CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.



úåñ' ã"ä çåõ ìöåàø ëîìà öåàø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the reason for this ruling and its ramifications.)

ìëàåøä ðøàä ùöøéê ìäåìéê ëì àåúå îìà öåàø ùçåõ ìöåàø, åìëê öøéê àåúå ùéòåø.


Initial Ruling: Initially it seems that the Shochet must draw the knife a neck-length past the neck, which is the reason that this Shi'ur (of the knife) is necessary.

åîéäå ðøàä ãàéï öøéê, åìà äåöøê ùéòåø æä àìà ëãé ùéùçåè áøéåç ...


Amended Ruling: It appears however, that this is not necessary, and that the Shi'ur (of the knife) is only necessary in order to Shecht liberally ...

åôòîéí ùäñëéï çøéó åùåçè äøåá áìà äåìëú ëîìà öåàø.


Conclusion: Sometimes in fact, it happens that the knife is so sharp that one Shechts the majority of the Simanim before one has even drawn it along the entire width of the neck.



úåñ' ã"ä åäà àîøä øáà çãà æéîðà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses as to why the Kashya is specifically on Rava, after he establishes our Mishnah like Rebbi Nasan.)

à'îúðéúéï ìà ôøéê 'äà úðéðà çãà æéîðà' ...


Implied Question: The reason that the Gemara does not ask directly that we have already learned this in our Mishnah is ...

ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ - îùåí ãáîúðéúéï ìà úðà áäãéà 'äôéìä äåà, ëùøä', àìà øáà äåà ããéé÷ ìä.


Answer #1: ... because, as Rashi explains, the Mishnah does not explicitly state 'Hipilah Hu. Kesheirah', and it is Rava who says it.

åîéäå ðøàä ãàôéìå àé úðï ìä áäãéà áîúðéúéï, ìà äéä éëåì ìä÷ùåú ...


Alternative Answer: It seems however, that even if the Mishnah had explicitly said it, we would not have been able to ask ...

ãäà ìà ôøéê à'øáà 'ìîä ìéä ìîéã÷, 'äà äôéìä äåà, ëùøä - äà úðéðà ìòéì, îãîëùøéðï ùçéèú çøù ùåèä å÷èï ...


Explanation (Part 1): ... because the Gemara does not ask why Rava needs to extrapolate 'Ha Hipilah Hu, Kesheirah', seeing as the Mishnah has already taught us that, by virtue of the fact that it declares Kasher the Shechitah of a Chashu.

ãàé ìàå ãàîø øáà à'îúðé' ãçù"å - 'øáé ðúï äéà', ìà äéä î÷ùä ëìåí, ããìîà áçù"å îëùøéðï èôé, åàôéìå øáðï îåãå, ãîéëååðé ìçúéëú áùø.


Explanation (Part 2): ... which in turn, is because, if Rava had not established that Mishnah like Rebbi Nasan, there would have been nothing to ask, due to the possibility that even the Rabbanan will agree by a Chashu, who at least have the intention of cutting flesh ...

àìà ôøéê îùåí ãàå÷îà ìääéà ëøáé ðúï, àìîà îëùøà îúðéúéï àôéìå äéëà ãìà îéëåéï ìçúéëú áùø, ëîå 'æø÷ ñëéï ìðåòöä áëåúì'.


Explanation (Part 3): ... and the Gemara only asks on Rava from there, because he establishes the author as Rebbi Nasan, from which we see that the Shechitah is Kasher even there where he did not intend to cut the flesh, just like the case (of Rebbi Nasan) where one threw a knife with the intention of sticking it into the wall ...

åàí ëï, ìîä ìéä ìøáà ìîéã÷ 'äà äôéìä äåà ëùøä'?


Explanation (Part 4): ... thereby prompting the Kashya why Rava then needs to extrapolate 'Ha Hipilah Hu, Kesheirah'?

åîùðé, ãä"à ã'ñëéï ìðåòöä' òãéó, ãîéëåéï îéäà ìçúéëä áòìîà; àáì 'äôéìä' ìà îëåéï ëìì ìùåí çúéëä.


Conclusion: And the Gemara answers that we would otherwise have thought that the case of the knife in the wall is better, since he at least had the intention to make a cut (in the wall), whereas that of Hipilah, he did not.



úåñ' ã"ä åàé àùîåòéðï äôéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the two Tzerichusas are not parallel.)

äùúà äê öøéëåúà ìà äåéà ãåîéà ãàéãê ...


Observation: It transpires that this Tzerichusa is not parallel to the other one ...

