[119a - 29 lines; 119b - 42 lines]

***************GIRSA SECTION******************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Gemara 119a [line 23]:

The word "b'Mashmishan" במשמישן

should be "b'Mishmushan" במישמושן in the entire Sugya, and in Rashi and Tosfos

(This is the way it appears in the Mishnayos and in the RAMBAM, RASH, and ROSH)

[2] Rashi 119a DH Kashya Seifa קשיא סיפא:

The words "mi'Tana Kama" מתנא קמא

should be "umi'Tana Kama" ומתנא קמא

[3] Rashi DH Iy Ba'is Eima be'Yad איבעית אימא ביד:

The words "Ela k'Chada" אלא כחדא

should be "Ela b'Chada" אלא בחדא

[4] Rashi DH v'Rebbi Yochanan ור' יוחנן (at the end of the Dibur):

The words "b'Shomer Lo Matzi l'Ukumah... d'Yesh Shomer l'Fachos mik'Pol" בשומר לא מצי לאוקומה... דיש שומר לפחות מכפול are superfluous

[5] Tosfos 119a DH v'Rebbi Yochanan Amar Kulah b'Yad uche'Tana Kama ורבי יוחנן אמר כולה ביד וכת'' ק:

The words "Hu ha'Din b'Shomer" הוא הדין בשומר

should be "v'Hu ha'Din b'Shomer" והוא הדין בשומר

[6] Tosfos 119a DH v'Rebbi Yochanan Amar Kulah b'Shomer v'Hu d'Amar k'Acherim ורבי יוחנן אמר כולה בשומר והוא דאמר כאחרים:

The words "ked'Piresh b'Kuntras" כדפירש בקונטרס should be after the word "Mairi" מיירי

[7] Gemara 119b [line 39]:

The name "Rebbi Ila'a" רבי אלעא

should be "Rebbi Ila'i" רבי אלעאי

[8] Rashi 119b DH Hach Kelipah הך קליפה:

The words "v'Lo Havu Shomrin" ולא הוו שומרין

should be "v'Lo Havu Shenei Shomrin" ולא הוו שני שומרין (SHITAH MEKUBETZES #7)

[9] Rashi DH b'Chad Dara בחד דרא:

The words "demi'Toch she'Kevu'im b'Dochak Miskayemes" דמתוך שקבועים בדוחק מתקיימת

should be "demi'Toch she'Kevu'im b'Dochak Miskaimos" דמתוך שקבועים בדוחק מתקיימות


1)[line 7]קוליתKULIS- (O.F. redondel) femur, thighbone

2)[line 8]גוררת כולה לטומאהGORERES KULAH L'TUM'AH- causes the entire bone to become Tamei

3)[line 22]בשל פולB'SHEL POL- (a) (O.F. coses) [the pods or shells] of beans (RASHI); (b) (O.F. rais) [the stems to which the pods] of beans [are attached] (TOSFOS)

4)[line 22]בשל קטניתB'SHEL KITNIS- [the pods] of peas (or other legumes that are similarly "Pachos mik'Pol," smaller than beans)

5)[line 23]שרוצה (במשמישן) [במישמושן]SHE'ROTZEH (B'MASHMISHAN) [B'MISHMUSHAN]- since the owner is pleased with the use of the pods for the Kitnis, which is very small

6)[line 24]קולחאKULCHA- stalk

7)[last line]בריה שאניBIRYAH SHA'ANI- an item that is whole and complete like it was when it was created is different (see Insights to Chulin 119:1)


8)[line 4]קדורהKEDURAH- pierced

9)[line 19]בשדרהB'SHIDRA- it refers to the stem of an ear of wheat

10)[line 20]עיליתאILYASA- the upper rows of kernels of a single ear of wheat

11)[line 20]תתיתאTATYASA- the lower rows of kernels of the same ear

12)[line 21]דראDARA- row, level

13)[line 22]בחטי דשמעון בן שטחB'CHITEI D'SHIMON BEN SHETACH- it is referring to the enormous kernels of wheat that grew in the days of Shimon Ben Shetach, which were the size of kidneys (the size of two kidneys of a large bull — RASHI; see Kesuvos 111b)

14)[line 29]נימאNIMA- hair

15)[line 31]ציבTZIV- a strand of flesh protruding from the meat, that is loosely attached to the meat (the Tziv itself does not contain a k'Zayis of meat, but it makes someone who touches it become Tamei because it is attached to the piece of meat that is a k'Zayis) (RASHI)

16)[line 32]חלחולי מחלחלCHALCHULEI ME'CHALCHEL- penetrates

17)[line 33]כתיבה תמהKESIVAH TAMAH- a perfect writing, with no part of any letter missing

18)[line 34]מערבאMA'ARAVA- Eretz Yisrael (lit. in the west [of Bavel])

19)[line 35]מלאיMELAI- the "whiskers" that extend upward from ears of grain, known as the glume, which is part of the chaff

20)[line 35]מלאי שבין המלאיםMELAI SHE'BEIN HA'MELA'IM- when one takes hold of a number of glumes at once (and together they are strong enough that they do not break off)