[93a - 54 lines; 93b - 55 lines]
1)[line 1]çìá ùäáùø çåôä àåúåCHELEV SHEHA'BASAR CHOFEH OSO- the portion of the Chelev (fat) of the flanks that is covered by the meat is permitted (because only the fat that is visible on the flanks when the animal is flayed is prohibited, but not that which is concealed by the layers of meat)
2)[line 2]äëñìéíHA'KESALIM- the flanks, the sides of the animal between the ribs and the hip
3)[line 7]úøáà ãúåúé îúðé àñéøTARBA D'SUSEI MASNEI ASIR- the Chelev that is under the loins is prohibited
4)[line 8]áäîä áçééä ôøå÷é îéôø÷àBEHEMAH B'CHAYEHA PERUKEI MIPARKA- an animal while alive makes movements which cause the limbs to be temporarily displaced (so that the loins do not cover the fat)
5)[line 10]èáçàTABACHA- a butcher
6)[line 10]åðäéøðàU'NEHIRNA- I remember
7)[line 14]çìá ùòì ä÷øáCHELEV SHE'AL HA'KEREV- the fat that covers the innards (which is a fatty membrane that encloses most of the digestive system from the underside like a sack)
8)[line 16]úøáà ã÷ìéáåñúàTARBA D'KELISBUSTA- the fat of the Kelibusta (a small bone located toward the end of the spinal column, above the hip; the vertebra of the tail are attached to it); the coccyx
9)[line 17]çåèéï ùáéãCHUTIN SHEBA'YAD- the blood vessels in the foreleg; i.e. the blood vessels that are removed from the shoulder
10)[line 18]îùä, îé àîø øçîðà...?MOSHE, MI AMAR RACHMANA...?- Moshe, did HaSh-m really say [that you could eat the blood]? (The expression, "Moshe," here means either "Great sage, did HaSh-m reallt say...," (Rashi here), or it is an expression of an oath: "By the honor of Moshe Rabeinu, did HaSh-m say..." (Rashi to Beitzah 38b))
11)[line 20]çúëéä åîìçéä, àôéìå ì÷ãéøä ðîé ùôéø ãîéCHATCHEI U'MALCHEI, AFILU L'KEDEIRAH NAMI SHAPIR DAMI- if he cut it and salted it [to remove all the blood], it may be cooked even in a pot (whereas if he did not cut it and salt it, it may only be roasted)
12)[line 23]øéù îòéà áàîúà áòé âøéøäREISH ME'AYA B'AMSA BA'I GEREIRAH- the first Amah's length of the duodenum requires scraping to remove its fat
13)[line 24]çåèéï ùáòå÷õCHUTIN SHEBA'UKATZ- (O.F. hance) the threads or nerves that are in the waist or hip
14)[line 26]áëôìàB'CHAFLA- in the flank
15)[line 27]úìúà îôöìé ìúøé úøéTELASA MEFATZLEI L'TREI TREI- the three on the right side branch off into two each
16)[line 27]úøé îôöìé ìúìúà úìúàTREI MEFATZLEI L'TELASA TELASA- the two on the left side branch off into three each
17)[line 28]ãàé ùìéó ìäå òã ãçîéîé, îùúìôéD'IY SHALIF LEHU AD D'CHAMIMEI, MISHTALFEI- if one pulls out the threads while they are still warm (immediately after the animal's slaughter), they will slide out with their branches [and one will not need to dig after them]
18)[line 32]ãèçìéD'TACHLEI- of the spleen
19)[line 32]åãëôìéUD'CHAFLEI- and of the flanks
20)[line 32]åãëåìéúàUD'CHULYASA- and of the kidneys
21)[line 33]ãéãàD'YADA- that of the foreleg
22)[line 33]åãìåòàU'DELU'A- and of the jaw
23)[line 36]÷øîéKARMEI- membranes
24)[line 38]ãáéòéD'VE'EI- and of the testicles
25)[line 39]åãîå÷øàUD'MOKRA- and of the brain (that which covers the brain)
26)[line 40]äåä ÷à ÷ìéó ìéäHAVAH KA KALIF LEI- he was peeling off a membrane (of the spleen)
27)[line 41]äåä ÷à âàéí ìéä îòéìàéHAVAH KA GA'IM LEI ME'ILA'I- he was peeling off the spleen for him [by removing its membrane only] from the upper section
28)[line 42]àîø ìéä çåú áéä èôéAMAR LEI CHUS BEI TEFEI- Levi said to him, descend further into it; i.e. remove the membrane even from the lower section
29)[line 42]àúà àáåäASA AVUHA- and Levi's father (Rav Huna bar Chiya) came
30)[line 45]ùòì äããSHE'AL HA'DAD- [the Torah prohibits] only that portion of the spleen's membrane which is over the hilum
31)[line 54]áéòé çùéìúàBE'EI CHASHILSA- testicles that are partially detached (Rashi) or mashed (Rabeinu Gershom)
32)[line 1]îãìå ÷à áøééïMID'LO KA VARYAN- and the testicles do not heal or regenerate
33)[line 1]àáø îï äçéEVER MIN HA'CHAI
(a)Ever Min ha'Chai refers to a limb that is detached from an animal when it is alive, whether the limb contains only flesh (such as the tongue or heart) or whether it contains bone, flesh and sinews (such as a hand or foot). Basar Min ha'Chai refers to flesh detached from an animal when it is alive. Both are forbidden to be eaten by the Torah (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'achalos Asuros 5:1).