ãìà áà ìôøù èòí àîàé àéöèøéê ìéä ìøáà ìîéîø âáé çøù ùåèä å÷èï 'øáé ðúï äéà', ãà"ë îàé ÷àîø 'àáì äúí ãìà àúé îëç áï ãòú, àéîà ìà!', äà áäãéà úðï ãëùøä?


Explanation (Part 1): ... since the Gemara is not coming to explain Rava, why he needs to establish the case of Chashu like Rebbi Nasan, because if it was, what does it mean when it says 'But there, where it does not come from the force of a ben Da'as, we would have thought that it is Pasul, seeing as the Mishnah specifically rules that it is Kasher?

àìà à'îúðéúéï âåôà òáéã öøéëåúà, àîàé àéöèøéëà.


Explanation (Part 2): The Tzerichusa must therefore pertain to the Mishnah itself, why it needs to issue the ruling at all.

åøáà àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï ãø' ðúï äéà, ãàé ìàå ãàùîåòéðï, äåä àîéðà ãäúí àôéìå øáðï îåãå, ãäà îéëååðé ìçúéëú áùø.


Explanation (Part 3): Rava however, needs to establish the Mishnah like Rebbi Nasan, since we would otherwise have thought that even the Rabbanan will concede that it is Kasher, seeing as the Chashu had the intention of at least cutting the flesh.

ìäëé àùîåòéðï ãàô"ä ôñìé øáðï.


Explanation (Part 4): Therefore it needs to inform us that they nevertheless declare it Pasul ...

åäà ã÷àîø øáà ì÷îï 'åøáðï ðäé ãìà áòé ëååðä ìæáéçä, ìçúéëä îéäà áòéà'?


Implied Question: ... and when Rava says later 'Granted that he does not require Kavanah for Shechitah, he does however require Kavanah to cut' ...

äééðå ìçúéëú ñéîðéí.


Answer: ... he means 'to cut specifically the Simanim'.



úåñ' ã"ä åàñåøä ìàëåì áúøåîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rav Yehudah mentions Terumah and not Ma'aser.)

àôéìå ìîòùø àñåøä, ëãàîøé' áñîåê.


Implied Question: She is forbidden to eat Ma'aser (Sheini), too, as we will learn shortly ...

àìà ð÷è úøåîä ãðåäâú áæîï äæä.


Answer: ... and the reason that he mentions Terumah is because it applies nowadays.



úåñ' ã"ä òåï ëøú äúøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara did not rather ask than the other way round.)

àéôëà äåä ìéä ìîéîø - 'òåï îéúä àñøú, òåï ëøú îéáòéà?'


Implied Question (Part 1): Why did the Gemara not ask the other way round 'If you forbid an Isur Misah, then an Isur Kareis should certainly be forbidden'? ...

ãäà ôùéèà ãáòéðï ëååðä áúøåîä ...


Implied Question (Part 2): ... since it is obvious that we need Kavanah for Terumah?

åëãúðï áàéï ãåøùéï (çâéâä ãó éç:) 'èáì ìçåìéï, àñåø áîòùø!'


Source (Part 1): ... as we learned in 'Ein Dorshin (Chagigah 18b) 'Taval le'Chulin, Asur be'Ma'aser!'

åàó áçåìéï áòé øáà ìîéîø ã'èáì åìà äåçæ÷, ëàéìå ìà èáì'?


Source (Part 2): ... seeing as even regarding Chulin Rava wants to say (initially) 'Taval ve'Lo Huchzak, Ke'ilu Lo Taval'.

åéù ìåîø, îùåí ãð÷è îòé÷øà 'èäåøä ìáéúä', ÷àîø äëé.


Answer #1: The reason that he asked the way that he did is because he first mentioned 'Tehorah le'Veisah'.

àé ðîé, ðàðñä òãéó îèáì ìçåìéï, ùàí äéúä éåãòú, äéúä îúëååðú àó ìîòùø. åîã÷àîø 'èäåøä ìáéúä', àìîà çùéáà ìéä ëååðä; àí ëï, àó ìúøåîä úäà îåúøú.


Answer #2: 'Alternatively, Ne'ensah is better than Taval le'Chulin, because, if she had known, she would have had Kavanah for Ma'aser as well. And since he said 'Tehorah le'Veisah', we see that it is considered Kavanah, in which case, she ought to be permitted to eat Terumah as well.




úåñ' ã"ä åëé úéîà áéåùá åîöôä îàé ìîéîøà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos presents two interpretations of the Gemara's Kashya.)

