[a - 53 lines; b - 41 lines]

1)[line 2]בעיBA'I- ask

2)[line 4]אדהכי נח נפשיה דרב הונאAD'HACHI, NACH NAFSHEI D'RAV HUNA- in the interim, Rav Huna passed away

3)[line 5]אבא מריABA MARI- my father, my master

4)[line 8]שמעון מאי עבידתיה?SHIMON MAI AVIDTEI?- what does Shimon have to do [with the rent money due Reuven]?

5)[line 9]תרתי?TARTEI?- [how could] both [these rulings be true]? [If one who resides in the courtyard of another without his knowledge need not pay, why must he pay Shimon for residing in his courtyard when he thought that it belonged to Reuven?]

6a)[line 9]הא דקיימא לאגראHA D'KAIMA L'AGRA- (the Gemara answers) that [which he must pay Shimon is in a case] in which [the courtyard] was up for rent

b)[line 10]הא דלא קיימא לאגראHA D'LO KAIMA L'AGRA- that [which one who resides in the courtyard of another without his knowledge need not pay is in a case] in which [the courtyard] was not up for rent

7)[line 14]ני העירBNEI HA'IR- the residents of the city; i.e., the public

8)[line 20]"[נִשְׁאַר בָּעִיר שַׁמָּה,] וּשְׁאִיָּה יֻכַּת-שָׁעַר.""[NISH'AR BA'IR SHAMAH,] U'SHE'IYAH YUKAS SHA'AR."- "[The cities of Eretz Yisrael will be left desolate,] and due to the desolation the gate will be smote" (Yeshayah 24:12). Rav Huna explains in the name of Rav that "She'iyah" refers to the name of a destructive spirit. One who resides in the empty courtyard of another prevents this spirit from causing damage.

9a)[line 21]לדידי חזי ליהL'DIDI CHAZI LEI- lit. to me he appeared; i.e., I saw that spirit

b)[line 22]ומנגח כי תוראU'MENA'GE'ACH KI TORA- and it gores like a bull

10)[line 22]ביתא מיתבא יתיבBEISA MEISVA YASIV- an inhabited house remains inhabitable [since those who reside there keep it in good repair; as such, one who resides in the empty courtyard of another does him a favor]

11)[line 23]דקא משתמש ביה בציבי ותיבנאD'KA MISHTAMESH BEI B'TZIVEI V'TIVNA- [a case] in which [the owner of the building] used it to store firewood and straw [in which case the spirit of She'iyah would not have attacked anyway, but the squatter will maintain the building]

12)[line 25]בנה אפדנא אקילקלתא דיתמיBANA APADNA A'KILKALTA D'YASMEI- he built a large building upon a garbage dump belonging to orphans

13)[line 25]אגביהAGVEI- he collected [as rent payment]

14)[line 28]מעיקרא קרמנאי הוו דיירי ביהME'IKARA KARMANA'EI HAVU DAIRI BAH- originally, Karmenians (alt. Girsa KADMANAI - prior inhabitants) used to live there

15a)[line 29]א"ל, "זיל פייסינהו ליתמי"AMAR LEHU, "ZIL PAISINHU L'YASMEI"- [Rav Nachman] said to [he who built the Apadna], "Go and appease the orphans [with a token sum for rent]"

b)[line 30]ולא אשגחV'LO ASHGACH- and they paid him no mind

16)[line 32]ובמחזרתUV'MACHZERES- and [the case in our Mishnah in which the animal ate from the sides of the public area and its owner is fully responsible is one] in which it turned [its head while remaining in the public area, since this constitutes a) Shen in a private domain (RASHI, TOSFOS DH uv'Machzeres); b) an unusual action of Keren, and he must pay Chatzi Nezek (alternate explanation of RASHI cited by TOSFOS DH uv'Machzeres)]

17)[line 34]שבקתהSHAVKASAH- [the animal] left

18)[line 36]באפי נפשהB'APEI NAFSHAH- on its own; i.e., unrelated to our Mishnah

19)[line 41]פשיטא במחזרתPESHITAH B'MACHZERES- obviously by turning its head [since the doorway to a store can only be found on the side of the Rachvah]

20)[line 43]הוא מותיב לה, והוא מפרק להHU MOSIV LAH, V'HU MEFAREK LAH- he asked [the question], and he [himself] answered it

21)[line 44]דקיימא בקרן זויתD'KAIMA B'KEREN ZAVIS- [the case is one] in which [the store] is on a corner [where the Reshus ha'Rabim a) narrows, such that the animal could walk straight and still encounter the store on the side of the narrower part (RASHI); b) is shaped like an "L", such that the animal can walk straight ahead instead of turning and thereby encounter the store (TOSFOS DH d'Kaima)]

22)[line 46]מקצה מקום מרשותו לרשות הרביםMEKATZEH MAKOM ME'RESHUSO LI'RESHUS HA'RABIM- [a case in which] one a) gave up part of his domain to the public [and then spread his produce there to dry] (RASHI); b) allowed the public to walk through his domain [as long as he was not using it to dry his produce] (TOSFOS DH Ki)

