper story resided in the ground floor that he rebuilt]

53)[line 26]שמע מינה זה נהנה וזה לא חסר חייבSHEMA MINAH ZEH NEHENEH V'ZEH LO CHASER CHAYAV- from here we may infer that one is obligated in a situation in which he benefits even if the one from whom he benefited did not suffer a loss [since the Rabanan only disagree with Rebbi Yehudah in this case since the owner of the ground floor is obligated to provide a base for the upper story (TOSFOS DH Ta Shema)]

54)[line 28]שחרוריתא דאשייתאSHACHRURISA D'ASHYASA- blackening of the walls [which occurs through normal residency, but only in a new house]

55)[line 28]שלחוה בי רבי אמיSHALCHUHA BEI REBBI AMI- they sent [the question Zeh Neheneh v'Zeh Lo Chaser] to the Yeshiva of Rebbi Ami

56)[line 30]נתיישב בדברNISYASHEV BA'DAVAR- we will deliberate on the matter

57)[line 30]הדרHADAR- subsequently

58a)[line 32]כוליה האי שלחו לי ואזליKULEI HAI SHALCHU LI V'AZLEI?- will they continue to send me [this question] so many times?

b)[line 32]אילו אשכחי בה טעמא לא שלחנא להוILU ASHKECHI BAH TAIMA, LO SHALACHNA LEHU?- were I to find an answer (lit. a reason), would I not send it to them?

59)[line 36]לאו בפירוש אתמר אלא מכללא אתמרLAV B'FEIRUSH ITMAR, ELA MI'CHELALA ITMAR- was not stated explicitly [by Rebbi Yochanan], but was rather inferred

60)[line 37]נטלNATAL- if [a Gizbar (a treasurer of Hekdesh; see below, entry #62)] took

61)[line 38]קורהKORAH- a beam

62)[line 38]מעלMA'AL (ME'ILAH - The Prohibition against Deriving Benefit from that which is Consecrated for Use in the Beis ha'Mikdash)

(a)One may not derive any personal benefit from Hekdesh (that which is consecrated for use in the Beis ha'Mikdash) (Devarim 12:17). The minimum benefit one must derive in order to transgress this prohibition is that equal to the value of a Perutah (the smallest coin in circulation at the time of the Gemara).

(b)One who transgresses this prohibition intentionally receives Malkus (lashes). (This is the majority opinion; according to Rebbi, he is liable to receive Misah b'Yedei Shamayim - see Background to Yevamos 8:31). In addition, he must reimburse Hekdesh for the benefit which he received. The object itself remains Hekdesh.

(c)If one benefited from Hekdesh unintentionally, he must offer a ram worth a minimum of two Sela'im as an Asham Me'ilah (see Background to 55:23). He must then reimburse Hekdesh for the value of his benefit and add an additional fifth (of the ensuing total, equal to a quarter of the original value). The object then loses its Kedushah. This is true only of an object that has the status of Kedushas Damim (it itself is not useable by Hekdesh, but rather its value is consecrated to Hekdesh). An object with the status of Kedushas ha'Guf (an object with intrinsic Kedushah, such as the utensils used in the Beis ha'Mikdash or live animals pledged to be offered as certain Korbanos) does not lose its Kedushah under any circumstances (Rosh Hashanah 28a).)

63)[line 40]שידור תחתיה שוה פרוטהYIDOR TACHTEHA SHAVEH PERUTAH- he spends [enough] time beneath it [to derive benefit] equal in value to a Perutah

64)[line 41]והוא שהניחה על פי ארובהV'HU SHE'HENICHAH AL PI ARUBAH- and [that which he does not transgress the prohibition of Me'ilah until he spends time beneath it is in a case] in which he placed [the beam] over a skylight [since, if it was properly built into the house, he would have acquired it earlier when it was modified]

65)[line 43]זאת אומרתZOS OMERES ...- we see from [from that which he immediately transgresses Me'ilah when he derives a Perutah's worth of benefit even though Hekdesh did not expressly disallow him from doing so]

66)[line 45]ושתק ליהSHASAK LEI- [Rebbi Yochanan] was quiet [in the face of this assertion]

67)[line 45]איהוIHU- Rebbi Avahu

68)[line 46]אשגוחי לא אשגח ביהASHGUCHEI LO ASHGACH BEI- he simply paid no attention to him

69)[last line]הקדש שלא מדעת כהדיוט מדעתדמיH EKDESH SHE'LO MI'DA'AS K'HEDYOT MI'DA'AS DAMI- that which is done with an item belonging to Hekdesh without the knowledge of Hekdesh is equivalent to a) that which is done with an object belonging to an individual with his knowledge [since Hash-m, Who is the ultimate owner of Hekdesh, is omniscient] (RASHI); b) that which is done with an object belonging to an individual with his knowledge [but without his permission, since Hash-m has made it known that he does not allow anyone to derive benefit from Hekdesh (TOSFOS to 21a DH k'Hedyot)]