ôéøåù, àé àîøú áùìîà ãìà îééøé áéåùá åîöôä àìà ñúîà ëã÷úðé à"ù, ãîùîò ãàùîåòéðï ãçåìéï ìà áòå ëååðä;


Explanation #1 (Part 1): It would be fine if the Tana was not talking about 'Yoshev u'Metzapeh', only S'tam, as he states, since then it would seem, he is coming to teach us that Chulin does not require Kavanah.

àáì àé àéëà ìîéãçé ãàééøé áéåùá åîöôä, îàé ìîéîøà?


Explanation #1 (Part 2): But if you want to force the issue and to explain that he is speaking about 'Yoshev u'Metzapeh', then what is he coming to teach us?

ãìéëà ìîéîø ãàúà ìàùîåòéðï ãáòå ëååðä, ãäà ìà îùîò îéðéä ãàééøé áéåùá åîöôä, ãñúîà ÷úðé, 'åðôì' ãîùîò èôé áìà éåùá åîöôä


Explanation #1 (Part 3): ... since he cannot be coming to teach us that one needs Kavanah, seeing as the Mishnah does not specifically imply that it is speaking by 'Yoshev u'Metzapeh'; In fact 've'Nafal' suggests that it is speaking without Yoshev u'Metzapeh ...

åäøé"ç ôéøù 'îàé ìîéîøà - ãìéëà ìîéîø ãàúà ìàùîåòéðï ãáòå ëååðä, ãäà ÷úðé 'èäåøä', îùîò ã÷åìà àúà ìàùîåòéðï.


Explanation #2: ... whereas according to the Maharich, the Gemara asks 'Mai le'Meimra' - because, since he says 'Tehorin', which implies that he is coming to teach us a Kula, the Tana cannot be coming to teach us that one needs Kavanah (which is a Chumra).



úåñ' ã"ä âæéøä îùåí çøãìéú ùì âùîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's reason for the prohibition of Toveling in a Chard'lis.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ, åàéï èåáìéï áçøãìéú, îùåí ãúðï (èäøåú ô"ç î"è) 'äðöå÷ åä÷èôøñ àéï çéáåø' - åàéï ëàï î' ñàä áî÷åí àçã, àò"ô ùéù äøáä ìîòìä åìîèä.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that one cannot Tovel in a Chard'lis (rain-water rushing down a slope) because of the Mishnah in Taharos (8:9), which forbids Toveling in a waterfall or on a slope', because, he says, there is not forty Sa'ah in one spot, even though there is a lot more that forty Sa'ah above and below it.

åáçðí ôéøù ëï, ãàôéìå éù ëîä ñàéï áàåúå îãøåï, àñåø ìèáåì áå ...


Refutation: Rashi need not have said that however, because, irrespective of how many Sa'ah there are on the slope, it is forbidden to Tovel on a slope ...

ãî÷åä àéðå îèäø áæåçìéï, ëãúðéà áú"ë "àê îòéï åáåø ... " - 'àé îä îòéï îèäø áæåçìéï, àó î÷åä ... ', ú"ì "àê îòéï åáåø", 'îòéï îèäø áæåçìéï, åî÷åä áàùáåøï'.


Explanation #2: ... since a Mikvah is not Metaher via flowing water, as we learned in a Beraisa in Toras Kohanim - "Ach Ma'yan u'Bor (only a fountain and a pit)" ... 'Perhaps just as a fountain is Metaher with flowing water, so too is a Mikvah?' Therefore the Torah writes "Ach Ma'yan u'Bor" - a fountain is Metaher via flowing water, but a Mikvah only via a gathering of water.

åá÷åðèøñ äáéàä ôø÷ áîä àùä (ùáú ãó ñä: ã"ä åñáø).


Observation: Rashi himself cites this Toras Kohanim in 'Bamah Ishah' (Shabbos 65b DH 've'Savar').



úåñ' ã"ä ãúðï îèáéìéï áøàùéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why we need two Mishnahs to teach us this Din.)

÷öú úéîä, ãàé îùðä äéà, îä öøéê ìàùîåòéðï úøé æéîðé ãîèáéìéï áøàùéï?


Question: If we already know from one Mishnah that one is permitted to Tovel 'be'Roshin', why do we need a second Mishnah to teach us the same thing?

åùîà ääåà ãîèáéìéï áøàùéï àééøé îãàåøééúà, ãåîéà ãàéï îèáéìéï áëéôéï, ãäåé îãàåøééúà ...