23)[line 51]רב דאמר פטור קסבר בור ברשותו חייבRAV D'AMAR PATUR KESAVAR BOR BI'RESHUSO CHAYAV- Rav who rules that [the owner of the animal] is exempt maintains that a) [one who renders the area around his pit ownerless] while maintaining ownership of the pit is responsible [to pay if an animal falls in like the opinion of Rebbi Yishmael (see 49b-50a) and, since it is considered an obstacle, he may seize it (see 30a)] (RASHI); b) one who digs a pit in his own domain [right next to the Reshus ha'Rabim] is responsible [to pay if an animal falls into it, and he is therefore likewise responsible for placing his produce right next to the Reshus ha'Rabim. Since it is considered an obstacle, he may seize it (see 30a)] (TOSFOS DH d'Rav)


24)[line 2]לאו כל כמינךLAV KOL KEMINACH- it is not within your [Halachic] ability

25)[line 4]איכא למימר לאו אדעתיהIKA L'MEIMAR LAV A'DAITEI- [the owner of the animal] may claim that [his animal] did not a) see [the pit, since it sunken into the ground and not readily visible] (RASHI); b) wish [to fall into the pit] (TOSFOS DH d'Rav)

26)[line 6]הא חזי להו!HA CHAZI LEHU!- he certainly a) saw [the produce, since it was readily visible above ground]! (RASHI); b) desired [to eat] the produce! (TOSFOS DH d'Rav)

27)[line 6]תנאי היאTENAI HI- is the subject of a disagreement between Tana'im

28)[line 7]אכלה מתוך הרחבהACHLAH MITOCH HA'RACHVAH- if the animal ate from the public area

29)[line 7]משלמת מה שנהניתMESHALEMES MAH SHE'NEHENIS- [the owner of the animal] must pay for the benefit that it derived (see 20a)

30)[line 8]צידי הרחבהTZIDEI HA'RACHVAH- the sides of the public area [that are privately owned (TOSFOS to 21a DH uv'Machzeres)]

31)[line 10]אין דרכה לאכול אלא להלךEIN DARKAH LE'ECHOL ELA LA'HALOCH- it is not normal for it to eat but rather to walk. At this point the Gemara understands that Rebbi Yosi means that it is not normal for an animal to eat from the Tzidei ha'Rachvah.

32)[line 12]רבי יוסי סבר משלמת מה שהזיקהREBBI YOSI SAVAR MESHALEMES MAH SHE'HIZIKAH- Rebbi Yosi maintains that [the owner of the animal] must pay for all of what it damaged [since it is not normal for an animal to turn its head while remaining in the public area]

33)[line 15]ב"ביער בשדה אחר"B"V'IER BI'SEDEI ACHER"- regarding [the implication of the verse which states that one is responsible for that which his animal eats when] "it shall graze [in the field of another" (Shemos 22:4)

34)[line 18]לימא, "פירך ברשותי מאי בעי?"LEIMA, "PEIRACH BI'RESHUSI MAI BA'EI?"- let [the owner of the animal] say, "What is your produce doing in my domain?" [and it is obvious without the verse that he is exempt from paying in such a case]

35a)[line 19]דאילפאD'ILFA- the case of [an animal that ate off of the back of another animal in Reshus ha'Rabim in which] Ilfa [ruled that its owner is responsible for full damages] (20a)

b)[line 19]ורבי אושעיאV'REBBI OSHAYA- and the case of [an animal that jumped and ate out of a sack slung over someone's back in Reshus ha'Rabim in which] Rebbi Oshaya [ruled that its owner is responsible for full damages] (20a)

c)[line 19]איכא בינייהוIKA BEINAIHU- that are the subject of their disagreement [as Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yehudah rule that in these cases the owner need not pay any more then the benefit that he has received, whereas Rebbi Yosi and Rebbi Eliezer agree with Ilfa and Rebbi Oshaya]

36)[line 20]גדיGEDI- a goat

37)[line 21]הן מועדיןHEN MU'ADIN- they are expected to act in such a manner

38)[line 22]נטל חררהNATAL CHARARAH- took a flat cake baked directly on coals [along with at least one coal stuck to it]

39)[line 22]גדישGADISH- a stack of grain stalks

40)[line 24]על הגדיש משלם חצי נזקAL HA'GADISH MESHALEM CHATZI NEZEK- The Gemara explains the reasoning behind this ruling (22a).

41)[line 26]תחלתו בפשיעה וסופו באונסTECHILASO BI'FESHI'AH V'SOFO B'ONES- a case in which one was negligent to begin with, although the damage actually occurred as the result of circumstances beyond his control

42)[line 34]פעמים שאפילו נפלו נמי חייבPE'AMIM SHE'AFILU NAFLU NAMI CHAYAV- there are times that one is responsible [to pay] even when [his animals] fell [off the roof and broke vessels, even according to the opinion which maintains that one is exempt in a case of Techilaso bi'Feshi'ah v'Sofo b'Ones]

43)[line 35]רעועRA'U'A- rickety

44)[line 35]מאי ניהו?MAI NIHU?- why is it so [that he is responsible in such a case]?

45)[line 35]אבעי ליה לאסוקי דעתא דנפיל ארחיIBA'I LEI L'ASUKEI DAITA D'NAFIL ARCHEI- he should have realized that the bricks [of the wall] would fall

46)[line 37]נפול אינהוNAFUL INHU- [the animals] fell

47)[line 38]כותל צרKOSEL TZAR- a) a thin wall [from which it is reasonable that the animal would feel forced to jump]; b) a steeply sloped wall [from which it is reasonable that the animal would feel forced to jump]

48)[line 39]דלגוDALGU- jumped