[8a - 29 lines; 8b - 43 lines]
1)[line 5]בטופלB'TOFEL- when he combines Ma'aser with Chulin
2)[line 10]"מסת""MISAS"- "And you shall observe the Feast of Shavuos for HaSh-m with the tribute of voluntary freewill offerings that you give, which should be commensurate with [the blessing that] HaSh-m has blessed you." (Devarim 16:10)
3)[line 21]משום סקרתאMISHUM SIKRESA- because of the red dye with which he marks the Ma'aser, which is prohibited on Yom Tov due to the Melachah of Tzove'a (dying)
4)[line 22]"וישם המלך אחשורוש מס על הארץ ואיי הים""VA'YASEM HA'MELECH ACHASHVEROSH MAS AL HA'ARETZ V'IYEI HA'YAM" - "And the king Achashverosh imposed a tax on the land and the islands of the sea." (Esther 10:1) (ACHASHVEROSH IMPOSES A NEW TAX)
The Gemara in Megilah (11a) ascribes the very name of the king (Achashverosh) to this tax, since everyone became poor (the last syllable, "Rash," means "poor") on account of it. The commentaries explain that the significance of this verse is to demonstrate the power of Achashverosh and, at the same time, that of Mordechai, who was one of the king's ministers. The Ibn Ezra explains that it was not so much Achashverosh who enhanced the greatness of Mordechai as it was Mordechai who enhanced the power of Achashverosh, because it was when the king appointed Mordechai as minister that the king rose to even greater heights of power and glory than before.
5)[line 23]וכי תימא אמוראי הוא דפליגיV'CHI TEIMA AMORA'EI HU D'PELIGI, MASNAISA LO PELIGI- and if you should say that [according to Rav Sheshes,] only the Amoraim - Chizkiyah and Rebbi Yochanan - argue [about whether a person can combine only animals or only money]. The Beraisa'os (cited on Amud Alef as a proof for the Amora'im) do not argue [that a person can combine money; they only argue about whether a person may combine animals as well, and Rav Sheshes follows the opinion of the second Beraisa that a person may combine both money and animals.]
6)[line 29]ביום טוב שניYOM TOV SHENI- (a) the second day of the festival, i.e. Chol ha'Mo'ed (as in Sukah 38a - see Background to Sukah 38:7) (RASHI); (b) the second Yom Tov, i.e. the last day of the festival (RABEINU CHANANEL)