Answer (Part 1): Perhaps the Mishnah (of 'Matbilin be'Roshin') is speaking mi'd'Oraysa, similar to 'Ein Matbilin be'Kifin', which is also mi'd'Oraysa ...

åáääéà ã'âì ùðúìù àùîåòéðï ãàôéìå îãøáðï ìà âæøéðï'.


Answer (Part 2): Whereas the Mishnah of 'Gal she'Nislach' is coming to teach us that the Chachamim did not forbid it mi'de'Rabbanan either.



úåñ' ã"ä åôéøåú äøé äï áëé éåúï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Din of Muchshar Lekabeil Tum'ah regarding fruit that is in a gathering of water.)

äééðå ìàçø ùäòìí, ãëì æîï ùäï îçåáøéï áîéí ìà îéúëùøé ...


Clarification: That is only after he removed them from the water, because as long as they are joined to the water, they cannot become Muchshar ...

ëãúðï áîñëú îëùéøéï (ô"ã î"å) 'ðãä ùäéúä îãéçä öðåï áîòøä, èäåø; äòìúäå ëì ùäåà, èîà' - ôéøåù, ãàæ äåëùøå.


Source: ... as we learned in the Mishnah in Maseches Machshirin (4:6) 'If a Nidah is washing a radish in a cave, it is Tahor; the moment she removes it from the water, even partially, it becomes Tamei' - by which the Tana means 'Muchshar ...

åäà ãàîø ô"÷ ãôñçéí (ãó èæ.) ãàéëà úøé ÷øàé ìòðéï äëùø, çã áúìåùéï åçã áîçåáøéï, åöøéëé ...


Implied Question: .. and when the Gemara in the first Perek of Pesachim (16a) explains that there are two Pesukim regarding Hechsher, one regarding Mechubar; the other, regarding Talush, and both are needed (implying that Mechubar is subject to becoming Muchshar)?

äééðå ëùðôìå áîçåáøéï, ãîéúëùøé ìàçø ùäòìí.


Answer: ... that is speaking where the fruit fell into water that was Mechubar, which becomes Muchshar when it is removed from it ...

åàò"ô ùàæ äí úìåùéï...


Implied Question: ... even though they are then Talush (so why is it not obvious)?

îëì î÷åí àöèøéê, îùåí ãáúçìú ãéáå÷ï äéå áîéí îçåáøéí.


Answer: It nevertheless needs to teach us that it is Tamei, even though the initial connection was made when the water was Mechubar.



úåñ' ã"ä äåà ñáø ãéçåéé ÷à îãçé ìéä ðô÷ ã÷ åàùëç ãúðéà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rava thought that Rav Nachman was pushing him away, in spite of the Mishnah in Machshirin.)

åà"ú, àîàé ñáø ãîãçé ìéä, åäìà ëáø æä ã÷ã÷ îï äîùðä, ã÷úðé 'éãéå èäåøåú!' åîä îã÷ã÷ éåúø îáøééúà æå?


Question: Why did Rava think that Rav Nachman was pushing him off, bearing in mind that he already learned that from the Mishnah in Machshirin?

åé"ì, ãéù çéìå÷ áéï èáéìú ëì âåôå ìðèéìú éãéí, ãèáéìú âåôå çîéøà èôé.


Answer: There is a difference between Toveling one's entire body and Toveling one's hands, in that the former is more stringent.

åëï öøéê ìåîø áñîåê - ãôøéê îñúí îùðä ìø' éåçðï, åîùðé ãùçéèä àôéìå ø' éåçðï îåãä.


Extention (Part 1): ... and one also needs to answer like this shortly, where the Gemara queries Rebbi Yochanan from a S'tam Mishnah, and answers that even Rebbi Yochanan concedes by Shechitah (that one does not need Kavanah).

åàëúé ú÷ùé ìéä îùðä ãîñëú îëùéøéï (ô"ã î"æ)?


Question: Why does the Gemara not query Rebbi Yochanan further from the Mishnah in Machshirin (4:6)?

àìà èáéìú éãéí ùàðé.


Answer: The answer must therefore be that washing the hands is different.



úåñ' ã"ä ðäé ãìà áòéðï ëååðä ìæáéçä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Gemara's answer.)

ôéøåù - ìäúéøä áæáéçä æå, ìçúéëä îéäà áòéðï; ôéøåù ìçúéëú ñéîðéí, ëãôøéùéú.


Clarification: This means that we do not need Kavanah to permit the animal to be eaten, though we do need the intention to cut the Simanim.