[39a - 42 lines; 39b - 42 lines]
1)[line 1]"והשביעית תשמטנה ונטשתה ...""V'HA'SHEVI'IS TISHMETENAH U'NETASHTAH"- "And in the seventh [year] you shall leave it unattended and unharvested ..." (Shemos 23:11)
2a)[line 2]אפקעתאAFKATA- cancellation of obligations; exceptional legislation
b)[line 2]אפקעתא דמלכאAFKATA D'MALKA- a decree of the King (Hash-m)
3)[line 3]"[וקאם שאון בעמך וכל מבצריך יושד כשד שלמן בית ארבאל ביום מלחמה] אם על בנים רטשה""[V'KAM SHA'ON B'AMECHA V'CHOL MIVTZARECHA YUSHAD K'SHOD SHALMAN BEIS ARBEL B'YOM MILCHAMAH] EIM AL BANIM RUTASHAH"- "Therefore a tumult shall arise among your people, and all your fortresses shall be desolate, like the desolation after ambush of serene cities on the day of the battle;] leaving destitute the mother with her children." (Hoshea 10:14) - Rashi points out that the verse states, "like the desolatin after the ambush"; the verse is not referring to an actual ambush but rather to people who flee of their own volition for fear of an ambush.
4)[line 15]קימעאKIM'AH"- a little amount
5)[line 19]דלא סמכא דעתיהD'LO SAMCHA DA'ATEI- he does not believe [that he will keep the land]
6)[line 27]כרגאKERAGA- head-tax
7)[line 28]מרדיןMIRDIN- murder [that the person who runs away is accused of committing]
8a)[line 29]קמהKAMAH- standing grain
b)[line 30]לקצור / לבצור / לגדור / למסוקLIKTZOR / LIVTZOR / LIGDOR / LIMSOK- to cut or pick grain / grapes / dates / olives
9)[line 32]אפוטרופוסAPOTROPOS- (O.F. seneschal) steward, manager of the estate (RASHI to Sukah 27a)
10)[line 34]לדיקנניL'DIKNANEI- for those who are bearded, i.e. adults
11)[line 36]קרוב מחמת קרובKAROV MACHMAS KAROV- a relative of a relative, who is not related directly to the minor, but may have a vested interest in making a Chazakah on the property for his relative
12)[line 40]כיון דלא מחי אתי לאחזוקי ביהKEIVAN D'LO MACHI ASI L'ACHAZUKEI BEI- since the minor will not protest, his relative may make a Chazakah on the property
13)[last line]אין מחזיקין בנכסי קטן, ואפילו הגדיל \EIN MACHZIKIN B'NICHSEI KATAN, VA'AFILU HIGDIL (SHNEI CHAZAKAH / MECHA'AH)
A person who claims to have bought a piece of land from another person, but has no proof of purchase may, nevertheless, support his claim with a "Chazakah." A Chezkas Shalosh Shanim (a "Chazakah of three years") means that he has proof (witnesses) that he has been living and working on the land for three years, and his opponent has no witnesses to attest to the fact that he voiced any Mecha'ah (objection) during those three years. This Chazakah serves as proof to the claim that he bought the land (see Bava Basra fr. 28a).
14)[line 5]דלא עביד עיטדאD'LO AVID ITDA- a deed of partition between partners or heirs
15)[line 5]קלא אית להKOLA IS LAH- (lit. it has a voice) it is well known
16)[line 9]לא מחתינןLO MACHTINAN- (lit. we do not [let someone] go down) we do not appoint a relative to take care of the land of a minor
17)[line 9]סבתאSAVTA- (lit. grandmother) an old woman
18)[line 10]תלת בנתאTELAS BENASA- three daughters
19)[line 10]וחדא ברתאV'CHADA BERATA- one daughter
20a)[line 11]שכיבא חדא מינייהוSHECHIVA CHADA MINAIHU- one of them died
b)[line 12]ושבקה ינוקאV'SHAVKA YENUKA- and left over a child
21)[line 17]פלגאPALGA- one half
22a)[line 22]תילתאTILSA- one third
b)[line 23]דנקאDANKA- one sixth
23)[line 27]מרי בר איסקMARI BAR ISAK- there may have been two people by this name; the one in our Gemara lived at the time of Rav Chisda while the one mentioned above, Daf 22a, lived later, at the time of Rav Ashi (TOSFOS to Yevamos 21b DH Rav Ashi)
24)[line 27]מבי חוזאיMI'BEI CHOZA'EI- a district of Bavel on the caravan road, along the Tigris River and its canals
25)[line 28]פלוג ליPELOG LI- divide [our father's estate] with me
26)[line 31]חתימת זקןCHASIMAS ZAKAN- the full development of the beard
27)[line 33]ודחלי מיניהV'DACHALEI MINEI- they are afraid of him
28)[line 33]דגברא אלימא הואD'GAVRA ALIMA HU- he is a strong, violent person (and is difficult to deal with)
29)[line 35]המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיהHA'MOTZI ME'CHAVEIRO ALAV HA'RE'AYAH
The general rule in monetary claims is that the burden of proof rests with the one who wishes to extract payment or other items of value from the other person. Hence, when there is a doubt, all money remains with the one who has possession.
30)[line 37]ולכל אלימי דחברךL'CHOL ALIMEI D'CHAVRACH- and all of your friends of the strong, violent type
31a)[line 40]מפרדיסיMI'PARDEISEI- vineyards
b)[line 40]ובוסתניU'BUSTANEI- orchards
32)[line 40]דשתלD'SHASAL- that he (Mari Bar Isak) planted