CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


(a)Rebbi rules in a Beraisa that if someone Shechts, and blood squirts from the animal's neck on to a detached pumpkin of Terumah, the pumpkin is Muchshar Lekabeil Tum'ah. What does Rebbi Chiya say?

(b)On what basis does Rebbi Oshaya cite Rebbi Shimon in this matter?

(c)What does Rav Papa say about a case where the blood remains on the pumpkin until the termination of the Shechitah?

(d)If, as he explains, they argue over a case where the blood is wiped off the pumpkin before the Shechitah has been completed, what is the basis of their Machlokes? Why does ...

1. ... Rebbi Chiya say that the pumpkin is not Muchshar?

2. ... Rebbi say that it is?


(a)What does Rebbi Oshaya then mean when he says 'Bo'u Ve'nismoch al Divrei Rebbi Shimon', seeing as Rebbi Shimon holds in principle, that Dam Shechitah is not Machshir, whereas Rebbi Chiya holds that it is?

(b)Rav Ashi disagrees with Rav Papa's explanation however. How does *he* interpret the Tolin of Rebbi Chiya?

(c)What are the two sides to his Safek?

(d)What does Rebbi Oshaya now mean when he says 'Bo'u ve'Nismach al Divrei Rebbi Shimon', seeing as Rebbi Shimon holds that Dam Shechitah is not Machshir, whereas Rebbi Chiya holds that it is?


(a)Resh Lakish asks whether the Din of Rishon and Sheini apply to a Tz'rid shel Menachos. What is ...

1. ... Tz'rid shel Menachos?

2. ... Chibas ha'Kodesh?

(b)What is then Resh Lakish's She'eilah?

(c)What does the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk in Shemini (in connection with Hechsher Ochel Lekabeil Tum'ah) "mi'Kol ha'Ochel asher Ye'achel asher Yavo alav Mayim Yitma"?

(d)What does Rebbi Elazar try to prove from there?


(a)How do we refute Rebbi Elazar's proof from the Pasuk (that the Din of Hechsher Mayim is confined to food that has contact with water)?

(b)What is Rebbi Elazar's real reason for resolving the She'eilah from the above Beraisa?

(c)How do we refute that too? Why do we need two Pesukim for Hechsher Mayim?

(d)Having taught us Hechsher Mayim by Tum'as ...

1. ... Meis, why does the Torah then need to repeat it by Tum'as Sheretz?

2. ... Sheretz, why does the Torah then need to repeat it by Tum'as Meis?



(a)What do we extrapolate from Rebbi Shimon in our Mishnah 'Huchsheru bi'Shechitah', which seems to resolve Resh Lakish's She'eilah (and pose a Kashya on Rebbi Elazar, too)?

(b)Shamai rules that grapes that one picks for wine-making, are Huchshar Lekabeil Tum'ah. Why is that?

(c)Hillel ultimately agrees with Shamai. But what did he say initially?

(d)Why does Rebbi Zeira, who also makes the same observation from here as Rav Yosef did from the previous Beraisa, not consider the grapes Ochel ha'Ba be'Mayim?


(a)On what grounds does Abaye reject the proofs of both Rav Yosef and Rebbi Zeira?

(b)Why did the Rabbanan issue such a decree in the case of Shamai?

(c)What is the difference whether the Terumah grapes are a Rishon min ha'Torah or only mi'de'Rabbanan?


(a)What objection does Rav Yosef raise to Abaye's answer ...

1. ... to his own Kashya (from Shechitah) that Rishon and Sheini by Shechitah is only mi'de'Rabbanan?

2. ... to Rebbi Zeira's Kashya (from 'ha'Botzer le'Gas')?

(b)What does Abaye answer? How did he qualify Resh Lakish's She'eilah?

(c)On what basis do we then extrapolate that Chibas ha'Kodesh must be d'Oraysa?


(a)Bearing in mind that the Pasuk in Shemini "ve'ha'Basar asher Yiga be'Chol Tamei" is referring to Kodshim, how do we know that the Basar did not become Muchshar Lekabeil Tum'ah through ...

1. ... its own blood (or through that of other Kodshim animals)?

2. ... the water with which they would wash the Kodshim animals in the Beis ha'Mitbachayim?

(b)What else did Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina say about Mashkei bei Matb'chaya?

(c)We nevertheless reject the proof from there that Chibas ha'Kodesh is d'Oraysa, based on a statement of Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel. How did Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel establish the Pasuk in Shemini?


(a)What do we learn from the word "ve'ha'Basar"(in the Pasuk in Tzav "ve'ha'Basar, Kol Tahor Yochal Basar")?

(b)What problem do we have with this D'rashah?

(c)So what do we learn from there?

(d)What is the conclusion of Resh Lakish's She'eilah (whether we count Rishon and Sheini by Chibas ha'Kodesh or not)?