(b)The Gemara (Chulin 128b) brings a source from the verses to show that Ever Min ha'Chai is Metamei like a limb of a Neveilah. A Neveilah is a carcass of a Kosher animal that died without a Halachic slaughtering (or that was slaughtered improperly). A k'Zayis or more of a Neveilah makes a person or an object Tamei through Maga (contact). It is Metamei a Keli Cheres (an earthenware utensil) if it enters the utensil's interior and is Metamei a person with Tum'as Masa (by carrying it) to cause him, in turn, to be Metamei the clothes that he is wearing (RAMBAM Hilchos She'ar Avos ha'Tum'ah 1:1).
(c)For a further discussion of Ever Min ha'Chai, see Background to Chulin 127:19.
34)[line 2]îãìà ÷à îñøçïMID'LO KA MESARCHAN- since the testicles do not decay
35)[line 2]äðé çéåúå àéú áäåHANEI CHIYUSA IS BEHU- these still have life in them
36)[line 4]ëçéùåúà äåà ãð÷è ìäåKECHISHUSA HU D'NAKAT LEHU- they are seized by weakness
37)[line 9]àæøòïAZR'AN- produced seed, semen
38)[line 11]ùåøéé÷é ñåî÷éSHURAIKEI SUMKEI- red streaks, veins
39)[line 11]åîæø÷éU'MIZREKEI- and the jugular veins
40)[line 17]àåîöà ãàñîé÷UMTZA D'ASMIK- (O.F. sancterude) a piece of meat with a red spot that is produced by blood forced out of its vessel and retained in the flesh (a black and blue mark)
41)[line 19]ãàéá ãîàDA'IV DAMA- and the blood flows or drips
42)[line 19]àâåîøéA'GUMREI- resting on coals
43)[line 20]îùàá ùàáé ìéäMISH'AV SHA'AVEI LEI- the heat draws out the blood
44)[line 21]îöîú öîúé ìéäMITZMAS TZAMSEI LEI- (O.F. estreint) they close it up (condense the surface of the flesh, binding the blood in the veins)
45)[line 22]øéùà áëéáùàREISHA B'CHIVSHA- a head put in ashes (to scorch off the hair, see Beitzah 34a)
46)[line 22]àåúáéä àáéú äùçéèä ãééá ãîà åùøéOSVEI A'VEIS HA'SHECHITAH DAYIV DAMA V'SHARI- if one seated it on the place of its slaughter (he placed it in the ashes in an upright position), the blood flows out [through the open neck] and [the head] is permitted [for consumption]
47)[line 23]àöããéï îé÷ôà ÷ôéA'TZEDADIN MIKFA KAFI- if he seated the head on it side, the blood congeals in the skull
48)[line 24]àåúáéä àðçéøéäOSVEI A'NECHIREI- if he seated the head on its nostrils
49)[line 24]ãõ áéä îéãéDATZ BEI MIDI- if he sticks something into it
50)[line 31]àé÷ìåãé îé÷ìéãIKLUDEI MIKLID- the sinew inserts itself into the flesh like a key
51)[line 33]äéëà ãôøòé èáçéHEICHA D'FAR'EI TABACHEI- the outer sinew, where the butchers uncover it when they separate the thigh from the hip
52)[line 36]ìòáøåL'ABRO- if he leaves over a k'Se'orah, he is removed from his job
53)[line 42]àëùåø ãøéICHSHUR DAREI- have the generations improved?
54)[line 50]ãàðùéåäD'ANSHEYUHA- that they forgot it