


אמר רבא למה לי דכתב רחמנא יציאת מצרים ברבית יציאת מצרים גבי ציצית יציאת מצרים במשקלות אמר הקב״ה אני הוא שהבחנתי במצרים בין טפה של בכור לטפה שאינה של בכור אני הוא שעתיד ליפרע ממי שתולה מעותיו בנכרי ומלוה אותם לישראל ברבית וממי שטומן משקלותיו במלח וממי שתולה קלא אילן בבגדו ואומר תכלת הוא
Translation: Rava said: Why did the Torah need to write Yetzias Mitzrayim in connection with interest? [Vayikra 25:36: 'You will not give him your money with interest and not for increase will you give your food, I am Hash-m, your God, Who has taken you out of the land of Mitzrayim.'] And why do I need the Torah to write Yetzias Mitzrayim in connection with tzitzis? And why do I need to the Torah to write Yetzias Mitzrayim in connection with weights? The Holy One blessed is He said: I am the One Who distinguished in Mitzrayim between a drop of the firstborn and a drop that is not of the firstborn. I am the One Who in the future will punish one who attributes his money to a non-Jew and lends it to a Jew with interest, and from one who buries his weights in salt, and from one who hangs Kalla Ilan (a vegetable-based indigo dye) on his garment and says it is Techeles (for the Mitzvah of Tzitzis. The dye must be taken from a fish called a Chilazon.)

These cases involve financial gain through deceit. But how is that relevant to a person who wears fake Techeles in his Tzitzis?


Rosh, Chochmas Shlomo: He deceives others by selling them the fake Techeles.


If Kalla Ilan produces the same color as the Chilazon (as Rashi explains), why does the Torah not allow its use?


Ir Binyamin: Chazal give two reasons for the use of the Chilazon - the first is that its blood's appearance is reminiscent of the sea, which is like the sky, which is like the Throne of Honor in Heaven. But if merely for this reason, Kalla Ilan could have been used. But Rashi in Parshas Shelach gives a second reason. On the words 'Pesil Techeiles', he writes, "so called because of the bereavement (of the Egyptians) over the loss of their firstborn. The Aramaic translation of שיכול, bereavement, is תיכלא (a word similar to תכלת). These are the two reasons why Hash-m specifically chose Techeiles - one is because of its appearance and the other is because of its name. This also explains why the Gemara made a connection between Hash-m's discerning the drop of the firstborn and a person hanging fake Techeiles on his garment. The death of the firstborn is alluded to by specifically using Techeiles.